Every felt like having a closer look at one of Danny’s drumkits? Well now you can, as Toolband has reveals that one of Danny’s old kits is now on display at Explorers Percussion in Kansas City:
The store can be found at 8050 Wornall Road, Knasas City.
nice… might have to check it out when im in town tomorrow
Cool. Im glad this is in my city! Cant wait for tomorrow’s show at Sprint center. It should be killer.
this seems to be the same kit from undertow era?
[quote comment=””]this seems to be the same kit from undertow era? http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs166.snc1/6240_220853475023_900880023_7980871_5906192_n.jpg   [/quote]
Pretty sure you’re right, this is the kit he used for the drum clinic correct? Because he said he hadn’t played that kid in a while. Also, is it just me or does it seem like some drums are missing from the kit? Like the gong obviously as well as his electronic equipment, he keeps with his current kit i’m sure. But one cymbal on the right appears absent.
vid of him at the clinic for anyone who hadn’t seen it
played that *kit*
It’s not the same kit. Â The one pictured in the link has the older square type lugs, and no suspension mounting system. Â The one pictured here on fourtheye is a newer Sonar kit, with the mallet style lugs, and suspended rack tom mounts. Â Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble. Â I know, I’m a drum nerd.
Either way, please somebody go check this out, take pics and report back to us….PLEASE!
They look like shit – rusted buckets.
Lol! Hater boy!
[quote comment=””]
Lol! Hater boy!
JARRED—-you are one of those “hey, look at me, people” you are just trying to get a reaction out of people. i have an opinion of why this is, but i wish i knew for sure. fill me in.
And you just fell victim to him by giving him attention. Just ignore him and he will go away.
[quote comment=”38829″]It’s not the same kit. Â The one pictured in the link has the older square type lugs, and no suspension mounting system. Â The one pictured here on fourtheye is a newer Sonar kit, with the mallet style lugs, and suspended rack tom mounts. Â Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble. Â I know, I’m a drum nerd.[/quote]
You burst my bubble… CLEAN IT UP! nah nah, nerd-dom accepted. Anyone think they’d let people play his drums?
anyone seen the tits board…?
the what board?