According to Toolband, artwork by Justin will feature on the poster (and possibly shirt?) for the St Charles gig tonight. It looks pretty cool:
What do you guys think?
According to Toolband, artwork by Justin will feature on the poster (and possibly shirt?) for the St Charles gig tonight. It looks pretty cool:
What do you guys think?
Oh cool, didn’t expect Justin to have some posters of his own. Anyone happen to pick up an extra that they would sell at cost plus shipping?
I didnt know Justin was a visual artist. Gotta say I think its cooler than most of Adams creature doodles. Those are awesome too but they all tend to look the same to me.
I can’t wait to show you mine! Its VERY nice!
It kinda, vaguely looks like that print he had up on the TA Store a while back.
Wow I like that a lot!
Very abstract, but very fluid. Nice.
Love it!!! It was very cool to hang with LACHRYMOLOGIST! Our first fourtheye meet up. Venue sucked for taikgating. Made us take down the tent. Would not allow chairs. Wanted you to spend money at their beer garden for shade. We hung out with tailgate up and roasted our nuts off! we made the best of it.
I got myself an unsigned one. 156 of 250.. that I would be willing to part with at the right price. I also got an autographed one. 33 of 250 that is getting framed and put on my wall. 🙂
Wow! Who would have thought that Justin is a better artist than Adam.
I think it looks damn good! I wish I could have been there. I can’t wait to see what the RR posters look like.
Same here noname
Are you going to both shows?
this poster will be the cause of tool’s breakup the fact that justins drawing is cooler than most of adams.
[quote comment=””]I got myself an unsigned one. 156 of 250.. that I would be willing to part with at the right price. [/quote]
The right price being what you paid for it plus reasonable postage I hope. Â We’re not huge on profiteering here. Aat least not unless I get my cut 😉
no need to compare to Adams posters. its like apples and oranges. i think it is so cool that the band members are creating their own posters. puts a more memorable flare on the individual shows. very clever!!
[quote comment=””]no need to compare to Adams posters. its like apples and oranges. i think it is so cool that the band members are creating their own posters. puts a more memorable flare on the individual shows. very clever!! Â [/quote]
totally agreed! i like that justin’s art is much different than adam’s, but certainly feel no need to compare them or rate them against each other. now hoping that this poster wasn’t the only one we’ll see on this tour from other band members… wishful thinking, but who knows, it could happen! sweet lookin’ poster tho, for sure! 8~)
I bought a signed one. 94 out of 250. This one is going to look very nice next to my signed OKC one as well. I’m going to start building the frames today. Getting them framed professionally is crazy expensive.
I didn’t see any of the limited shirts for this show. I did however pick up 2 signed posters before I found the Adam doodle. I will be taking these to Red Rocks if anyone wants one the first hundred bucks takes one
At the Merch table there was a sign that said “Limited Edition Adam Jones Artwork available at Lobby Store downstairs. ONLY 2 AVAILABLE. $500.00.” I did not see this sign at the OKC show. Did anyone see it or check it out? I’m curious…
I guess I purchased the final one! I wish I could understand how to post a pic from my blackberry! In regards to the OKC posters I saw 2 of them, doodled by Adam, and they were a discounted price. I also know who got a very nice b day present! And I while I was prepared to pay $500 I was really glad I didn’t have to 🙂
eh, it was ok.. i would have rather saw artwork by adam
Here is a link to the signed poster i picked up:
What a wonderful piece of memorabilia to help remind me of one of the greatest and most enjoyable evenings i have ever had. Cheers to amazing friends, music and art!!!!
wow i love it!! but you cannot compare Justin and Adams work. its completely different.