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Maynard on new A Perfect Circle and the Blood Into Wine DVD

A couple of things came out from Maynard today, firstly he briefly discusses A Perfect Circle:

"I doubt if we’ll do any touring or, you know, do a full album," he said. "We might do some one-off shows here and there if the timing’s right and it seems like a good vibe and a smart thing to do. But most likely we’ll just kind of concentrate on, you know, one or two songs at a time, rather than investing all the time and money and effort into making those plastic discs that no one cares about anymore."

Apparently he appeared with Ashes Divide the other night, however from what I read nothing too exciting happened.

It was also confirmed that the Blood Into Wine DVD will feature:

  • Interviews with Maynard and Eric Glomski
  • Puscifer Live Footage
  • Deleted scenes from the Tim and Eric Show

Should be out on September 7.

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Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
14 years ago

I think that Perfect Circle quote is months old. I assumed album number 4 was in the pipe line after next Tool album?

14 years ago

Regarding the possibility of one-off shows, I hope A Perfect Circle do what Thom Yorke’s Atoms for Peace did by touring at only a select number of small, intimate venues, which happened to be in New York, Boston, Chicago, Oakland and Santa Barbara.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
14 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Regarding the possibility of one-off shows, I hope A Perfect Circle do what Thom Yorke’s Atoms for Peace did by touring at only a select number of small, intimate venues, which happened to be in New York, Boston, Chicago, Oakland and Santa Barbara.

Manchester UK would do for me…

14 years ago

i really hope that i get a chance to see APC do a full show at some point. i did see them a long time ago in a festival setting. not only did they only have about a half hour set, but i was severly ripped at the time and dont recall much. MJK started the show behind a sheet, and we could only see his shadow………honestly, thats about all i remember. really dig the music and would love to see it in my new, sober life!!

14 years ago

For some reason I recall reading the APC quote over a year ago if not longer than that, the reason I recall this particular quote is because of the plastic disc comment. Given the more recent quote about having the music already written and he is just basically listening to it in the car waiting for things to fall into place indicates that their is a possability of a release sometime down the road (hopefully after the next tool album). Def dont want a repeat of 2000 putting lateralus on hold to do the apc thing. Either way great news on… Read more »

14 years ago

That quote is from an interview with Pulse of Radio way back in like fall of 2008. That was apparently the sentiment then but he has since confirmed in the recent Rolling Stone interview that LP4 is underway.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]and to top it off a new setlist starting tomorow night.[/quote]Fingers crossed!

14 years ago

Don’t forget the BiW soundtrack

14 years ago

[/quote]rather than investing all the time and money and effort into making those plastic discs that no one cares about anymore.”[/quote]

Oh but we do care, I could never part with my APC or Tool Cds.

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