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Maynard working on new A Perfect Circle?

According to a recent Blabbermouth post, Maynard told Pulse of Radio that he’s been working with Billy Howerdel on some A Perfect Circle tracks:

“I doubt if we’ll do any touring or, you know, do a full album,” he said. “We might do some one-off shows here and there if the timing’s right and it seems like a good vibe and a smart thing to do. But most likely we’ll just kind of concentrate on, you know, one or two songs at a time, rather than investing all the time and money and effort into making those plastic discs that no one cares about anymore.”

I can never find links to the Pulse of Radio interviews on-line (I suspect it’s some kind of radio station) but I think this came from the same interview I quoted yesterday where Maynard mention he expected Tool to be working together again next year.  Personally I hope Maynard finds more time for Tool sooner, rather than playing around with APC again.

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16 years ago

“Personally I hope Maynard finds more time for Tool sooner, rather than playing around with APC again.”


16 years ago

[quote comment=””]”Personally I hope Maynard finds more time for Tool sooner, rather than playing around with APC again.” Agreed.[/quote]

I guess this means ashed divide isnt doing so well witout the chosen one.

16 years ago

I’d be surprised if ashes divide split already, maybe a couple people in the touring band just called it quits. I thought that was Billy’s deal, so it wouldn’t just “break up” like that.

Some more original material from A Perfect Circle would be awesome, and I think is longer overdue than another Tool record.

16 years ago

[quote comment=””]Personally new APC wouldn’t bother me too much as long as it were Mer De Noms or Thirteenth Step quality rather than eMotive.  But if given the choice between Tool and APC I’d pick Tool everytime.[/quote] I will take Tool everytime over APC.

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