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Tool March Newsletter

Prepare your banishing irons – the March newsletter is now out.  Here’s the bit you need to know, the rest can be found at the usual locations:

Members of the band are still in the process of writing new material (three days a week), and with the latest leg of the “Puscifer” tour nearing completion, it shouldn’t be long before the dry-erase board is filled with a bewildering array of color-coded intros, progressions, agitatos, con sordinos, crescendos, diatonics, inversions, resolutions, transitions, variations, obbligatos, consonance, and endings – the arrangements that millions will attempt to down-load off the internet. However, knowing that many Tool enthusiasts are impatient, I’ve decided (perhaps unwisely) to provide a tool, if you Will, to help speed up the process, as well as one to make other Tool-related desires become a reality.

Whoever is planning to have Tool play at their aborigine walkabout, please let me know.

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14 years ago

good to hear!
I guess they will be doing what they did for 10,000 Days by putting together the music first then having Maynard come in later with the lyrics when he isn’t busy.
And about Blair…
I have no idea why he wastes so much of his own time writing meaningless gibberish no one understands. Sure, I understand the comedic effect but, wow, he takes it the extra mile!

14 years ago

I’ve been done with Blair for years, I read the punch-line that hellboy posts and that’s it. I don’t even waste my time logging into TA anymore to read the rest.

14 years ago

I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but I glanced through and caught the word in all caps: SMEGMA.  It is one of my favorite words.  Have a needle and thread ready because your sides will split from laughter (well, not really).


/ˈsmɛgmə/ [smeg-muh]

a thick, cheeselike, sebaceous secretion that collects beneath the foreskin or around the clitoris.

You guys can thank me later.

14 years ago

LOL, I thought I was the only one who didn’t understand what the hell he talked about in these newsletters. Anyway, I hope this new album has waaayyyy better sound quality than 10k days. With a good pair of bassy headphones, I heard alot of clipping on that album.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]LOL, I thought I was the only one who didn’t understand what the hell he talked about in these newsletters. Anyway, I hope this new album has waaayyyy better sound quality than 10k days. With a good pair of bassy headphones, I heard alot of clipping on that album.[/quote]
If you mean make it sound more like Lateralus in terms of mixing and sound clarity? They did that on purpose, for more of an Undertow feeling.

14 years ago

I don’t care what they do with the sound as long as they turn Maynard’s voice up on tour and make it clearer.

On the 10K tour his voice was too far back and almost inaudible. I dont know if other people experienced this too.

But I thought the sound quality of the actual album was okay.

14 years ago

Blair’ you are an idiot.

to anyone that does not appreciate 10000 days, you are either on bad drugs, or you cannot recognize a masterpiece.

to cantaloupe……you are a delicious and refreshing experience.

14 years ago

10,000 days was a masterpiece. the sound quality just wasnt so pretty. @ BELLJH, I totally agree about maynard’s vocals during the 10k days tour, the volume was pitiful. I hope he sounds like he does in puscifer.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]10,000 days was a masterpiece. the sound quality just wasnt so pretty. @ BELLJH, I totally agree about maynard’s vocals during the 10k days tour, the volume was pitiful. I hope he sounds like he does in puscifer.[/quote] I thought the sound was okay vocals and all for the 10,000 days tour. I went to the Sydney gig and was top notch. The gold coast Big Day Out show on the other hand sounded like the Cds themselves with next to no improvisation. I heard some question whether it was really live. I refused to believe this and thought they… Read more »

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14 years ago

[quote comment=””]

LOL, I thought I was the only one who didn’t understand what the hell he talked about in these newsletters. Anyway, I hope this new album has waaayyyy better sound quality than 10k days. With a good pair of bassy headphones, I heard alot of clipping on that album.

If you heard clipping, then your headphones are broken, or you downloaded an mp3 version of the album.  They recorded 10,000 days in analog, just like their other albums.  Analog has way more headroom then digital, meaning you can record levels far into the red without clipping.

14 years ago

10k tour… i went to an ampitheater in camden and it was great and i went to the pepsi arena in albany and had the same problem with ol’ mjk that was described previously to me

14 years ago

dammit all to hell! tool was all set to play my bub’s 1st right up until it was time to say the magic word… “montel”, she exclaimed… she doesn’t know it yet, but now she’s just gonna have to settle for the hours of toddler entertainment to be provided by a used and rusted old craftsman wratchet set blair delivered instead.

14 years ago

I’m really hoping that Tool makes a complete breakthrough with this album (as they’ve done in the past). Opiate and Undertow are my least favorite albums of theirs, because I felt that Aenima was the THE Tool album. Justin Chancellor’s influence on the band definitely helped along with Danny’s ever improving (yes, even gods can improve, somehow) drumming skills. Lateralus is such an interesting album to me because of the significance behind it’s meaning, which is still up for debate. 10,000 Days was an AMAZING album; so full of emotion, such a progression from earlier Tool. The softer tracks in… Read more »

14 years ago

Andrew by the sounds of things this album is shaping up to be quite interesting, and yes I agree it will be their last one. I cannot picture another Tool album coming out in 2016, there’s just no way.  Danny seems to have collected a host of new exotic drums and gongs which im sure he will experiment with. Maynard has been doing a lot of puscifer and this may have given him a new vocal approach to things, he might try out some new styles of singing or w/e I remember from a newsletter Adam having acquired some old 1970s effects… Read more »

14 years ago

Who cares about Blair?  Don’t give this guy too much of your time.  🙂 I’m just so happy this album is actually in fruition!  It’s great to look forward to it but it comes with a twisting feeling in my tummy; because it may be the last one.   From what I’ve been reading (and from previous posts you guys are as informed) the boys have kept busy during their “off” time, sharpening their skills.  If it is the last, they will want to end it with a BANG and my cells tickle with the thought.  I am  grateful for the ride; for the hours… Read more »

14 years ago

yeah i think this will be their last as well.  and concerning the audio quality of 10k,  what are y’all talking about?  i think it sounds great, and maynards voice is mixed behind the band so as not to take away from the “force of the band behind him”.  it’s really simple.  you can hear him perfectly in terms of the music.

