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Review: Unleashed – The Story of Tool

A couple of weeks ago I was out shopping with a gift voucher in hand, and while in a local book store I noticed a familiar figure on the bestsellers shelf.  That familiar figure happened to be Maynard, and the book was Unleased – The Story of Tool. Seeing as Tom Clancy hasn’t released anything in a while, I decided to grab this and give it a shot.

The book covers the history of Tool starting from the background of the four founding members, right up until 2009.  Essentially, the book is a collection of interviews and quotes from the band.  The books itself seems to be written well enough, though I doubt it will win any prizes for literature. 

Without focusing unduly on them, the book also discusses various Tool side projects, in particular A Perfect Circle, Puscifer and Maynard’s wine endeavours, as well as briefly covering the rest of the bands projects.

Overall, it’s not a bad book, I enjoyed the read despite the fact I’d probably read 90% of the quotes before at some point.  There were a few inaccuracies I found, but nothing worth getting too upset about.  For a Tool fan who knows everything about the band, it’s hard to really recommend the book.  Also, much of what is in the book can be found on Google, in particular on the excellent Interviews section on Toolshed.

This book best suits someone who doesn’t know much about Tool, or is reasonably new to them, and would like to learn more about them that what is available on their Wikipedia page.  For completists, I’d suggest it is a worthwhile item for your bookshelf, though I wouldn’t call it essential at all.

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14 years ago

Tool : Unleashed: An Abhorrent Read I bought it while I was in Amsterdam and needed something to read on the plane.  The ONLY thing worthwhile in this book are the quotes from the band members.   Alas, the author thought he had to fill the spaces in between.  His writing is absolutely cringe-worthy.  At one point he compares “Bottom” to a Bon Jovi song.  He also insists TWICE that Opiate has 3 live tracks.  He is also fond of using phrases like “Head-spinning” & “Eye-popping”.  His descriptions of their music and videos do a disservice to Tool’s art.  Halfway through… Read more »

14 years ago

Tom Clancy sucks on so many levels.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
14 years ago

I just thought it was a really bad money grab and Im sure the band are non too happy about it. Thats a great review above from uroboros maybe he should have written it!

14 years ago

I say Hellboy should write a book about Tool. Seriously.

14 years ago

uroboros – 5 hours ago  »  Tool : Unleashed: An Abhorrent Read I bought it while I was in Amsterdam and needed something to read on the plane.  The ONLY thing worthwhile in this book are the quotes from the band members.   Alas, the author thought he had to fill the spaces in between.  His writing is absolutely cringe-worthy.  At one point he compares “Bottom” to a Bon Jovi song.  He also insists TWICE that Opiate has 3 live tracks.  He is also fond of using phrases like “Head-spinning” & “Eye-popping”.  His descriptions of their music and videos do a… Read more »

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]
[quote comment=””]I say Hellboy should write a book about Tool. Seriously.
I’d love to write a book about Tool one day, but to be honest I don’t think I have the writing skills, imagination or patience to do so.

Start small…………. Tool, The Coloring Book..

14 years ago

This book sounds as boring as Tool’s current live shows. Predictable and bland. Probably has a great cover (audio visual side of Tool’s show) but inside little substance (the energy of Tool’s shows).

14 years ago

jarred – 3 days ago  » 
This book sounds as boring as Tool’s current live shows. Predictable and bland. Probably has a great cover (audio visual side of Tool’s show) but inside little substance (the energy of Tool’s shows).

I am just curious but why do you even come to this website?

14 years ago

12 years ago

LOL whats more funny is price of that dam book! amazon wants 250% new they like 60$ used WTF? can down load on kindle for like 6$ i think

12 years ago

Bah I meant 250$

12 years ago

LOL whats more funny is price of that dam book! amazon wants 250% newthey like 60$ used WTF? can down load on kindle for like 6$ i think

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