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New Puscifer EP Artwork

Here’s the artwork for the coming Puscifer EP:

Puscifer EP
Puscifer EP

I thought it was a joke at first (and i guess it still is) however it’s been posted on Toolarmy

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14 years ago

I think the whole Jesus joke thing Maynard has been pulling for the last decade is kind of juvenile and immature. We get it, you believe in Satan so let other people worship Jesus.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]I think the whole Jesus joke thing Maynard has been pulling for the last decade is kind of juvenile and immature. We get it, you believe in Satan so let other people worship Jesus.[/quote]


14 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]I think the whole Jesus joke thing Maynard has been pulling for the last decade is kind of juvenile and immature. We get it, you believe in Satan so let other people worship Jesus.[/quote] Satan?????[/quote]
Maybe it’s more than just about Jesus & Satan – maybe it’s beyond that, or is there a ‘beyond that.’ Of course there is and that’s what the irony of the Jesus references, is about.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””][quote comment=””]I think the whole Jesus joke thing Maynard has been pulling for the last decade is kind of juvenile and immature. We get it, you believe in Satan so let other people worship Jesus.[/quote] Satan?????[/quote] Maybe it’s more than just about Jesus & Satan – maybe it’s beyond that, or is there a ‘beyond that.’ Of course there is and that’s what the irony of the Jesus references, is about.[/quote]

agreed. It is pretty funny too!

14 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””][quote comment=””]I think the whole Jesus joke thing Maynard has been pulling for the last decade is kind of juvenile and immature. We get it, you believe in Satan so let other people worship Jesus.[/quote] Satan?????[/quote] Maybe it’s more than just about Jesus & Satan – maybe it’s beyond that, or is there a ‘beyond that.’ Of course there is and that’s what the irony of the Jesus references, is about.[/quote]
Good thing Jesus stopped building sheds and this whole “Son of God” panned out.

14 years ago

To think that Christianity starts and ends with moronic Yankee Evangelists is a tad bit naive. If you have anything against God then Satan has you wrapped around his little finger. He has no power apart from the ability to deceive and lie. TOOL are absorbed in the occult. Some of you say “oh but the occult is not about worshipping an evil entity”…the truth is behind the pentagrams and the smokey mirrors there lies a more sinister meaning. TOOL have the ability to come out with a few good albums (its been a while though-1996), but they are TOOLS… Read more »

14 years ago

Tool hasn’t recorded anything good since 96? Sounds like something Satan would say.
Who has something against God? Who exactly is this argument aimed at?
Sure there are many of us who question his existence. But who believes in God and is against him?

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Tool hasn’t recorded anything good since 96? Sounds like something Satan would say. Who has something against God? Who exactly is this argument aimed at? Sure there are many of us who question his existence. But who believes in God and is against him?[/quote] Deep: Jesus was trying to tell us something, and I, personally, get what that was; however, if he were to come back incarnate, he would probably laugh himself silly at some of the Jesus irony emanating from at least Maynard. At the very least, Jesus would be sorely pissed-off that a whole religion was named… Read more »

14 years ago

jesus fuckin christ, some people that vist this website have missed Tools message altogether,

Satan??? nothing good since 96???

why dont you do some research and blast Lateralus while your at it. To find the truth one has to investigate many things.

Start here - Terence mckenna

14 years ago

I’m surprised to find here this crap about God and Satan, good and bad, black and white, etc. Have you ever read the lyrics of Tool’s songs ?

14 years ago

[quote]Deep: Jesus was trying to tell us something, and I, personally, get what that was; however, if he were to come back incarnate, he would probably laugh himself silly at some of the Jesus irony emanating from at least Maynard. At the very least, Jesus would be sorely pissed-off that a whole religion was named after him and assumes he is/was the Judeo-Christ. Remember Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross, which could be considered ironic considering he was a carpenter for most of his adult life. Also, a cross looks like a “t”, which could stand for ‘training’ or… Read more »

14 years ago

That is what shits me about Tool fans. Just because you listen to them doesn’t make you any smarter than a Blink 182 fan. So please hide your crayon Philosophy/Theology PHD’s degrees back in your mommys cupboard.

14 years ago

tracklist Polar Bear (m. keenan, j. eustis, m. mitchell, t. o’callaghan) vocals – maynard keenan drums -tim alexander bass – tanya o’callaghan & mat mitchell programming – mat mitchell piano, keyboards – josh eustis The Mission “Renholder mix” (m. keenan, d. lohner, m jovovich) vocals – maynard keenan addt vocals – milla jovovich drums – josh eustis programming – danny lohner Momma Sed “Alive @ Club Nokia” (m keenan, t cummorford, b wilk, j polonsky) vocals – maynard keenan addt vocals – juliette commagere drums – tim alexander drums – gil sharone bass – rani sharone guitar – jonny polonsky… Read more »

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Jesus would not be angry about people worshipping him or the fact that he was on the cross. He sacrificed his life for our sins. I thought Basic Religion 101 classes made that clear? Obviously not…[/quote]   Anyone who is a Christian and who believes the bible really needs to take a look at how and why the gospels were put together. Only some of the stories of jesus were used, ones that didn’t suit were left out. The applies not only to the jesus stories, but to all the letters and writings that make up the ‘good book’… Read more »

14 years ago

First this guy bashes Tool, than Blink, next thing you’ll know he’ll be bashing air conditioners.  They keep us cool in the summer pal.

14 years ago

Absinthe I think you’re missing the big picture…try reading Apologetics. It will start making sense, trust me.

With the whole Bible issue, I guess you haven’t heard of the Greek Bible then?..Guess not.

14 years ago

Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
What you need is someone strong to use you..
Like me,


14 years ago

It’s always amusing to see someone take a stand on an issue, get called on his/her bluff, then ultimately reduce him/herself to a simple-minded name-caller. Tssk, tssk..

14 years ago

hussar, I repeat…
Been there, done that and come out the other side.
But if it works for you, sweet.

14 years ago

A debate about Religion…? I WASN’T EXPECTING THAT.
This is the internet and you have a voice, try not to repeat too much hey?
God this, Satan that.. blah blah blah. What if someone was just having a little joke or expressing themselves? NO FUCKING WAY!

14 years ago

Someone punch something and post a photo of it

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