I thought Maynard had previously said it’s pronounced Poo-scifer as in rhyming with Lucifer. Has he changed his mind or is he trying to perpetuate the incorrect pronounciation?
15 years ago
It’s a joke. He’s mocking all the people who keep saying it in different ways. Like all the interviewers who are getting paid to ask him questions who don’t know anything about him or his music.
15 years ago
You got a favicon for the site! YES! My dreams have come true!
15 years ago
Pussifur I think is what he was going for. Maybe not.
15 years ago
New Puscifer video is out. Really unimpressive. And I’ve enjoyed most of what he’s done with puscifer. http://www.shockhound.com/ Â – for the new video
Next time he should just dance down the streets in person. Just film that, that would be more entertaining, everyone looking at him “wtf?”
[quote comment=””]New Puscifer video is out. Really unimpressive. And I’ve enjoyed most of what he’s done with puscifer. http://www.shockhound.com/ – for the new video Next time he should just dance down the streets in person. Just film that, that would be more entertaining, everyone looking at him “wtf?”[/quote]
I agree 14712% xDDDD It would be a jillion times better.
lol so randum
I thought Maynard had previously said it’s pronounced Poo-scifer as in rhyming with Lucifer. Has he changed his mind or is he trying to perpetuate the incorrect pronounciation?
It’s a joke. He’s mocking all the people who keep saying it in different ways. Like all the interviewers who are getting paid to ask him questions who don’t know anything about him or his music.
You got a favicon for the site! YES! My dreams have come true!
Pussifur I think is what he was going for. Maybe not.
New Puscifer video is out. Really unimpressive. And I’ve enjoyed most of what he’s done with puscifer.
http://www.shockhound.com/ Â – for the new video
Next time he should just dance down the streets in person. Just film that, that would be more entertaining, everyone looking at him “wtf?”
[quote comment=””]New Puscifer video is out. Really unimpressive. And I’ve enjoyed most of what he’s done with puscifer. http://www.shockhound.com/ – for the new video Next time he should just dance down the streets in person. Just film that, that would be more entertaining, everyone looking at him “wtf?”[/quote]
I agree 14712% xDDDD It would be a jillion times better.