I stumbled across this extremely short interview with Danny by Artisan News Services on Youtube, where he mentions briefly that they might start writing a new album this year. Skip to about 1:20 for the 10 seconds or so of actual DC interview (the rest is just filler).
To be honest, it doesn’t say much, and the article is making a bigger deal of this than it really is, but it’s comforting to know that at least there are plans to get stuck into things, hopefully soon!
True that it doesn’t say much, but Danny did seem eager and honest in the way he said what he said. Maybe in July they might start writing, to have a release later next year.
*throws away 2010 calender*
Oh well here’s to 2011.
[quote comment=””]*throws away 2010 calender* Oh well here’s to 2011.[/quote]
I wouldn’t discount 2010 just yet, but it grow more unlikely each passing day…
Okay so AJ says 6 months ago that they are in the ‘finishing aspects of the writing process for the new album’.
DC says a week ago that they ‘may start writing some songs soon’.
They blatantly have written the songs. Danny should have said ‘we may be going into the studio to record them soon’.Â
Unless of course ‘the writing process for the new album’ is a different process from ‘writing some songs for the new album’. Â
Well, at least I can give up all hope of a 2010 release date. Â It’s kind of a load off my mind. Â Now I can go back to complaining about TOOL Army being broken.
[quote comment=””]Okay so AJ says 6 months ago that they are in the ‘finishing aspects of the writing process for the new album’. DC says a week ago that they ‘may start writing some songs soon’. They blatantly have written the songs. Danny should have said ‘we may be going into the studio to record them soon’. Unless of course ‘the writing process for the new album’ is a different process from ‘writing some songs for the new album’.  [/quote]  My guess, based on limited interviews, is that some members of Tool have been jamming together enough to have written a few … Read more »
to clarify my post above:
But yes, you are right. It would have been nice for the interviewer to ask for some clarification. I just simply think that Danny was referring tho the final writing process, and not previous jamming/writing/experimenting that Adam was referring to.
LMAO….so true! I miss TA and I miss the anonymity of the expressions board which could only be found using TA tools.
“We’re going to start writing the new Tool record right away” -mjk … anyone remember that from 2 years ago? http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1581520/20080213/id_0.jhtml
[quote comment=””]”We’re going to start writing the new Tool record right away” -mjk … anyone remember that from 2 years ago? http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1581520/20080213/id_0.jhtml%5B/quote%5D
They probably did, but forgot to mention that it takes a couple of years to finish writing anything, which is the important part…
Realistically speaking we are looking at anything from a Late 2011 to Early 2012 release. Tool talks a lot of shit…I don’t know if they contradict themselves purposely about the production stage of the record or if they like to take the mickey out of their fans? Either way any talk fuels the fire to an already stagnant engine.
Whenever it gets leaked, I am really looking forward to hearing the new Tool Decoy album!
The last one was pretty decent. 8`)
PS @ Hussar – you’re slipping, mate. That was the least trollish post I’ve ever seen from you. Step it up, you’ve got a reputation to maintain.
LOL!!!! So true Kittaan. Exactly what i was thinking. That wasnt even worth jabbing back! Hussar must have been laid recently or something?
As long as they produce a new album and tour before the end of the world in 2012 then I’ll be just dandy
We all need a good troll from time to time, and hussar fits the bill. You know what they say, if you do it well, charge people for it?
As for this album talk. We can only wait and see….In the meantime, there is plenty of new material out there for your ear holes.
suggestions welcome
[quote comment=””]
suggestions welcome
These bands aren’t for everyone, but they’re what I have been listening to lately…
petemasterpete – 22 hours ago » teshla314 – 6 hours ago – In the meantime, there is plenty of new material out there for your ear holes. suggestions welcome Cheers Sure thing, right now, I have been really really really getting into the following bands and all of their material is highly recommended, some new, some not so quite: 1) Baroness 2) Mastodon 3) Between the Buried and Me 4) Clutch 5)RUSH (i know that they have been around forever, but i even enjoyed their latest offering) 6) Karnivool 7) Intronaut I could go on, but I hate to sound… Read more »
Some of my new and old favorites are….
Joey Cape and Tony Sly
Between the buried and me
As I lay dying
@ Tesh/Nathan Thanx for the recommendations, although by new material, I thought you might of been referring to something I wasn’t aware of, seeing as I am also Jubal-less, and will remain so for the foreseaable future, along with you. Baroness, Mastodon, Intronaut all on fairly regular rotation. As for Rush, does Getty sing on the new one, if so, I’ll pass… they really need to make an all instrumental hour long track one of these days. Clutch is one of those must listen every chance I get type bands. Talked with Kittaan about Karnivool on several occasions and that… Read more »
Heres some bands i’v been listening to recently. some are very new to me but are already up there with my favourites, if you like Tool, Mastodon you’l prob be into these. Sikth (uk math metal with two amazing singers) Mnemic (industrial metal with melody and kinda deftones vibe) Katatonia (soothing metal 🙂 Behemoth ( mix mastodon, slayer and war paint and you get Behemoth) i just wanted to hear tool say offically theres an album on the way when the times right, so this news has put a smile on my face :)) wonder who will produce??  hope its botrill from lateralus… Read more »
LMAO! Good to know I’m not the only “non-fan” of getty lee around here.
[quote comment=””]
LMAO! Good to know I’m not the only “non-fan” of getty lee around here.
Just for the record, it’s “Geddy”.
Thank you Jr.
po-tay-to, po-tah-to. His voice still sounds like fingernails on a chalk board.
According to a recent Toolshed post:
[quote comment=”36538″]
6) Karnivool
Karnivool is very good. I just got into them recently myself.
I’ve also been vibing to a local Minneapolis band that’s Toolish/Deftonesish…I caught them randomly at The Rock up in Maplewood.