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Blair’s Cryptic Post

Blair Someone has posted another cryptic article on Toolband/Army today, this time alluding to preparation for the upcoming tour:

I and a few others have to go to California next week to start getting some things ready for this summer run. I’ve had some work here that I could have dragged through the coming week but decided to gracefully duck out of it and grant myself some freetime before departure. Had a storm come in today from over the tops of the Adirondack mountains that drove a pine tree into my driveway. That should take one day to deal with. My uncles boat got blown off its mooring and ended up near the beach.That should take another day to deal with. My dad is 78 years old and blind in one eye and has to go in for his drivers exam-road test! Probably half the afternoon on Thursday. The whole afternoon if he starts making threats at the DMV… The Captain is in Moscow, leaving Miz Kalashnikov and myself to plan out the next couple of weeks. Junior is pissed at me, I think. Should probably deal with that tomorrow… I asked for it anyway. Lesson: Always give yourself a little bit more time than you think you might need.

Looks like it’s ripe for decoding, for those that are inclined.  I did I quick search and noticed that the Adirondack Mountains are in New York State, so perhaps those from that area shouldn’t give up hope.

Of course this could all mean nothing – time will tell…

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15 years ago

‘Junior is pissed at me, I think. Should probably deal with that tomorrow… I asked for it anyway. Lesson: Always give yourself a little bit more time than you think you might need.’

I don’t know who exactly junior is, but I’ve read somewhere he plays a major part in setting up Tool’s stage show and lighting?

Maybe he’s pissed off because Tool want him to make up some new light show and effects or whatever instead of recycling the 10K days stuff, which would be cool

15 years ago

‘Had a storm come in today from over the tops of the Adirondack mountains that drove a pine tree into my driveway. That should take one day to deal with.’

Haha that made me think of disposition ‘watch the weather change’ and reflection ‘pine away’….taking the pine tree out of his drive? lol. Maybe they are practising their songs or something. Couldn’t find a triad reference though!

15 years ago

An addition was made to the story at the site…

“Obviously this was written by Eric and intended for “Notes From the Crew.” – BMB”

Sorry all you decoders.  Not to say I didn’t give it a once over though…

15 years ago

Junior is Tool’s lighting Creative Assistant and Director.

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]Junior is Tool’s lighting Creative Assistant and Director.[/quote]

Just a note from one of the set up crew guys. Was supposed to be posted in a different area of the tool army site……

15 years ago

Maybe Eric is in fact alluding to different songs they are playing. As in, one problem to deal with during the course of the day translates to working on one song.

weather pine = d/r/t
father being blind in one eye taking a driving test = third eye

dont actually think im right but im just throwing it out there 😛

15 years ago

‘Had a storm come in today from over the tops of the Adirondack mountains that drove a pine tree into my driveway. That should take one day to deal with.’
Haha that made me think of disposition ‘watch the weather change’ and reflection ‘pine away’….taking the pine tree out of his drive? lol. Maybe they are practising their songs or something. Couldn’t find a triad reference though!
Maybe the 3 days is refering to Triad and they will be playing these songs.

15 years ago

It was indeed Eric (the stage manager) mis-posting something that was meant for “Notes from the Crew”. He hasn’t posted anything in awhile, and I’m guessing he hit the wrong option for posting by mistake. He lives in Vermont, which is why he was referencing a lot of Northeastern places. There are no hidden songs in there since NONE of us on the crew have any idea what songs they will be doing this summer. They’re still working that out, themselves, and aren’t even sure about it. He reckons I’m pissed at him for something that is completely unrelated to… Read more »

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]I’m one of the last people on earth that wants to “recycle the 10,000 Days stuff”. There will be some new stuff, but at the core the system is probably going to resemble the basic structure of the “10,000 Days” tour. Completely starting over from scratch for a 3 week tour wouldn’t make any sense for a lot of reasons.[/quote] Hopefully Tool can debut their new stage show in Australia in 2010 ;)[/quote]

amen to that.  i keep having this nightmare where tool announces their australian tour during the middle of my final year 12 exams.

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””] There is no reason I would be upset about making the show better. I’m one of the last people on earth that wants to “recycle the 10,000 Days stuff”. There will be some new stuff, but at the core the system is probably going to resemble the basic structure of the “10,000 Days” tour. Completely starting over from scratch for a 3 week tour wouldn’t make any sense for a lot of reasons.[/quote] Yeah of course, I didn’t mean to sound offensive or anything, I was just trying to work out in my head what this meant:… Read more »

15 years ago

Well I sure fucked those quotations up

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