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Puscifer Keep It Moving

Blahmoo spotting a new shirt in the coming soon section of the Puscifer site today, presumably while checking out the Rocket Man cover:

Ladies 2010 Event teee

So does this mean there is a tour coming soon? I guess we have to wait and see…

Update: Word is this may the shirt from a previous tour, just with a misprint.  Who knows!  Personally I’d rather see Tool hit the studio and/or tour Australia than Puscifer doing the rounds again, but whatever floats their boat I guess…

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14 years ago

this is just the shirt that was being sold on the spring 2010 tour. it was a misprint. some of the shirts had a misprint on the back. the last 2 dates were april 2 and 3 but had a 1/2 and 1/3 instead of 4/2 and 4/3.

14 years ago

: or maybe Blairs hints at EMU’s and Bickies were in reference to puscifer landing in Oz… doubt it and I’d rather see hear tool, as well (no contest)

14 years ago

glad its a misprint, cuz even tho puscifer was a fucking rad show, i would much rather see a BEFORE christmas badass TOOL LP than for puscifer to keep it moving… so yeah, let’s just keep it recording, eh maynard? thanks. besides, the millions u need to keep flowing into that winery come from TOOL, not from pussy fur! 8~)

14 years ago

Puscifer tour or not, I wouldn’t be holding my breath for a Tool album release any time this year…

I believe the album is already done and this tour is just a warm- up

14 years ago

admin – 6 minutes ago  » 

I believe the album is already done and this tour is just a warm- up

I’ve considered that option and I think that is quite unlikely, though I look forward to being wrong…

I really, really hope you are wrong…and I mean that in the nicest possible way. 🙂

14 years ago

if i was going to bet money on when the next album is coming out, i would prob. say mid. january-early february 2011. just a hunch.

14 years ago

My guess is that the new album is finished and it will be released sometime shortly after this tour. Maynard has said in recent interviews that Tool may play new stuff occasionally on this tour if they are ready to. Puscifer will be releasing another full length soon, which is supposed to be the soundtrack for Blood Into Wine. As for them touring, I dunno, because I think Maynard breaks even touring with Puscifer and he probably needs some funds. However, if APC comes out with there new album sooner than later than I think the Tool album will be… Read more »

14 years ago

My guess is that the new album is finished and it will be released sometime shortly after this tour. Maynard has said in recent interviews that Tool may play new stuff occasionally on this tour if they are ready to. Puscifer will be releasing another full length soon, which is supposed to be the soundtrack for Blood Into Wine. As for them touring, I dunno, because I think Maynard breaks even touring with Puscifer and he probably needs some funds. However, if APC comes out with there new album sooner than later than I think the Tool album will be… Read more »

14 years ago

i suck with computers!

my comment starts with “or maybe”

14 years ago

Yes indeedy the Puscifer shirt is a typo!  I noticed it the first time I washed it.  I wouldn’t mind another Puscifer show since I wasn’t lucky enough to take part in the Tool 2010 Summer Tour.  I’m draining from need…

As for Album 5 speculations,  I had previously predicted October 2011.   But since they’re warming up now.  I think it’s safe to say it will be sooner.  Harvesting generally happens in September/October, then it’s bottling and pruning in the winter.  So maybe the release will be in the late spring 2011.  Definitely not sooner…

I dunno…damn grapes!

14 years ago

or maybe they are just humans who know their full human potential, understand their task, and are fulfilling it.. being mirror images to us all of the dream we can be surrounded with. this is beyond money, royalty, and fun. there is a state of delusion in this world that needs to be shifted. i have experienced amazing growth processes through this tour… and i’m only one perspective. i can only imagine how many others have as well. i know theres a rhyme and reason behind most things that go on in the world of Tool and Puscifer. So, whatever… Read more »

14 years ago

Still one of the BEST shows I’ve been to this year! Amazing!

14 years ago

If I can get another go around with the pussyfur that would be fine by me! Saw him twice in the spring and both shows were excelllent and different as well. Just a different emotion seems to be behind it! In my opinion anyways.

14 years ago

we could use another western assault! gotta keep it movin’.. it’s so creative.. it has so many artists involved. seeing Milla was fantastic! and that woman can sing.. and then having most of tool n apc under one roof, is historical..danny jammin’ out up on stage with tim alexander..priceless. I don’t want it..i just need it ;]

13 years ago

Just listed in the store:
Sound Into Blood Into Wine…$14.99; C is For (Blah, Blah, Blah) (EP)…$13.99; Shipping…$8.50!
Holy crap!

13 years ago

I wonder what the dvd/blu ray will cost. 30-40$?

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