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Two Tool Projects

Blair from Toolband/Army took some time today to “clarify” an email he received questioning the April Newsletter – the one about the business meeting. Here’s his response:

That mentioned in the April (1) newsletter had NOTHING to do with the
all-Tool issue of “Revolver” Magazine, although at this time I am still
not able to disclose any further information about any decision made by
the band as to whether it’s a go or not. It’s my belief, however, that
if it is a go, this will most likely be leaked on the Net before I get
a chance to post it. Perhaps it already has been (I’m not really sure).
Also, with regards to my last ToolArmy exclusive, that involves an
entirely different project that is most definitely a go (Again, please
be patient).

The last ToolArmy exclusive, was Camella’s picture of the sunset, and the “good things are coming” line.

For me, this post would suggest that there is perhaps a good reason to expect some more tour dates. I can’t imagine some kind of recording would leak online before they would post news of it, and in the past tour dates have been leaked before they are officially confirmed.

The second project I’d speculate is some kind of change or update to Toolarmy, hence the Toolarmy exclusive. Maybe work is afoot to update the site. I guess we’ll find out eventually.

What do you guys reckon is going on?

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16 years ago

maybe some Pusifer tour dates???? A Perfect Circle dates??? I dunno

Hopefully a new TOOL album!!!!

Or a live DVD!!! These are my thoughts?

16 years ago

The first one = Guitar Hero/Rock Band
The second one = writing for the new album or new website design

16 years ago

[quote comment=”34032″]The first one = Guitar Hero/Rock Band
The second one = writing for the new album or new website design[/quote]

Ugh, guitar hero…I hope you’re wrong.

16 years ago

I think more Tour Dates is a possibility. Combine Blair’s comment about the “news” probably leaking before he can post it goes right along with the 2 rumored dates that you posted over the last couple of days. The only other things I can think of are a video for The Pot or a Live DVD(highly unlikely according to what they think of the live experience and recording it). Returning so quickly with an album or with more tour dates seems very out of character looking at Tool’s history. I guess only time will tell. I just hope it’s not… Read more »

16 years ago

A Live DVD / Movie (maybe Live DVD + some movie/clip-like content on it too)

And a tour so that we don’t get upset that there will be no new album anytime soon maybe?

Trout Mask
Trout Mask
16 years ago

It’ll probably be a web design update, maybe, all though even that seems unlikely, they’ve still got shit from AEnima incorporated in the current design.
The Pot video would be my second guess, but the tour also fits. I hope they do some quick US dates and get their arse back to Aus like they promised, their already 7 months late.

16 years ago

I’ll bet a website redesign is coming down the pipeline soon, even if its not one of the news bits that Blair is talking about. They were working on some new layouts some time back and chose only to redesign the homepage, so that’s likely. Besides, the current one gets no love as it stands. 10KD isn’t even listed on the discography page. The way they’re talking about this “go/no go” stuff makes me think it doesn’t have to do with a new album OR tour dates. Those are both things you would think they’d have set in stone before… Read more »

16 years ago

uh april (1).. april (1) .. april (1) .. think real hard now..

first one = nothing
second one = (most probably) nothing

i wouldnt get excited about anything tool related for a few years. pretend its 2003.. 2 years after lateralus. nothing happened for a long time and i think very little will happen this time round either.

16 years ago

in keeping with the current ALL TOOL trend
i’m hoping for an ALL TOOL version of Rockband!
similiar to teh Aerosmith guitar hero, except not totally lame 🙂
and it needs to be actually get released in Australia!

well maybe dreaming is a more appropriate word

I’d prefer they didnt tour right now, despite their promises (mainly cos i can’t afford tickets at the moment)
instead they should go all prolific and push out music at a quicker rate than usual, hopefully without compromising their excellence

i’m sure i’ll be presently suprised though *fingers crossed*

16 years ago

The first thing that springs to mind, for no particular reason, is the thought of a Live DVD. I seem to recall some time far back in the distant past (I think it was around the time that life on earth left the oceans to check out this new-fangled ‘land’ thingy), hearing that they were filming shows for a Live DVD.

The second thing that springs to mind is that Blair said it, therefore it must not be true, so probably nothing is happening at all…

cynical much?

16 years ago

again, april 1. what do we know about april 1. someone please acknowledge this so i know im not crazy.

16 years ago

okay heres my new thoughts of the new announcement that might happen

1st = new Tour dates

2nd = new and improved SET list for the tour (including an encore song or 2)?

**crossing fingers**

16 years ago

anything except MTV cribs would be just about fine with me. ( dont know how much i would like a tool porno either though- could be interesting).

16 years ago

Ugh. Nothing against Tool being in rock band/guitar hero or getting a new website, but if THOSE are the big secrets we’re getting all excited about I’m going to be very disappointed. Has to be better than that. One of these secrets had better be a new CD. And it better not be The Pot. We’ve already heard about that. It’s not a secret. And it was due two years ago. I actually forgot about it. From Wikipedia/10,000 Days: “A video for “The Pot” was scheduled to shoot over the 2006 holiday season.” If they’re really trying to pass off… Read more »

16 years ago

[quote comment=”34047″] One of these secrets had better be a new CD. And it better not be The Pot. We’ve already heard about that. It’s not a secret. And it was due two years ago. I actually forgot about it. From Wikipedia/10,000 Days: “A video for “The Pot” was scheduled to shoot over the 2006 holiday season.” If they’re really trying to pass off the video for The Pot as a new secret project that they’re just announcing, forget it, we’re never getting a new album.[/quote] I don’t mean to sound condescending, but this is how it’s always been with… Read more »

16 years ago


thats true …. Disturbed’s new album will be out soon and I will be listening to that for a while, while I wait for a Tool announcement!!

16 years ago

[quote comment=”34048″][quote comment=”34047″] One of these secrets had better be a new CD. And it better not be The Pot. We’ve already heard about that. It’s not a secret. And it was due two years ago. I actually forgot about it. From Wikipedia/10,000 Days: “A video for “The Pot” was scheduled to shoot over the 2006 holiday season.” If they’re really trying to pass off the video for The Pot as a new secret project that they’re just announcing, forget it, we’re never getting a new album.[/quote] I don’t mean to sound condescending, but this is how it’s always been… Read more »

16 years ago

1 = Tool will be no longer.

2= ALL members will form a new band together with a 5th member: Richard Devine. This new band will be known as: Owehga. All future releases will be digital exclusives and subsequently, fully interactive subdomain websites.


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