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Fourtheye Beta Site

Hi Everyone,

As you know I’ve been working on redesigning Fourtheye. Well, it’s been tough working on the new design on the current site, because there are various plugins, features and widgets I want to add and remove to the new one. As a result modifying the current Fourtheye page without breaking the existing themes can be a little tricky.

So, to cope with this, I’ve created a Fourtheye Beta site. This site contains the theme I am currently working and a couple of plugins I’m starting to use, such as the excellent Lightbox plugin (click on a picture to see what I mean). This site works on a parrallel database to Fourtheye, and while I’ll be porting posts from the current one to the beta site, I will not be carrying across comments and such. If you have a comment to make, unless is specifically for the Beta site, then make it at the main Fourtheye page.

Hopefully, once the redesign is completed over the coming weeks, you’ll see the new beta version take over from the existing one. and hopefully I couple of other exciting features I’m thinking about implementing.

Comments on the look and the feel of the new theme are more than welcome, however bear in mind the layout and colouring of the site are very much still up in the air. Suggestions here are always appreciated.

Finally, there seems to be some kind of slowdown with Fourtheye under Fx3. I’m not sure what the problem is, but I believe it’s related to the most recent theme (the bright orange/red one that people like complaining about). Switch to one of the older themes and I think you’ll find this a lot less noticable.


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Trout Mask
Trout Mask
16 years ago

Good shit. Nice and simple, no fucked up backgrounds getting in the way of the text. Looked pretty easy to navigate. I like.

16 years ago

me too. that picture thing is very cool

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