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Puscifer Lyrics

Subtle emailed me this morning telling me that there are lyrics available on the Puscifer site.  I haven’t noticed them before so I suspect they’re new. 

Just in case you don’t believe me here’s a sample from my favorite Puscifer song:

Wake up son of mine.
Momma’s got somthin’ to tell you.
Changes come.
Life will have it’s way with your pride, son.
Take it like a man.
So hang on son on mine.
A storm is blowin up your horizon.
Changes come.
Keep your dignity.
Take the high road.
Take it like a man.
So listen up son of mine.
Momma’s got somethin’ to tell you…
All about
Growin pains.
Life will pound away
Where the light don’t shine, son
Take it like a man.
So suck it up son on mine.
Thunder’s blowin up your horizon.
Changes come. (changes come)
Keep your dignity.
Take the high road.
Take it like a man.
Momma Sed Like the rain. (this too shall pass)
Like a kidney stone.(this too shall pass)
Its just a broken heart, son. This pain will pass away.

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14 years ago

This is the most exciting news I have heard in decades. *sarcasm*

14 years ago

I know Maynard’s been calling a few people out regarding A Perfect Circle and Puscifer lyrics through his twitter accounts lately. Guess the words have been on his mind.
I like the lyrics. Nice to have the Puscifer ones, and I wish he’d post all of the APC ones as well.

14 years ago

[quote comment=””]I know Maynard’s been calling a few people out regarding A Perfect Circle and Puscifer lyrics through his twitter accounts lately. Guess the words have been on his mind. I like the lyrics. Nice to have the Puscifer ones, and I wish he’d post all of the APC ones as well.[/quote]
That for the most part would be left on Billy Howerdel. Considering he wrote the majority of A Perfect Circle’s songs.

14 years ago

not the lyrics tho…

14 years ago

elusivEuphoria – 55 minutes ago  » 
not the lyrics tho…

I have been curious about this–did Billy write the lyrics or is that Maynard or some of each? Obviously Judith was Maynard’s work (the lyrics). I don’t know what the credits are on the songs bec I downloaded them from iTunes, so don’t have a cd to look at.

Is Billy credited with some of the lyrics?

Vismund Cygnus
Vismund Cygnus
14 years ago

[quote comment=””] [quote comment=””] elusivEuphoria – 55 minutes ago » not the lyrics tho… I have been curious about this–did Billy write the lyrics or is that Maynard or some of each? Obviously Judith was Maynard’s work (the lyrics). I don’t know what the credits are on the songs bec I downloaded them from iTunes, so don’t have a cd to look at. Is Billy credited with some of the lyrics? [/quote] I’ve never really looked it up personally but I’ve always felt that Billy has contributed both lyrically and vocally to APC, unlike Tool where it appears to be… Read more »

14 years ago

Mer De Noms
Music and words by Billy and Maynard
Published by Transfixed Music/ASCAP and Harry Merkin
Produced by Billy
Mixed by Alan Moulder and Billy Howerdel

Seems to me Billy is A Perfect Circle

14 years ago

Music and Words by Billy and Maynard doesn’t mean that Billy contributed to the lyrics. It means that they are the ones who, for all intents and purposes, wrote all of the material. As in, Paz, Troy and Josh didn’t do very much of the writing if at all. Granted I’m sure they had some contributions. With all due respect, I don’t think billy had any more of a say on what direction maynard took with the lyrics that anyone in Tool has in that domain.

14 years ago

All I was saying is what is on the Mer De Noms insert…………….. I am sure Mr M has A LOT more say than anyone else in the band, with that being said APC in 99 is what made me fall in love with M or TOOL. Furthermore I firmly believe Billy had a direct impact in the sucess of the band! Why else would Maynard want a second go around?

14 years ago

I wasn’t saying you were wrong, I was just saying that the credits don’t exactly detail who did what. The way I call it, and this is mainly based on how Maynard has described the creative process with APC in interviews, the breakdown of the work is 70% billy, 30% maynard. Billy certainly is the man in charge of the instrumentals barring Maynards suggestions and nudging here and there… and the lyrics are mainly Maynard’s territory. I’m certain Billy had lyrics of his own for certain tracks, especially some on Mer De Noms. However I’m sure if maynard ran with… Read more »

14 years ago

It is my understanding from memory that some of the tunes on Mer De Noms had basically been written by Billy as early as his days teching for G’n’R, so som time prior to APC probably ever being thought of. Whether that be music, lyrics, or both is still in question it would appear.

14 years ago

Per the Amotion DVD Billy said that the only song he gave Maynard lyrical ideas for was Judith which, Maynard rejected. This excludes song(s) in which Billy does the lead vocals as he (Billy) wrote the Lyrics for those song(s) on which he (Billy) was the lead. All other APC song lyrics are written by Maynard. This is according to both of them Per the DVD.

