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Adam Queried at recent Fundraising Event

dustinspoly from Toolarmy also headed along to the recent Doctors Without Borders fundraiser, and he took the opportunity to as Adam a couple of questions we’re all dieing to know the answer to:

Why don’t they do H, 3rd Eye, Prison Sex or Hooker with a Penis live anymore?

AJ: Because Maynard picks the set list he feels comfortable with singing.

What music video they’re working on?

AJ: I am working on a new music video for Tool.  No more CGI it was a pain in the ass.

What was your favorite video out of all the Tool videos you created?

AJ: I like them all.

My favorite was Parabola

AJ: I love that one too it was a challenge to build the forest that Tricky was walking through.

What song is the new video going to be for?

AJ: I wish I could say but I am sworn to keep it on the hush until it’s done. But you will love it… I am doing some amazing special effect work on it.

Anything interesting he mention about the live shows?

AJ: A couple new visuals added for the mini tour…

Are the future projects Tool related or Adam solo projects?

AJ: We are in the finishing aspects of the writing process for the new album.

Will this be your last tour?

AJ: No way we love touring.

Thanks to Bellami for letting me know about the post on Toolarmy.

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15 years ago

[quote post=”2078″]What song is the new video going to be for?

AJ: I wish I could say but I am sworn to keep it on the hush until it’s done. But you will love it… I am doing some amazing special effect work on it.[/quote]

Didn’t Adam already say a while ago that it was The Pot?

15 years ago

Maybe it is just me, but I would feel extremely uncomfortable asking any member of the band why they do not tend to play certain songs often or anymore.

Anyway, good stuff (especially “no way we love touring!)

15 years ago

yep he mentioned the Pot… it would be great if he’s preparing a video for the 2 Wings. Good to know that they’re really working on a new record. Let’s see which new old songs they’re going to play this tour

15 years ago

Are the future projects Tool related or Adam solo projects?

AJ: We are in the finishing aspects of the writing process for the new album.

Wow. So if this is reliable, I would imagine that an album might come sooner than some expect. Obviously the writing has to be finished, the vocals/lyrics need to be added, the finished product mixed, and the artwork incorporated. So, there are a few steps still left in the process… Even so, it is exciting that the writing process is almost complete!

14 years ago

I remember hearing/reading somewhere that the new video is for Rosetta Stoned… Can anyone back me up on that or remind me where I might have seen it?

14 years ago

I know he talked about “Th Pot” video in a previous magazine but hoping that with as little said about A D A M doing some special fx i’m hoping he changed his mind and is working on a LK/RS DVD… or both. Yeah! I know i’m dreaming again.

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