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A Perfect Circle spinning once more

A couple of cryptic updates have appeared on the A Perfect Circle website over the last couple of days.  I’ll leave them up to you to decide what they could mean:

2010-07-19 Movement
Subtle stealth movement. Keep eyes and ears peeled for clues thru all channels involving Ashes Divide and Puscifer.
2010-07-16 Stuff
…is happening.


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14 years ago

Perhaps it has something to do with this Twitter account?

14 years ago

Perhaps it has something to do with this Twitter account?

Or this one or this

14 years ago

Perhaps it has something to do with this Twitter account?

Or this one

Err… meant this one: or this

14 years ago

Here is what Maynard said regarding A Perfect Circle a few weeks ago: “I doubt if we’ll do any touring or, you know, do a full album, we might do some one-off shows here and there if the timing’s right and it seems like a good vibe and a smart thing to do. But most likely we’ll just kind of concentrate on, you know, one or two songs at a time, rather than investing all the time and money and effort into making those plastic discs that no one cares about anymore.” With this quote in mind and the new… Read more »

14 years ago

Craziness. Just a couple hours ago I was thinking about the APC site and wondering when or if it would ever be updated again. Its not even something I think about, I was just listening to some music and it crossed my mind. Surprising timing considering its been years since the news page has been updated…
Btw that Maynard quote is from a couple years ago, they may or may not have reconsidered their writing & recording plans since then.

14 years ago

I guess it was, my mistake.

14 years ago

It would be awesome to hear new stuff from these guys. I wonder how Maynard does it with all his other projects, mainly writing for a new Tool album.

14 years ago

i personally dont think i/we wont be seeing a perfect circle live anytime soon. i think they’ll prob. do a few tracks {as stated above} and release those though. im just kinda getting the bad vibe thing w/ maynard, when it comes to a.p.c he’s got alot going on w/ tool, puscifer, his wine, and god knows what else. but we’ll see. i would love to see a.p.c live since i have never had the opportunity.

s p i r a l o u t k e e p g o i n g .

14 years ago

ugh… before lateralus we got mer de noms.. before 10000 days we got thirteenth step… before the next tool album we will get the next APC?

14 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]ugh… before lateralus we got mer de noms.. before 10000 days we got thirteenth step… before the next tool album we will get the next APC?[/quote] I doubt that very much.  My understanding is that the new Tool album is very much on the agenda before APC.[/quote] It does seem like that… it just confuses me when like a year ago, maynard was like yeah we’re writing… and then a bit after that i heard danny say yeah we will start soon, and now we here they’ve been writing for a little while… i say mid 2011 release… Read more »

14 years ago

That’s great news, always nice to know that the APC flame is still flickering! No one can really know what is going to happen with regards to APC or tool for that matter, i mean they generally say look out for clues blah blah, the next big thing, blah blah, but either way, what ever they produce it’s awesome and we love it. It just generally takes a lot longer than we think.

14 years ago

I guarantee you Troy van Leeuwen won’t be involved, since he is touring and writing with Queens of the Stone Age this fall and beyond into 2011

14 years ago

[quote comment=”39326″]Btw that Maynard quote is from a couple years ago, they may or may not have reconsidered their writing & recording plans since then.[/quote]
Yeah I can’t remember where it was exactly but I’m pretty sure it popped up here on 4theye that a new album by APC was now not out of the realm of possibilities.

14 years ago

wow, didn’t take me very long to stumble across the source…
Given that, I’d say that means Tool is still very much top priority. A couple of new APC are a possibility most likely on iTunes and other such medium sometime this year. Perhappssss an album somewhere down the road after Tool winds down following a their new album. So it could be 2-3 years before a new APC album at the very least, if at all.

14 years ago

I’m DYING to see APC live. 

Even if they release a couple singles and launch a tour off that, I’m satisfied.  If this venture is about making some cash, then I’m sure that will happen.   I seriously hope its not a Puscifer collaboration.  I enjoy Puscifer but I like APC just fine as is.

14 years ago

Great news. Always glad to hear multitasking is still alive.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””][/quote]
i dont think maynard owns… unless he recently acquired it. it used to belong to a squatter.

14 years ago

tooldude – 41 minutes ago  »

i dont think maynard owns… unless he recently acquired it. it used to belong to a squatter.

I’m thinking he may own it now…because on the mjkeenan twit he retweeted one of the Puscifer tweets. Or maybe he is just amused by it?
I do recall checking out “Puscifer” on twitter before and it seems like there were a lot more tweets that sounded like they were from some girl.
I don’t do Twitter (other than read): if someone deletes their Twitter acct does the name open up again?

14 years ago

You can file support tickets against url squatters and inactive accounts on twitter, thats probably what he did.

14 years ago

[quote comment=”39330″] I wonder how Maynard does it with all his other projects, mainly writing for a new Tool album.[/quote]

the man has ADHD…not to say that’s a bad thing…it keeps him moving…never bored..never a dull moment..

I’m happy for what(ever) may come…he’s an artist that is damn good at what he does, wine n all…

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]the man has ADHD…[/quote]
He does?

14 years ago

but maybe he doesn’t…maybe he’s just great at multi-tasking…lol

14 years ago

Where is JARRED??

i miss his positive spin on everything!!

i do hope that there will be some APC sometime in the future. Emotive was not a good place to leave it.

14 years ago

nembutals – 13 hours ago  » 

the man has ADHD…

He does?

He says he does. 😉

14 years ago

holy fucking hell I am so happy 🙂 Yahfuckingwhooee
I fucking adore that was a lot of bad swears in two sentances, sorry.
But fuckity, it’s pretty exciting!

14 years ago

I often get anxious that tool/ apc/ whatever will call it quits. They seem to have been around forever. They must be getting old now… how much longer can they do it. God i wish they were immortal

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