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A Message From Major Douche

A new message from Major Douche regarding the upcoming Puscifer tour:

Major Douche Eastern Assault. Spring 2010.
"In this war against complacency and the mundane, we the artists/insane must strive to re-invent, to shadowbox our paranoia, and to adapt to inevitable change while still maintaining a balanced diet. Multi tasking is at the very core of our assault. That is why we are very pleased to unveil a new level of combined art and utility during this Spring Campaign. Along with the comedic, visual, and melodic arsenal, we will also be introducing the latest form of whole body entertainment. By inserting a high fiber brown note to the equation, we will achieve not only an elevated sense of the theatrical, but also provide a non chemical, bio degradable, free range sonic digestif. Forward movement will be achieved. Bon Apetit’!!"

Major Douche,

Battalion Commander.

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14 years ago

Hokay then, Maynard.

14 years ago

Wow, all this blood into wine and puscifer shit has cost us all now. just posted on youtube is the Tool rehearsing their new stage show minus Maynard, but wow its looks really exciting.
summer 2010 TOOL is back.

14 years ago

sorry, i had to post that. i just can’t believe what i am seeing. quite the production.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]sorry, i had to post that. i just can’t believe what i am seeing. quite the production.[/quote]
ha ha wow youre funny

14 years ago

Oh my, that video nednarb posted was funny and terrible all at the same time.

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14 years ago

Wow, Kathleen Turner has lost a lot of weight.  Also, I didn’t know that the guy from the Apple commercials played drums.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Wow, Kathleen Turner has lost a lot of weight.  Also, I didn’t know that the guy from the Apple commercials played drums.[/quote]

Ahem….this is me. THANKS COCKS…

I guess you can’t appreciate true art when you see it. Plus I thought I sounded good..WTF?

Ps….SPRING RULES! Just got my divorce papers the bitch is final 3/20 :P   HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE…Oh and today is George Harrison’s b-day. Just sayin 🙂

14 years ago

Also, 16th anniversary of Bill Hicks’ death. RIP GOAT BOY

14 years ago

look as a cover band you do some interesting things. except of the singing not quite fitting with the sound of the group. there are many tool cover bands that play in clubs and bars all over the place, and there are bands that may cover tool songs. however, it is the shooting of the staged/produced videos that i find a bit off.

14 years ago

@ Nednarb – Hint: Sheri is a goofball. 8`)

@ Sheri – Congrats! Are you going through poll withdrawal without TA? (And that was Poll, not Pole, OK, you pervs?)

@ Buk – He was one of the greats… just watched one of his DVDs with a friend who didn’t know him and was blown away.

14 years ago

@ Kittaan….muwahah! I’m sorry but that entire post made me giggle and laugh 🙂 Anyhow…I miss my polls. (Not poles for the preverts) I love that you totally called me out on it 😉 I tried to enter a random Facebook poll site..but they are not as wonderous as mine. Anyhow…Miss you guys1 hope all is well for everyone and thank you for the Congrats :)  Oooh and I am about a hop skip and a jump from embarking into nursing school :)  So life is grand indeed 🙂 Hope you are well 🙂 @ Nednarb  ….Ok I am not… Read more »

14 years ago

ps…@ buk  I didn’t know he died that day…my God, so long ago. RIP BH

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