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The Mission Video

Meats Meier’s new video fro the Puscifer track The Mission is now streaming on Shockhound….

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14 years ago

anyone else having trouble getting toolarmy to load?

14 years ago

TA has been down hard since last night around 8pm Pacific.  Confirmed by other TA members.  Still down as of 8am Pacific today.
Big Change or Same Old Shit?  We’ll see… 8`)

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]TA has been down hard since last night around 8pm Pacific. Confirmed by other TA members. Still down as of 8am Pacific today. Big Change or Same Old Shit? We’ll see… 8`)[/quote]
thanks for the info kittaan..
im guessing same ol shit…  youd think at $40 a person theyd be able to afford a reliable server or two..

14 years ago

Anyone else find this annoying as all hell?

14 years ago

Thanks goodness Adam does the videos for Tool, that’s all I’ll say.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Thanks goodness Adam does the videos for Tool, that’s all I’ll say.[/quote] Indeed. I like Meat’s shit, but this is disappointing.

14 years ago

I never really liked this song.

14 years ago

Toolband is semi-up (some pages loading) but TA is still completely down as of 5:30pm Pacific.
Last time this happened, TA, Toolband AND PussyFur were all down at the same time.  This time Pussy Fur site stayed up.  Not sure of the significance (maybe they just moved Pussy Fur to another host?).
This has been a TA PSA.  Good night/morning
PS – I have to agree that the Meats video underwhelmed me.  I think he’s very talented, but this seemed uninspired.

14 years ago

Love the song, love the video.  Not a huge fan of some of Puscifer’s stuff but this one I am quite fond of.  I’ve enjoyed the song since I downloaded it from the Myspace months ago, and this video gets mad points for originality.  Not conceptually, but visually.  Nicely done.

14 years ago

Also loving the street sign that says ‘DRUG DEALS” and the “Christ’s Love Sale” sign.

14 years ago

have to agree with the guys above. wasnt impressed either, maybe maynard should think about quiting making videos and give us some live footage like trent reznor did, for puscifer at least. i wont hold my breath though.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]
[quote comment=”35554″]thanks for the info kittaan.. im guessing same ol shit… youd think at $40 a person theyd be able to afford a reliable server or two..[/quote]
Doesn’t everyone just read Fourtheye these days?
yes, good point..  this place is more reliable than the official site… its just frustrating how much they neglect and/or just dont care about their website and fan club

14 years ago


Welp this sucks…I had to actually talk to my FAMILY this evening without TA….SIGH.

Ok guys I am joshing..I see that Bella was on! Hi Bells 🙂

Otherwise I have been on John’s fb page…but as usual the JOKES are way above my I guess I will just go to the Hanson forum. Yeah I said it what now?

:P  Sheri

14 years ago

Yeah the official Tool site REALLLY SUCKS. I mean seriously, it doesnt even have updated album information because the retard that runs it doesnt know flash.
Also I can NOT STAND the non stop rambling and pages of bullshit written on the information page. I swear to God that moron needs to be replaced with someone that can actually write a clear message.
Fourtheye has WAAAAY better information that is updated like almost every single day. Its great. Blair should take a lesson from this website. What an asshat.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Yeah the official Tool site REALLLY SUCKS. I mean seriously, it doesnt even have updated album information because the retard that runs it doesnt know flash. Also I can NOT STAND the non stop rambling and pages of bullshit written on the information page. I swear to God that moron needs to be replaced with someone that can actually write a clear message. Fourtheye has WAAAAY better information that is updated like almost every single day. Its great. Blair should take a lesson from this website. What an asshat.[/quote]

14 years ago

This is an awesome video, very creative, and the song is awesome! Nice and refreshing, I hope Maynard really keeps scratching the Pucifer itch, tool can wait : )

14 years ago

Hey Hellboy, has the chat had anybody coming in lately?  Before the site went down I mean.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]
[quote comment=””]Hey Hellboy, has the chat had anybody coming in lately?  Before the site went down I mean.   -jimmyelev(en)[/quote]
Haven’t been on, but TA Chat works just fine (via an IRC client) though it’s just grav and I.  I’m not planning on sticking around until TA is back…
Good call.  No point in sitting awkwardly with Grav while nobody else shows up.  Oh well.

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