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Tool February Newsletter

The February newsletter is now up on Toolband/Toolarmy and it’s a somewhat revealing one:

  • Tool are in the process or writing new material., though Blair personally hasn’t heard any.
  • Joe Baressi has, which suggests to me he’s probably going to engineer the album again.
  • Adam has a new pedal he’s been playing around with, and this may or may not feature.
  • Danny has some new percussion instruments, and they definitely don’t have a water bong in the room.
  • The cover from the mini tour was from the band The God Machine, and it wasn’t played because a member of the band had recently passed away (a friend of Justins)
  • Apparently the male doctors voice on Lost Keys is the bands manager, not Justin as has been suggested to me in the past.  The man in question, Pete Riedling if I remember correctly is an Australian.
  • The Big Thing is the website updates.  It will happen sometime in the future.  My sources tell me around September.

It’s an interesting read, a mini-FAQ in some ways and I suggest you all take a look.

Thanks to Nathan for the tip!

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14 years ago

sweeet… but ill pass on blairs book…

14 years ago

Nice, hopefully a new album for 2010

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Nice, hopefully a new album for 2010
No chance for 2010.  I just looked at old newsletters on Toolarmy and the August 2005 newsletter has pics of them in the studio recording 10,000 days and Maynard was there as well.
10,000 days came out in May so that was about 9 months from the time of recording.
They are just writing stuff now, not even in the studio and 9 months from now is 2011 so we may not see a new album until this time 2011 or even closer to summer 2011.

14 years ago

Wow did Blair finally realize that we hate his ambiguity and decide to actually post real news. He finally gave all the info up that we have been talking about over the last two years.
All at once we got found out they are working on the new album (finally officially verified), Evil Joe will be working on it, the big thing was the website and we found out about the elusive cover song.
I never thought I would say this but thanks for a real newsletter Blair/

14 years ago


14 years ago

‘ere ya go –

Mar 11 08

Justin and Pete (Tool’s Manager) 
are both from London and are intense fans of 
rival football teams, Chelsea and Arsenal – at gametime you might spot them in the pub behind a Fuller’s London Pride Ale.

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14 years ago

My head sploded.

14 years ago

Finally, Blair makes sense, and gives me something i can think about. I have been on TA for about a year now and it is the first time. Perhaps, and hopefully, he is finally being pressured to do his job with a litttle more transparancy. That it is pretty obvious that people are fed up with his attempts at being mysterious and intellegently evasive. Anyway, excited that they are working on new material, and cant wait for it to come out. I cant help but laugh at all the dumbfounded dipshits who railed MJK, assuming his attitude was the reason… Read more »

14 years ago

[quote comment=””] That it is pretty obvious that people are fed up with his attempts at being mysterious and intellegently evasive.[/quote]

The cryptic news posts are part of the reason I love Tool so much.  That being said, this was a very good and informative newsletter.

14 years ago

as always with blair, his grammar obscures the shit out of what he is saying, but joe did NOT hear the riffs.
it was blair who heard the riffs and saw all that shit around the room.
that’s not to say the joe won’t be the producer, he just hasn’t heard the riffs.

14 years ago

This newsletter actually had something to say for once and didn’t leave me wanting to punch him in the face.  Although the first paragraph could have been completely omitted and that would have been perfectly fine with me.  So actually I take that back.  The first paragraph made me want to punch him the face. 🙂

14 years ago

I think Blair has been getting some pussy…

14 years ago

sweeet, now i can relax and be patient for the new music to surface, doesnt matter if its next month or next year, i just wanted to know it was on, and it is, today is a good day.

