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May 2010 Newsletter, LA Dates

Blair put out the May 2010 Tool newsletter on Toolband today, and it turns out that it’s his 10th anniversary as writer/content manager.  Congratulations Blair, and despite what some say I’ve always felt he’s been an great webmaster give then guidelines he must work within.

Plenty of goodies inside the newsletter, though I haven’t had a chance to read the full thing, but here’s the bit I like:

Also, with the success certain Karcists are having with the fragments from the grimoire entitled “Libri Of Veneficus Pro Tool”, it would appear that I should get my passport renewed. Once that’s taken care of, hopefully I’ll have a few extra bickies to finally purchase that ILC DOVER-manufactured Extravehicular Mobility Unit that I’ve been yabbering about for years. Remember, the suit with its 3D-Textile “Red Ned” stain proof hydrophilic fibers and polyurethane-coated nylon pressure bladders (hopefully they kept in mind the problem of Chocolate Ripple Biscuits). No wucking furries about the new Assassin spider, but there’s still the usual suspects!

Take a look at the January 2007 Newsletter in particular and some may note the correlation between various terms used….  Perhaps reason enough for Aussies to start getting excited.

There are also strong hints of a website update, something many of us here have suspected for a while now.

In other news today, it seems as though Tool may be playing in LA on the 18th, 19th and 21st of July at the Nokia Center.  This may or may not be Ticketmaster (not on sale yet though) and I’m about to go to bed so haven’t checked personally.  I’m sure someone helpful will post below if this is really the case.

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14 years ago

for us aussies too lazy to lazy to decrypt such esoteric artifacts as far back as 2007, might you throw us a bone?

14 years ago

New website=new album woo hoo!!!

14 years ago

“In the past ten years, I would have to say that the most priceless moment occurred during a large festival in Germany when a very hung-over Danny (remember the half day in the bier garden) was handed a set list by Maynard that included both “Ticks & Leeches” and “Triad.” Of course the vocalist said “Good luck.”

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14 years ago

That was the most narcissistic newsletter yet. My favorite part was where he incriminated himself for being a tax cheat. Whoops, maybe you better go back and edit that part out, before some disgruntled fan reports you to the IRS.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
14 years ago

I suppose it would be pretty boring if he just spoon fed us dull facts about the band. And lets face it a band with 5 years between albums needs a lot of filler to plug the gaps… We all love you really Blair without you there wouldnt anything to moan about… And I know you love this site and all us whiney bitches…

14 years ago

Blair can go and jump off a cliff. You’ll find most fans have just given up going to that website (I know I have). Ist cluttered with half truths and pretentious nonsensical BS that only a nutter like Blair and Hellboy could enjoy. Until Tool record a new album I feel much better listening to other bands that actually put out twice even three times the material Tool has in their honeymoon phase (5 years)..You’ll be surprised how much great bands are out there besides Tool..ones that actually put out great album after album with little filler and pure quality… Read more »

14 years ago

I’m still waiting for this bands follow up album…

14 years ago

fuck off Jarred. there is not shit out there for music right now. its all crap. if you dont like TOOL go away

14 years ago

That aussie reference is definitely hinting towards T0+-ol heading down under. 😀 please spring true.

14 years ago

I especially like the part about the people of TA being whiney little bitches.  Most of the time, I don’t mind Blair’s newsletters.  Even when they don’t have any news at all, they still give some insight into things the band is interested in,  plus I’d much rather him have concrete confirmation for news before reporting than just spewing out rumors that could probably fall through causing me a lot of disappointment.  But to just outright call the core fanbase of the band you’re working for whiney little bitches because they want ANY news at all is pretty outrageous.  … Read more »

14 years ago

bomtwo – 2 hours ago  »  I especially like the part about the people of TA being whiney little bitches.  Most of the time, I don’t mind Blair’s newsletters.  Even when they don’t have any news at all, they still give some insight into things the band is interested in,  plus I’d much rather him have concrete confirmation for news before reporting than just spewing out rumors that could probably fall through causing me a lot of disappointment.  But to just outright call the core fanbase of the band you’re working for whiney little bitches because they want ANY news… Read more »

14 years ago

I am most amused right now. 8~}

14 years ago

Oi… lots o silly news on my recent hiatus from the known world… and much like blair, I also long for the ride in my own fresh supersonic tin cherry, hoping for rewards of primitive visual crafting aural utensils appealing to all senses… upon gravitation’s continuance upon me, inertia must not suffice, with initial instincts confirming that the dingos’ intent may directly correspond to rationalising the risk involved. Still, quite a calculated effort and valient attempt, considering the fruit of my loins may equate to sustinance.

14 years ago

petemasterpete – 30 minutes ago  » 
Oi… lots o silly news on my recent hiatus from the known world… and much like blair, I also long for the ride in my own fresh supersonic tin cherry, hoping for rewards of primitive visual crafting aural utensils appealing to all senses… upon gravitation’s continuance upon me, inertia must not suffice, with initial instincts confirming that the dingos’ intent may directly correspond to rationalising the risk involved. Still, quite a calculated effort and valient attempt, considering the fruit of my loins may equate to sustinance.

Mmmmmm…loin fruit consumption.

14 years ago

petemasterpete – 8 hours ago  » 
Oi… lots o’ Blair-speak…..

Wow, did you take a correspondence class from BMB or some shit, Pete? That was pretty impressive.

@ Sean – don’t be too hard on Jarred man… his deal with Subway is just about up, and he’s feeling kinda grumpy that they’re not going to renew. Besides, he’s got a point about there being other great bands out there. Nobody better than TººL at what they do, but there are plenty of great rock bands in the wide spectrum of the genre, and even some currently making great music.

14 years ago

well documented?  I’ve yet to see anything saying why TA got shut down except for this post from Blair, bitching about the bitching.

14 years ago

bomtwo – 1 hour ago  » 
well documented?  I’ve yet to see anything saying why TA got shut down except for this post from Blair, bitching about the bitching.</blockquote


14 years ago

bomtwo – 1 hour ago  »  well documented?  I’ve yet to see anything saying why TA got shut down except for this post from Blair, bitching about the bitching. Well…here’s what I found…no explanation as to why…but… From TA: 27 October, 2009 (06:10pm) TOOL ARMY GOING DARK FOR A WHILE Please be advised that any time now the ToolArmy site will be shut down while we deal with some maintenance issues. As of now, I’m not sure how long it will take to make the necessary adjustments. Thanks for your patience and continued support. 04 November, 2009 (04:11pm) TOOL ARMY… Read more »

14 years ago

at least you did not lose your profile cori. 😉

14 years ago

TAoutsider – 1 hour ago  » 
at least you did not lose your profile cori. 😉

Only thanks to amazing people in TA (yourself included). I definitely would have been SOL without the incredible help I received. I’ll never forget that.

14 years ago

kittaan – 1 week ago Wow, did you take a correspondence class from BMB or some shit, Pete? That was pretty impressive. nah, man, fact is I taught Blair everything she knows… she just twisted it all up by over-educating herself on such topics related to the likes of Crowley, among other specializied occultists and nonsensical topics of the unknown realms. That, matched with her previous experience of monkey poop juggling and midget wrestling as required by her former stint on the asian travelling circus has really improved her skills as a misdirecting agent for TA. She is absolutely a… Read more »

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