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Maynard talks about Puscifer & Vegas

Daniel emailed me a link to this interesting Maynard/Puscifer interview today:

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15 years ago

just in case you haven’t posted this (you probably have), i just saw crank 2 (since patton does the score) and maynard makes a brief appearance. pretty funny stuff.

15 years ago

I’m usually not one to say this, but he really has lost his mind hasn’t he? But more power to him, I’m not one to judge such things…

15 years ago


15 years ago


For the sake of the next Tool record, lets hope he’s lost his mind…

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]achip, For the sake of the next Tool record, lets hope he’s lost his mind…[/quote]

Yeah I hear that. All good artists are a bit crazy, but that’s what makes them produce good stuff that is unique.

As for the sake of the next record, let’s hope he’s lost his mind AND he’s taking some very potent shit 

15 years ago

[quote comment=”34722″]achip, For the sake of the next Tool record, lets hope he’s lost his mind…[/quote]

Good point…

15 years ago

Too bad Youtube videos don’t work for me. I really wish I could see it.

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]Too bad Youtube videos don’t work for me. I really wish I could see it.[/quote] Why don’t they work?  What’s the problem?[/quote] There will be no Tool tour. I hate to be the bringer of bad news. Let me start out by saying I sincerely hope that I am wrong. However I have a feeling I am not. If the swine flu continues to mutate which experts agree it will. There will be no tours or festivals played by any band for quite a long while. The virus has nearly covered N America in less than a week.… Read more »

15 years ago

[quote comment=””] There will be no Tool tour. [/quote]

Could be bad news,  could be good….  Hopefully, if it does all go to the shitter (there had better be refunds as well…), they will go into the studio to kill the time, and flop out a new album. That would be great, but its very unlikely, I suppose.

We shall see what happens…

Leo Monzo
15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=”34727″] There will be no Tool tour.[/quote] I can’t see the swine flu affecting the tour. From what I’m seeing the media is blowing this whole swine flu thing way out of proportion.[/quote] I from mexico and i agree with “hellboy”… it’s all out of proportion… the news say like.. oohh… new 1200 cases…but only 8 confirmed!!…wtf!??..  (and im being serious with the numers).. and from now to may i believe this will be quite over…and even if u close the borders there are already somes flu cases in the USA… well whatever… time will let us know… Read more »

15 years ago

2009 Deaths from swine flu in the US = 1
2009 Deaths from the plain old fashioned flu = 13000
Everyone freak out!

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]the media is blowing this whole swine flu thing way out of proportion[/quote]

True that. The WHO arent doing it any favours – this phase 5 nonsense means that major restrictions could start being put in place even though they’re not needed. Just like the bird flu rubbish, it will all be forgotten in a wee while… I suppose we need our thrills, cause tragedy thrills us. (had to be done…)

15 years ago

Does this mean there’ll be a bacon shortage? cause I really do dig on swine.

Is swine…is good!

Could it be a covert religious revolt against the pork loving people of the world? Damn, what are we to do with all that apple sauce?

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