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Update Complete (for now)

The Fourtheye Theme and WordPress update is now complete. I hope you enjoy the simpler, and hopefully for compatable layout. New features include:

  • Article Tags.  Tags have been applied to each and every article, and should hopefully give you guys a better way to search for information on this site.
  • Rumour Mill. On the right sidebar is the Rumour Mill center.  As I hear Tool (and other related acts) rumours or news, they will be posted here.  This way you can get an idea of what’s coming soon at a glance, and also lessen the load for those of you constantly asking for details (not that I really mind answering your emailed questions).
  • New Logo.  Thanks to J Pirro for the logo.  For those of you who think it looks familiar, it was actually the winner of the Fourtheye Logo contest, that at the time I decided to not use.  After revisiting it a month or so ago, I thought it complimented the new layout pretty well.
  • Tip Jar. One the top right is a Tip Jar.  Keeping Fourtheye online costs me around AU$100-150 (depending on the value of the Aussie Dollar), not to mention the hours of my own time I put into it.  While this site will remain free, donations supporting the site and server costs are always appreciated.

That’s about it for now.  I think it’s all working well, i’ve made some changes to the Avatars, and reenabled Gravatars for those that prefer them (and OpenAvatar too as well apparently).  There was a little PHP error that came up when I did that, but I think it may be gone now.  If anyone spots it then let me know.  Also I suspect there is a small problem with the Tag Cloud in Internet Explorer.  Being a Firefox user, I really don’t give a fuck, but will take a look into this later, as I know I’ll be bombarded by IE die-hards!

Feedback on the changes (good or bad) always appreciated!  See you around!


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16 years ago

Ewww. Sorry hellboy, the old layout was much better. I keep thinking I’m seeing a glitched up version of the new design, but I empty the browser cache and its still there.

The red color palette and the background were cool before, this new one just looks really plain and empty. imo.

16 years ago

Ok, here ya go:

Seems like the old one had an artsier design. In a good way.

16 years ago

Sorry, don’t like it! Didn’t like the old one at first either though, but it grew on me.

16 years ago

I dunno, I kinda like it from a functional standpoint. The last was certainly pretty with the impressionist 10K Days logo, but this one’s a lot easier to read. Which, you know, kinda matters as it’s a blog and not an art piece. Good job with it!

16 years ago

I like it!

the logo is very cool – I was never a fan of the style you picked after the logo contest, to be honest.

I would have picked some colour other than purple for the borders, though… 🙂

16 years ago

i like it mate, finally i can read the body text without squinting or rolling the text back and forth over the background.
good job

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