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M.T.void Youtube Channel

M.T.void, the new band involving Justin have just created a Youtube channel, which contains a video from the mastering sessions with Bob Ludwig.  M.T.void can also be found on most of your social media networks, so those keen to keep up with these guys should do a little searching around.

Personally, I think it sounds quite promising, certainly the Polish vocals are quite unique to my ears.

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14 years ago

The only thing missing is Maynard with a megaphone commenting on the bands cds that are on the wall.

14 years ago

My God these guys ROCK! Bone chilling…at 50 seconds on the track Wendell (myspace page) I about jumped out of the room! This album could be a sleeping giant! J.C. is at the top of his game right now folks! This just makes me even more excited for the new Tool album!

14 years ago


14 years ago

For someone speaking Polish I have to say his lyrics are pretty awesome.

14 years ago

So you can help as they’re looking for someone to translate the lyrics.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]So you can help as they’re looking for someone to translate the lyrics.[/quote]
Its hard to find the time though. I’m working flat out atm. I’ll see if a friend can help  (more time on his hands) but I don’t know if I can make any promises.

14 years ago

For those of you who are interested: the singer in the M.T.void project is Peter ‘Glaca’ Mohamed, a singer and leader of Polish band Sweet Noise, pretty good rock/metal/alternative/industrial act. In M.T.void you can definately hear influence of Sweet Noise. And about the lyrics, I’ve already translated and submited them, and they posted my translation yesterday, but i’m sure that somebody with better english than my can improve it.

14 years ago

In other news..COG’s live cd and live dvd + doco come out on May 21! Pre-order your one today!

14 years ago

I love it. I can’t wait to see what the project looks like in its entirety. There are lyrics translations on the myspace and they’re very interesting, but the vocals on their own are fantastic even when I didn’t know what they meant. I really can’t think of a band that sounds similar to it, but I admit my knowledge of non-American/British bands is limited (hoping to remedy that). But I think Justin is a great musician and I would look into anything he is a part of. He inspires me as a bassist.

14 years ago

must be my favorite part of the Nothing’s Matter lyrics – I still fight against myself for the truth of my days who am I in the storm of words in the darkness of my dreams I can see a way different from every other way thorny path and the miracle of life I’m giving you my world today in the darkness of my dreams I can see in the sea of words in the darkness of your dreams although not sure if it appears in the excerpt we can listen to. anyway I listened to this bits and pieces… Read more »

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