14 years ago

“However, when we realize that Malkuth is also known as The Gate of Tears”, and even greater occult SECRET is revealed.” It is said that DMT is the GATEway substance that we enter and leave this realm through.  A REVERSED Tree of Life would have Malkuth at the top where the pineal gland (third eye) is.  It secretes DMT like “tears” crying out of the third eye…It’s funny how Tool started out saying they were students of Lacrymology, a pseudo-science based on the art of crying…Their puzzle in the 10,000 days album also revolves around connecting certain sephiroth on the… Read more »

14 years ago

TOOL COVERED THE GOD MACHINE??!?!?!?!?!!??! (Two of my all time favorite bands)
incredible. The God Machine (1991-1994) released only two full length albums and several EPs. They broke up in 1994 when their bassist, Jimmy Fernandez, passed on from a brain tumor days after finishing their second album.
If anyone knows ANYTHING about what song they covered (if only a single lyric) I can easily identify the song.
Here’s an example of their music (highly recommended):

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14 years ago

[quote comment=””]TOOL COVERED THE GOD MACHINE??!?!?!?!?!!??! (Two of my all time favorite bands) incredible. The God Machine (1991-1994) released only two full length albums and several EPs. They broke up in 1994 when their bassist, Jimmy Fernandez, passed on from a brain tumor days after finishing their second album. If anyone knows ANYTHING about what song they covered (if only a single lyric) I can easily identify the song. Here’s an example of their music (highly recommended):[/quote] Wait a second.  If the guy died in 1994, then what the hell is Blair talking about with this “untimely death” thing.… Read more »

14 years ago

walter – 4 hours ago  »  as always with blair, his grammar obscures the shit out of what he is saying, but joe did NOT hear the riffs. it was blair who heard the riffs and saw all that shit around the room. @ Walter… read it again. It does indeed say that Joe is the one who heard the riffs, and it’s Blair who replies that he hasn’t. Here, I’ll translate from BlairSpeak to Eeenglitch for you… Joe: “What’s going on?” Blair: “Not much…. Joe: “So I hear that they’re back at” Blair: “Yes, indeed, the… process has begun… Read more »

14 years ago

@ kittaan.. Ehhh ??

@ st1nkf1st.. Got mine already ..

14 years ago

the god machine is sick! i too would be interested in what song they were planning on covering.

14 years ago

[quote comment=”36797″]”However, when we realize that Malkuth is also known as The Gate of Tears”, and even greater occult SECRET is revealed.” It is said that DMT is the GATEway substance that we enter and leave this realm through.  A REVERSED Tree of Life would have Malkuth at the top where the pineal gland (third eye) is.  It secretes DMT like “tears” crying out of the third eye…It’s funny how Tool started out saying they were students of Lacrymology, a pseudo-science based on the art of crying…Their puzzle in the 10,000 days album also revolves around connecting certain sephiroth on… Read more »

14 years ago

15 years on The God Machine still has a very devoted cult following. I would hope that Tool would record and release a version of one of their songs and introduce this long dead and nearly forgotten band to a new generation of people. Tool fans would be easy converts. Intelligent, melodic & devestating music.

All of their material is out of print but are availalbe on the usual torrent sites.
Their last album “One Last Laugh in a Place of Dying…” goes for $150 used. yikes. glad I got mine back in the day!

14 years ago

elp5000 – 6 hours ago  » 
@ kittaan.. Ehhh ??
@ st1nkf1st.. Got mine already ..

Lucky Fucker!!

14 years ago

Regarding Australian managers: Ted Gardner managed Tool throughout the 90’s, and is Australian. He also managed Jane’s Addiction during their prime and was a co-founder of Lollapalooza. Regarding The God Machine: I think the name of the song was “Purity”, but I can’t be entirely sure of that. I am sure it is the name of a song by The God Machine. What I’m not sure of is whether it was the one Tool were working on. It was sound-checked a few times and was mostly just referred-to as “The God Machine song”. I don’t have any of The God Machine’s recorded… Read more »

14 years ago

are you serious? Purity? The lyric repeated ad nueseum is: “Its the Same All Over!” sound familiar? (BTW their discography still has seeders at the ‘bay.) I hold that song very very close to my soul. That’s an 9 minute “hypnotic maelstrom”. And probably the apex of their discography though they never played it live themselves. To hear Tool do Purity would be the absolute undoing of me. I suppose no one has captured this on tape, eh? Sigh, so it goes. Thank you for the info! (Though it makes me yearn all the more.) Purity by the God Machine:… Read more »

14 years ago

I was pretty turned off by the first youtube link given on here of the 2-3 minute God Machine song, but Purity sounds amazing!
Tool could have showed some real love for TGM if they played it. To me, it seems more fitting to play the song as a tribute rather than not play the song and leave the band dead and unknown to the majority of the world.

