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Offline by Matthew Santoro

Posted on Toolband/Army today is a quick article talking about a new Sci-Fi movie from Matthew Santoro called Offline. The movie, as well as looking pretty cool apparently takes some influence from Adam Jones:

My goal was to make a dark and gritty sci-fi/horror based cybernetic dream experience type thing with a couple of good friends, a camera, some duct tape, and a computer. Pure Gorilla as they call it. Adam Jones was a huge influence during this creative process. I look at him like a master Jedi and director/creator of all things awesome, his work pretty much speaks for itself. I remember as a kid watching the TOOL videos that Adam directed and being completely enthralled almost mesmerized like a moth to a flame. I’ve never seen anything like this before but I know one thing… I like it. His work opened my mind to another plane that I didn’t even know existed. Later in life we became friends and when I told him I wanted to direct my own film he gave me an important piece of advise that I’ve kept with me everyday of production. He basically said to look at every shot like a piece of art. If your going to put your name on something make sure its something YOU are happy with (emphasis on YOU) because if you truly consider it to be a piece of art then in a way it is a reflection of yourself.

The movies looks great and a trailer can be seen here.

Possibly the most important part for Tool fans is the following snippet:

Look for more of Matt’s stunning art in a future Tool project (i.e. “the big thing”)

To me this suggests to me that the “big thing” will be some form of DVD.

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15 years ago

should be noted that he is also in the process of completing the “20 minutes/40 years” music video from isis’ new and fucking amazing album “wavering radiant”

15 years ago

Oh my crap.  I hope this big thing is the Live Tool DVD, and he helps produce some bonus features, or interviews, or the DVD menu, or… something.  I would die of pants-shitting excitement.  Probably from pooping out vital organs. 

Maybe it’s just a music video for The Pot or Rosetta Stoned, which would still be awesome.  But one can dream…

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]Oh my crap.  I hope this big thing is the Live Tool DVD, and he helps produce some bonus features, or interviews, or the DVD menu, or… something.  I would die of pants-shitting excitement.  Probably from pooping out vital organs.  Maybe it’s just a music video for The Pot or Rosetta Stoned, which would still be awesome.  But one can dream…[/quote]I neww something big was coming besides the summer tour I thinks its 02 tour dvd 

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]Oh my crap.  I hope this big thing is the Live Tool DVD, and he helps produce some bonus features, or interviews, or the DVD menu, or… something.  I would die of pants-shitting excitement.  Probably from pooping out vital organs.  Maybe it’s just a music video for The Pot or Rosetta Stoned, which would still be awesome.  But one can dream…[/quote]I neww something big was coming besides the summer tour I thinks its 02 tour dvd [/quote]

It’s not a DVD and it’s not a live show.

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””][quote comment=””]Oh my crap.  I hope this big thing is the Live Tool DVD, and he helps produce some bonus features, or interviews, or the DVD menu, or… something.  I would die of pants-shitting excitement.  Probably from pooping out vital organs.  Maybe it’s just a music video for The Pot or Rosetta Stoned, which would still be awesome.  But one can dream…[/quote]I neww something big was coming besides the summer tour I thinks its 02 tour dvd [/quote] It’s not a DVD and it’s not a live show.[/quote]

he didnt say it wasn’t the pot video? haha

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””][quote comment=””][quote comment=””]he didnt say it wasn’t the pot video? haha[/quote]

It’s not the pot video

15 years ago

Wow that film could be great as long as it has a decent plot. The setting and atmosphere look awesome.

“If you’re going to put your name on something make sure its something YOU are happy with, because if you truly consider it to be a piece of art then in a way it is a reflection of yourself.”

Thats some good shit.

15 years ago

I saw on Matt Santoro’s website he has done a lot of web design projects.  Is there something in the works for

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]Junior, I saw on Matt Santoro’s website he has done a lot of web design projects. Is there something in the works for[/quote]

there have been talks about an update for toolband/toolarmy for a while now… that would be my guess as to what “the big thing is”…

15 years ago

Update for the website? Artwork for the new album? A documentary or feature Film?

15 years ago

i sure as shit hope it ain’t the pot video (which, junior’s comment didn’t clearly rule out to me) and not some bullshit web redesign.

i’ll be happy if toolarmy/toolband/dissectional is redone, but fuck, who cares?  unless it’s so good it makes me want to cry.

danny has said before that tool would love to do a “The Wall”-like movie…  junior’s comment also did not clearly rule that one out, if by “it’s not a DVD” he only meant it’s not a live DVD. 

15 years ago

Mathew will be doing the artwork for the new cd.]

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]Mathew will be doing the artwork for the new cd.][/quote]


15 years ago

mmm…  that’s true – that’s neither a DVD, nor the pot video…

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]mmm…  that’s true – that’s neither a DVD, nor the pot video…[/quote]

quite perplexing…. what will it be :O

15 years ago

don’t believe the hype…

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]don’t believe the hype…[/quote]

What hype? Junior and Blair have confirmed something big is coming. Blair mentioned it last year. Lets summarize what has been ruled out.

1. It is not the summer tour
2. It is not a website update
3. It is not a tool movie
4. It is not the pot video
5. It is not a live show

Feel free to confirm or deny list above Junior. (Please do)

15 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]don’t believe the hype…[/quote] What hype? Junior and Blair have confirmed something big is coming. Blair mentioned it last year. Lets summarize what has been ruled out. 1. It is not the summer tour 2. It is not a website update 3. It is not a tool movie 4. It is not the pot video 5. It is not a live show Feel free to confirm or deny list above Junior. (Please do)[/quote] Could it possibly be the new album? I mean, they didn’t say when the big thing was coming, did they? Maybe a single from the… Read more »

15 years ago

quote] Could it possibly be the new album? I mean, they didn’t say when the big thing was coming, did they? Maybe a single from the new album? What if there is a new member of the band? (Devo or Adam Monroe come to mind) Very unlikely, but that would be huge news for us Tool fans. If junior isn’t lying about the things he says it’s not, then there aren’t many things that could be considered BIG things. A website re-design is worthless to me, since I rarely use the site, and I’m sure there are a lot of… Read more »

15 years ago

[quote comment=””]quote]What hype? Junior and Blair have confirmed something big is coming. Blair mentioned it last year. Lets summarize what has been ruled out. 1. It is not the summer tour 2. It is not a website update 3. It is not a tool movie 4. It is not the pot video 5. It is not a live show Feel free to confirm or deny list above Junior. (Please do) [/quote] I don’t think I denied all of that stuff. This “Big Thing” business has been brewing and being bantered about for almost a year and a half, now. I… Read more »

15 years ago

‘While not a total impossibility in my mind, still the news was rather startling… stunning might be a better word, knowing the attitude of the band in question about certain things. Even to those with only a superficial interest in the band, I’m fairly certain that the decision seemed a bit odd… if not disconcerting, and I couldn’t help but wonder what caused such a change of heart?’ If that comment from Blair is relating to the ‘Big Thing’, then I’m pretty sure that rules out a website update and a video for ‘The Pot’. Also we know it is… Read more »

13 years ago

So is there anything new on this at all?  Has anyone heard about the website update or some sort of project that Matthew Santoro is working on?

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