14 years ago

You fools! Don’t you realize that the members of TººL are using FourthEye posts to determine their every move?!?!

Those of you who post things like “This will be their last album”, “They will never tour again”, “There will never be a live DVD”, “Maynard is a self-indulgent wine-soaked poser”, and other negative responses… these are being carefully monitored and tallied by the band. Sadly, you are just making your own self-fulfilled prophesies come true…

And remember, every time you write something negative about TººL a masturbating angel kills an adorable wittle kitten.

Be positive …. for the kittens ….

14 years ago

Bomtwo, I agree I thought Maynard’s vocals were absolutely fine on CD but when I saw them live he was way, way too low.

and lol Kittaan, tbh that would be kinda cool if the band did check out fourtheye every now and again…

… in fact they could be posting on here anonymously and we wouldn’t even know it. I bet AJ has a profile and just comes on here to hate on maynard

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]You fools! Don’t you realize that the members of TººL are using FourthEye posts to determine their every move?!?![/quote]

Really?!  Like they’ve ever care about what anyone has ever said or thought of their careers or music.  Unless they prefer that we don’t have an opinion at all – which I doubt. 
And contemplating on the possibility of this being their last album is not being negative.   Like I said, I’m grateful for all they’ve done so far, but these guys are human and life/priorities changes with time.

14 years ago

– Thanks.

14 years ago

kittaan – 2 hours ago  »  You fools! Don’t you realize that the members of TººL are using FourthEye posts to determine their every move?!?! Those of you who post things like “This will be their last album”, “They will never tour again”, “There will never be a live DVD”, “Maynard is a self-indulgent wine-soaked poser”, and other negative responses… these are being carefully monitored and tallied by the band. Sadly, you are just making your own self-fulfilled prophesies come true… And remember, every time you write something negative about TººL a masturbating angel kills an adorable wittle kitten. Be… Read more »

14 years ago

badkittygothgirl – 4 hours ago  »  kittaan – 2 hours ago  »  You fools! Don’t you realize that the members of TººL are using FourthEye posts to determine their every move?!?! Those of you who post things like “This will be their last album”, “They will never tour again”, “There will never be a live DVD”, “Maynard is a self-indulgent wine-soaked poser”, and other negative responses… these are being carefully monitored and tallied by the band. Sadly, you are just making your own self-fulfilled prophesies come true… And remember, every time you write something negative about TººL a masturbating angel… Read more »

14 years ago

Oh, that’s just wrong.

14 years ago

andrewswms – 1 day ago  » Opiate and Undertow are my least favorite albums of theirs, because I felt that Aenima was the THE Tool album. Justin Chancellor’s influence on the band definitely helped along with Danny’s ever improving (yes, even gods can improve, somehow) drumming skills. I understand if you did not enjoy Undertow, but you should understand that Undertow is one of the most important TOOL records, even though it features a different bass guitarist. And if I remember correctly, before Paul left TOOL, he did write a few bass tracks for Ænima even though Justin was the one… Read more »

14 years ago

Remember that saying about vacations…half of the fun is just getting there….I am dying for a new album, but I don’t want the writing/recording/mixing/whatever stages to go TOO fast…

14 years ago


don’t ever use the term ‘franchise’ to reer to TOOL again


Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
14 years ago

[quote comment=””]
don’t ever use the term ‘franchise’ to reer to TOOL again

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
14 years ago

I agree with mikebwesty – we may all want a new album right now but in reality Id rather wait and it be something great than just have em pump out an album every other year. I dont want Tool to turn into Metallica in the 90s – does anyone?! Having said that I cant see em making many more albums at all. I dont think Maynard is as pissed as he used to be – Im certainly not the same person I was 10, 20 years ago – and its that side of him that drives Tool. I think… Read more »

14 years ago

Or not.

14 years ago

They better pay the fuckin’ bills!!

14 years ago

Does anyone else find Blair’s posts hilarious? No, just me? I cracked up so much reading the March newsletter.
The Toolband site is full of tongue in cheek humor and wackiness. I enjoy reading the newsletters, personally, and you can occasionally glean some useful info from them. I think Blair (and the band) enjoy messing with us.

14 years ago

And I’ll just comment that I love every Tool album. Undertow is amazing for all the raw emotion, and Flood is such a great ending to the whole thing (yeah, I know, Disgustipated, but I see Flood as the real ending). It flows thematically into Aenima so well. I bought Opiate a few days ago and was very pleasantly surprised. Sweat is one of my fave songs by them, and Maynard’s vocals are fantastic. Aenima and Lateralus are the very best, but 10K Days really grew on me, and I even enjoy Rosetta Stoned now, while I used to always… Read more »

14 years ago

Your post brings back memories from the first time I ever heard the greatest band of all time. I was in college back in 93 and carpooling with a friend. He stuck in this tape and said, “You have to listen to this!” The tape simply said TooL…that was all. No album name, no track listing. It was Danny’s drumming on Sweat that drew me in and Maynard’s vocals and lyrics on Opiate that put the last nail in the coffin. I was done. Almost 17 years later and I still get the same feeling every time I listen to… Read more »

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