14 years ago

[quote comment=”36800″] walter – 4 hours ago » as always with blair, his grammar obscures the shit out of what he is saying, but joe did NOT hear the riffs. it was blair who heard the riffs and saw all that shit around the room. @ Walter… read it again. It does indeed say that Joe is the one who heard the riffs, and it’s Blair who replies that he hasn’t. Here, I’ll translate from BlairSpeak to Eeenglitch for you… Joe: “What’s going on?” Blair: “Not much…. Joe: “So I hear that they’re back at” Blair: “Yes, indeed, the… process… Read more »

14 years ago

[quote comment=”36795″]
I think Blair has been getting some pussy…

I think you have that mixed up a bit – I think someone might be getting some of Blair’s pussy.


14 years ago

@ Junior and Uroboros: Thanks for the details. Definitely looking forward to hearing that cover some day…

@ Walter: I wasn’t busting balls, just trying to clear it up. No worries. 8`)

@ ELP: What’s up you old fucker? Nice to hear from you.

@ MHS70: That’s just wrong… bwahahahaha.

14 years ago

uroboros: “are you serious? Purity? The lyric repeated ad nueseum is: “Its the Same All Over!” sound familiar?”
…would have been very fitting considering the setlist for the tour… 😉

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14 years ago

How is dying in 1994 untimely?  How the hell would that affect wether or not to play the cover.  Somethin’ doesn’t add up here.

14 years ago

Welp, back to the 10,000 Days puzzle I guess.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””] All of their material is out of print but are availalbe on the usual torrent sites. Their last album “One Last Laugh in a Place of Dying…” goes for $150 used. yikes. glad I got mine back in the day! [/quote] I found my copy of Scenes from a second Story back in 2000 in a second hand store on the Gold Coast. I heard about them through a Robert Smith blog  they were on the fiction label and Smith quoted them being one of his favorites. I haven’t heard their last album yet but “Scenes” is brilliant… Read more »

14 years ago

I just listened to Purity by The God Machine. That had to be it! That song just has TOOL written all over it!

14 years ago

WOW…… I am gonna miss him!!
@ ELP5000

14 years ago

Some BIG THING..a website UPDATE?!!? ROFL!

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Some BIG THING..a website UPDATE?!!? ROFL![/quote]Hellboy.. where is this februrary news letter as it doesnt appear all i can see is “another NEWSLETTER has been posted in that section”. This appears on both Toolband and Toolarmy. Is it a secret newsletter that only the elite members can read or has it been removed?

14 years ago

Hellboy, where is this februrary news letter as it doesnt appear all i can see is “another NEWSLETTER has been posted in that section”. This appears on both Toolband and Toolarmy. Is it a secret newsletter that only the elite members can read or has it been removed?

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]Hellboy, where is this februrary news letter as it doesnt appear all i can see is “another NEWSLETTER has been posted in that section”. This appears on both Toolband and Toolarmy. Is it a secret newsletter that only the elite members can read or has it been removed?[/quote][/quote]
from the main page, click on the NEWS link at the top, and you will see some more options appear below it. click newsletter.

14 years ago

i bought a copy of  The God Machine cd “Scenes From The…” (1993) back to 90-s, and i live in Russia, in a very small town, so i don’t know how did this album was brought to my city, just a mystic kind of thing that happened i guess=) The band fucked up my brain immediately and i fell in love with this record, even afte all these years it sounds fantastically fresh, yeah, when i first put this cd to my player it reminded me  a some hybrid (musically) of  Tool & Pumpkins (i mean the second track from… Read more »

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]i bought a copy of  The God Machine cd “Scenes From The…” (1993) back to 90-s, and i live in Russia, in a very small town, so i don’t know how did this album was brought to my city, just a mystic kind of thing that happened i guess=) The band fucked up my brain immediately and i fell in love with this record, even afte all these years it sounds fantastically fresh, yeah, when i first put this cd to my player it reminded me  a some hybrid (musically) of  Tool & Pumpkins (i mean the second track… Read more »

14 years ago

Wow, thanks for introducing me to The God Machine. They’re great!

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