Blair has posted the October/Halloween Tool Newsletter, which mainly outlines his and Danny‘s trip to the Guitar Hero World Tour party in LA. A somewhat interesting read, but I’m sure most Tool finds will find the following statement much more interesting:
Oh, one more thing: “No”, GHWT wasn’t “the big thing” (your words) alluded to in earlier posts. I believe that’s still a go. In the meantime, keep on rocking in the irised spotlight!..
Very good news!
[quote comment=””]Very good news![/quote]
I just hope and pray the news has nothing to do with puscifer.
[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]Very good news![/quote] I just hope and pray the news has nothing to do with puscifer.[/quote]
I’d be very surprised if it was Puscifer news…
[quote comment=””][quote comment=””][quote comment=””]Very good news![/quote] I just hope and pray the news has nothing to do with puscifer.[/quote] I’d be very surprised if it was Puscifer news…[/quote]
Me to. Suprised and extremly disapointed.