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Maynard in Queens of Country

In a recent interview with Ryan Page (one of the Blood Into Wine directors) on, Maynard will be playing the part of a villain on his upcoming movie Queens of Country:

Let me ask you about Queens of Country. Is that a reference to the real Nashville Queens of Country? Like Dolly and Loretta?
Ryan Page: It’s a comedy. It’s not a doc. We are shooting it on May 3rd. We are also shooting it in Arizona. Maynard is going to be in that film, too. It’s about a woman that lives in a small town, and she is obsessed with the queens of country. Dolly, Loretta, Patsy, Wanda Jackson. She even dresses like them. She is totally obsessed. She is in a bad relationship, and she finds an Ipod that has a Queens mix on it. The music really touches her, so she goes on a search to find them. It’s really funny. We are working with (names removed for contractual reasons). I don’t know if I’m aloud to say this. They did a rewrite with us. They helped us polish the script, really.

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14 years ago

I was lookin through an old Blood Into Wine email and it said Maynard’s character’s name is “Bobby Angel” and that the movie will be released theatrically in 2011.

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