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Golf with Maynard “totally worth it”

According to an article on Wired, Tool fan Thomas Mrzyglocki had a ball with Josh Freese as part of the $20 000 Since 1972 package.  Amongst other things he got to play Mini-Golf with Maynard:

For the golf outing, Mrzyglocki and Freese were joined by Keenan, Joe Escalante (who plays bass in Freese’s punk rock band The Vandals), several friends and a cameraman who recorded the match for posterity.

Famous bullshitter Keenan went on a spiel about being a Putt-Putt golf champion in his younger days, Mrzyglocki said.

“He backed it up with a crazy, lucky hole-in-one on the first shot,” said Mrzyglocki. “I believed him for the first hole.”

Sounds like he had a great time, and it’s an interesting article well worth reading.

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15 years ago

Hopefully we can expect this on youtube sometime soon.

15 years ago

Okay I’ll admit I’m a little jealous, but spending $20,000 to play a round of minigolf is pretty douchey.

15 years ago

Jesus fucking Christ he’s 19 even, where did he get that kind of disposable cash.

15 years ago

Okay so it was more like a week, that’s still a fuckton of money.

Dan S
Dan S
15 years ago

[quote comment=”34683″]Jesus fucking Christ he’s 19 even, where did he get that kind of disposable cash.[/quote]

according to Josh.. “He’s a sweet 19 year old kid who’s had a really rough last couple years (like REALLY fucking rough.) Like….this money he spent to come out here is part of a inheritance he received (you can fill in the blanks there.) I feel like his big brother and I’m trying to make this one of the best weeks of his life.”

15 years ago

i’m not digging all the hating comments on josh’s page about this guy.  even if he didn’t have a rough time – if you have the money, why not?  and hell yea, hellboy, i would do the 75k package at the drop of a hat.  shrooms and danny’s lambo?  people are just jealous. 

15 years ago

Yeah I didn’t read that til after I posted. If I were Freese and believed what I was writing about that kid I probably wouldn’t charge him for it, or at least take half off or something if its his inheritence from his parents. Even if I spent a week with him taking the money after hearing that would just feel whorish.

Oh well, I hope he puts the minigolf video up on youtube.

15 years ago

Ill bet that Maynard took this kid on the side and said. I know that the advertisement said that this game will be posted on youtube. But I will sue your ass for the rest of the your inheritance if I ever see it online. Comprende?

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