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Puscifer EP Released

Puscifer’s new EP "C" is for (Please Insert Sophomoric Genitalia Reference HERE) is now available for download from iTunes and Amazon.  According to a recent post on Toolband it’s digital only for now, but may come out on vinyl someday.  Also out is the previously released D is for Dubby featuring Lustmord remixes if V is for Vagina.

Have you had a chance to listen yet?  If so, feel free to post your reviews below!

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14 years ago

I like it! It’s definitely different than V is for Vagina. For some reason I’ve been conditioned to shudder when I hear “remix” but the remixes kick ass, and the new songs are pretty sick too. I know there are a lot of Puscifer haters out there, but I’ve liked most of their stuff so far, and this one is no different.
Sorry, not much of a review, but its all I’ve got.

14 years ago

just heard the humbling river, its on the puscifer myspace.. its amazing 🙂 loving this new (polar bear/humbling river) type sound.

14 years ago

I have it, Potions and The Humbling River are both really good. The rest I had heard before.

14 years ago

Potions is so freaking great  IMO. It’s really a fantastic E.P. Except that I wish there was one more song on it. I really wanted to have the live version of Dozo. I guess I’ll have to wait for it to be released later.

14 years ago

I got the ep today and I really like it. 1.Polar Bear is pretty good but the melody gets repetitive. 2.The Mission is fairly catchy and most of the vocals are done by Milla Jovovich. 3. Momma Sed (Live) is much different than the album version. It is roughly the same version that was released on the Puscifer website but it is a different performance. It is pretty epic. 4.Vagina Mine (Live) is better than the album version but still not one of my favorites. 5.Potions is probably my favorite on the ep. It has a catchy melody and is… Read more »

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]5.Potions is probably my favorite on the ep.[/quote]
It’s mine too !
But this EP is great in general. 🙂

14 years ago

Potions is awesome.

14 years ago

Potions is danceable? lol. what is this, american bandstand?
anyway, i am a diehard TOOL and APC fan, and i think Maynard is a genius…..but this puscifer stuff does not do it for me. not in the least. to each their own though, enjoy!

14 years ago

@ Sean – I am very much in agreement regarding the Puscifer releases (studio, remixes so far)… BUT, after seeing them live, I can tell you that my opinion changed drastically.  If you get a chance to see a show (try craigslist for cheap seats) you should go.  I was expecting to be mildly amused, but I really dug the music (and it was funny).  He’s playing with some talented mofos, and they groove and rock it out.  I mean, how can you beat Herb from Primus on drums?  He killed it.  The rest aren’t too shabby either, they all… Read more »

14 years ago

Anyone know where I can get (for free mind you) or got mp3 versions of The Humbling River, Polar Bear, Holiday On The Moon, Momma Sed Live, and/or Dozo Live?

A little while back someone sent me a mp3 of The Mission and I’d love to also have any/all of the above listed.

14 years ago

Also, I 2nd Kittaan’s statement.  I think V is for Vagina is simply an okay album with some good songs but some ones I skip over too.  But I saw them live in Vegas back in Feb and really enjoyed myself, more so than I thought they would.  Seeing/hearing the songs live blows away any of the studio stuff.

14 years ago

I like the EP and the live versions are great… Hope a live album is relased or better yet he should just release every show like PJ.
I’m really diggin’ Potions (Wish the rest of Tapeworm was released) and Humbling River. Two really great songs and very APC imo.
Overall i like the EP and enjoyed the live shows. Hey maybe after all this the next TOOL album will have a little bit more of a danceable feel to it… J/K

14 years ago

Hi Kittaan & Marcus. i am sure they are better live than the recorded stuff. and i am sure a live show would be a fun and different experience. i was mainly talking about the recorded stuff. they are playing here in Portland on Saturday night i think, but i am traveling to Seattle for the weekend, so i wont even be in town. Kittaan- i remember you talking several weeks ago about how you were skeptical about going, so i am glad you had a good time. i am getting really sick of logging onto TA to find that… Read more »

14 years ago

lol….thats some funny shit right there

if the next TOOL album has a “danceable” feel to it, i will go postal. look for my face on the front page of the paper. hahahaha

14 years ago

good point hellboy. but i still have to log on atleast once per day so i can get my pathetic little point.

14 years ago

Potions is danceable? lol. what is this, american bandstand?

No, it is just a fact. It isn’t very funny either.  The non-chorus parts really are danceable.

14 years ago

no, that is funny. no offense.

like Fred Durst/G-money type dancing, or Eddie Murphy/white man type dancing? just trying to paint the proper picture in my head.

14 years ago

The album is pretty good. I would have liked it a lot more if i hadn’t heard all except two songs before. But still, a great album.
And to the Puscifer haters around here, you obviously haven’t had the opportunity to see them live yet. I HATED them before I saw them live. If you haven’t seen them live and don’t have the opportunity, just turn up the music to 11 and listen. It’s meant to be played very loud.

14 years ago


this ep is great. the only dissapointment is that i thought The Mission would be a  new remix. Potions sounds a lot in parts like the NIN song The Wretched

14 years ago

I love all the studio albums of Puscifer (okay Viagra has only a few good remixes), though i have to say I’m also a big fan of Maynard like most of Pusicfer fans are… And i’m really sad that i don’t have a chance to see them live… living in Europe.

Leo Monzo
14 years ago

i liked the EP… sounds good… Potions…awesome song…and well live versions are great… i wish i could see the show… if dont… where’s my B is for blueray!??…..

14 years ago

I was listening to Vagina Mine [Live @ Club Nokia] the other night and found myself thinking, “since when did I love this song so much?” The album version is unlistenable to me, but this one is so good. Its different, and moodier. The guitars and vocals are spectacular.
I don’t like any of the droning one-note baritone stuff MJK does with the vocals on the Vagina tracks, songs like this live version are where he shines best to me.

14 years ago

Just so you know, The Humbling River Maynard is referring too is the Milkyway. We cross the plane in 2012. The song is about the apocalypse. Read the lyrics closely. I’m not a dumbfounded dipshit, so just letting you fine folks know what this guy is really about. Be prepared. BTW, beautiful beautiful song. Even Devo sings along. 🙂

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]BTW, beautiful beautiful song. Even Devo sings along. :)[/quote]Said who?

14 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]BTW, beautiful beautiful song. Even Devo sings along. :)[/quote]Said who?[/quote]
Devo is his son’s name

14 years ago

Yeah, thats what I meant. I didn’t remember his name in the album credits, but I guess he does.

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