14 years ago

Agenda – 6 hours ago  »  Per the Amotion DVD Billy said that the only song he gave Maynard lyrical ideas for was Judith which, Maynard rejected. This excludes song(s) in which Billy does the lead vocals as he (Billy) wrote the Lyrics for those song(s) on which he (Billy) was the lead. All other APC song lyrics are written by Maynard. This is according to both of them Per the DVD. Which songs feature Billy as the lead vocalist? I’ve always thought it was Maynard (other than those few off of eMotive). Ultimately, I’m just glad to have lyrics… Read more »

14 years ago

@ Cori/NXRM: That part of RIT is extremely difficult to discern lyrically, due to the effects and how it’s buried in the mix. And I agree the 3rd line especially is not what he’s singing (close but not exactly), despite the “official” lyrics. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened… BTW (just to beat a dead horse at this point), these lyrics illustrate, as with most of TººL’s lyrics IMO, how they so far outshine anything I’ve seen from his PussyFur material. Not to mention the vocal delivery, phrasing, effects… in short every aspect. I realize that it’s just another… Read more »

14 years ago

kittaan – 4 minutes ago  »  @ Cori/NXRM: That part of RIT is extremely difficult to discern lyrically, due to the effects and how it’s buried in the mix. And I agree the 3rd line especially is not what he’s singing (close but not exactly), despite the “official” lyrics. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened… BTW (just to beat a dead horse at this point), these lyrics illustrate, as with most of TººL’s lyrics IMO, how they so far outshine anything I’ve seen from his PussyFur material. Not to mention the vocal delivery, phrasing, effects… in short every aspect.… Read more »

14 years ago

Agreed about Humbling River being probably the best song I’ve heard so far.

I often catch myself singing “It’s always gonna be sour grapes with you boy, until you get right with Jesus” just because it’s funny as hell. Amen

14 years ago

I believe Billy penned the lyrics to Orestes. You can buy the original demo version with just him and an acoustic guitar on iTunes as part of the Deep Cuts compilation.

14 years ago

I love that version, by the way.

14 years ago

[quote comment=”kittaan”]@ Cori/NXRM: That part of RIT is extremely difficult to discern lyrically, due to the effects and how it’s buried in the mix. And I agree the 3rd line especially is not what he’s singing (close but not exactly), despite the “official” lyrics. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened… BTW (just to beat a dead horse at this point), these lyrics illustrate, as with most of TººL’s lyrics IMO, how they so far outshine anything I’ve seen from his PussyFur material. Not to mention the vocal delivery, phrasing, effects… in short every aspect. I realize that it’s just… Read more »

14 years ago

momma sed: the only good puscifer song
but it’s a damn good one

14 years ago

hodge – 1 hour ago  » 
momma sed: the only good puscifer song
but it’s a damn good one

oh, come on…theres a bunch of good puscifer songs. what about polar bear? potions? holiday on the moon? the undertaker (renholder mix)?

14 years ago

I was recently one of the many Puscifer haters. Granted, I still think half of the material is virtually unlistenable. But other stuff is great. There are 4 separate versions of “Momma Sed” on the site, and I dig them all.

14 years ago

there are many Puscifer haters..? I guess I’m glad to not know any of them personally…    8~)

14 years ago

[quote comment=”40003″]

hodge – 1 hour ago » momma sed: the only good puscifer song but it’s a damn good one

oh, come on…theres a bunch of good puscifer songs. what about polar bear? potions? holiday on the moon? the undertaker (renholder mix)?
you’re right, i forgot about the undertaker and rev 22:20

14 years ago

admin – 5 days ago  »  Seems to me Billy is A Perfect Circle I wouldn’t quite go that far – we all know how Ashes Divide turned out… Who? I saw APC in PHX once and before 3 Libras, MJK said that 2 out of 3 of those libras were in the audience, and if the song sounds bitter, its because it is, and so is he… something like that. so… I’ve always assumed he wrote all the lyrics for APC, but who knows.. Puscifer lyrics are hit or miss– there’s been a few gems and a lot of… Read more »

14 years ago

hodge – 2 days ago  » 
<blockquote cite=”″>

hodge – 1 hour ago » momma sed: the only good puscifer song but it’s a damn good one

oh, come on…theres a bunch of good puscifer songs. what about polar bear? potions? holiday on the moon? the undertaker (renholder mix)?


you’re right, i forgot about the undertaker and rev 22:20

the original rev 22:20 from the underworld soundtrack is easily the best puscifer song.

14 years ago

I was pretty sure that “Passive” was partly written by Reznor, although does that really matter? Puscifer on the other hand, I think most of you here know how I feel about it. Seen them 8 times and have never been disappointed, but, that’s me :-p I love the playfulness/creativeness it invites and all the artists who are involved and who will continue to evolve. Can’t say I have a favorite Puscifer song. I’m very glad to know that I am correct on some of the ideas that he’s conveying through them, although all things are subject to interpretation. The… Read more »

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