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Tool October 2010 Newsletter

Just to keep us on our toes Blair has released the October Newsletter at the beginning of the month rather than the end.  It’s really just a summary of upcoming events that people should consider attending including an a gallery with some of Adam’s art on display, a Crowleymas celebration where Danny & Blair will be signing books and such, a Volto! and Cpt. Kirk gigs and an event at COSM.

Most importantly for Aussie fans it touched on the Big Day Out tour:

For those of you hoping for some solo tour dates to be announced, all I can say at this point is to keep checking the website

The way I read that suggests that solo tour dates would be happening, and stay tuned for the inevitable announcement on a Tool fansite.  I wouldn’t get to bothered about Blair’s comment on the second Big Day Out.  I’m sure he’s not suggesting that Tool won’t be playing.

Update: I mean to add that the second Sydney Big Day Out goes on sale at midnight tonight.  Ballots to score remaining tickets for the Melbourne and Gold Coast shows start later this week as well.  If you’re planning on going to Auckland, Adelaide or Perth, don’t go expecting them to remain available for too much longer…

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13 years ago


13 years ago

Thank fuck for that.. thanks Blair… wait, what did I just say..

13 years ago

That was a rather uneventful newsletter, I would have liked to hear something about progress on new material, but oh well.

13 years ago

^You are welcome here in Sydney Hellboy. My fridge has beer. Hopefully the 2nd Sydney BDO sells strongly so they can speed up the announcement of solo show dates. Syd Ent Cent is the most likely venue but I cannot predict the date. Monday Jan 24? I highly doubt Tool would play 3 nights in a row so that rules out Tuesday Jan 25 and Friday Jan 28. We’ll find out soon I guess…

13 years ago

If I ever see Blair I will calmly walk up to him and scream “SPECIFY” then calmly turn around and walk away.

13 years ago

from the newsletter:  “While you’re at it, you might want to gather some crocodile teeth, or whatever Aussies use for good luck – I know it’s not 4-leaf clovers”
sounds like a clue to me

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]I wouldn’t get to bothered about Blair’s comment on the second Big Day Out.  I’m sure he’s not suggesting that Tool won’t be playing.[/quote]
I think that’s just more of a sarcastic/apathetic commentary on the fact that his (official) sources seem to always neglect to tell him that sort of stuff until after it’s already public knowledge.

13 years ago

junior – 5 minutes ago  » 

I wouldn’t get to bothered about Blair’s comment on the second Big Day Out.  I’m sure he’s not suggesting that Tool won’t be playing.

I think that’s just more of a sarcastic/apathetic commentary on the fact that his (official) sources seem to always neglect to tell him that sort of stuff until after it’s already public knowledge.

Junior, saw a few posts from you recently… WELCOME BACK… hope your well deserved break from the tool-related interweb treated you well

13 years ago

Junior, I’m not asking you to confirm anything but should I be hopeful about a Hawaii date?

13 years ago

Tool will definitely be playing in Hawaii. Laird Hamilton told me so.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Tool will definitely be playing in Hawaii. Laird Hamilton told me so.

Twice I pose a question to Junior and some clown responds.

13 years ago

^Why don’t you pose a question to a clown and hope Junior responds…

13 years ago

Twice I pose a question to Junior and some clown responds.

Do you really expect Junior, as busy as he is, to frequent this board as often as the rest of us do? Just send him a private message and he might answer your question faster.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]

danielkauai21 Twice I pose a question to Junior and some clown responds.

Do you really expect Junior, as busy as he is, to frequent this board as often as the rest of us do? Just send him a private message and he might answer your question faster.

Thats ok I’m not going to badger the guy, if he wants to put in his two cents he will.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””] danielkauai21 Twice I pose a question to Junior and some clown responds. Do you really expect Junior, as busy as he is, to frequent this board as often as the rest of us do? Just send him a private message and he might answer your question faster. [/quote] Thats ok I’m not going to badger the guy, if he wants to put in his two cents he will.[/quote] perhaps he just wants to visit the site occasionally to make comments, and not feel like everytime he does, people are going to ask him questions and persuade him to… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Twice I pose a question to Junior and some clown responds.
Sorry. I just don’t have an answer for any questions about Hawaii.

13 years ago

Trappiste beers… I fucking knew it.

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13 years ago

danielkauai21 – 19 hours ago  » 

Tool will definitely be playing in Hawaii. Laird Hamilton told me so.

Twice I pose a question to Junior and some clown responds.

The internet is serious business.

13 years ago

Welcome back Jr.! Good to see you here but, I wouldn’t go checking out toolnavy just yet…seems like even more silliness has popped up there…

13 years ago

LnL37 – 7 seconds ago  » 
Welcome back Jr.! Good to see you here but, I wouldn’t go checking out toolnavy just yet…seems like even more silliness has popped up there…

hey hellboy, did you get a chance to send Jr those questions?
oops…hit quote instead of edit…
Doh! too late about the toolnavy thing I see…

13 years ago

As a seperate question for Junior though, I’d be interested in hearing how much of the stage show from the recent US tour will be making it down under. I’d guess due to the need to fit onto a festival stage there may be a few items left behind…

honestly, it’d be refreshing to see tool just show up on stage and play a solid set… I’m more concerned/anxious for the setlist they play… WE WANT THIRD EYE, WE WANT THIRD EYE… say it with me everyone, WE WANT THIRD EYE

13 years ago

His name is Robert Paulson…
His name is Robert Paulson…

13 years ago

his name is Robert Paulson

13 years ago

Robert Paulson?
I could’ve sworn the guy who told me about Tool going to Hawaii was Laird Hamilton when we were big wave surfing at Jaws. Or it was Israel KamakawiwoÊ»ole. One of those two.

13 years ago

His name is Robert Paulson

13 years ago

What’s the first rule? You’re blowing it.

13 years ago

kittaan – 9 minutes ago  » 
What’s the first rule? You’re blowing it.

Don’t talk about Fight Club? Don’t shit where you eat? Don’t eat the yellow snow?

13 years ago

Bobage – 45 minutes ago  » 

kittaan – 9 minutes ago  » 
What’s the first rule? You’re blowing it.

Don’t talk about Fight Club? Don’t shit where you eat? Don’t eat the yellow snow?

All of the above brougham.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]As a seperate question for Junior though, I’d be interested in hearing how much of the stage show from the recent US tour will be making it down under.  I’d guess due to the need to fit onto a festival stage there may be a few items left behind…[/quote]
We’re still working that out, but getting close to a plan.
BDO has a new stage roof structure for Australia that is a bit more accommodating. The stage roof for Auckland is the same dome as past years.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]We’re still working that out, but getting close to a plan. BDO has a new stage roof structure for Australia that is a bit more accommodating. The stage roof for Auckland is the same dome as past years.[/quote]
Dammit. Get your act together Mt Smart so we can enjoy the same stage show as the rest of the SAME bloody festival!

13 years ago

[quote comment=””] Dammit. Get your act together Mt Smart so we can enjoy the same stage show as the rest of the SAME bloody festival![/quote] The Auckland BDO has always been treated as a separate entity, production-wise. The equipment all comes from local vendors as the logistics of transport between Aus/NZ are cost-prohibitive. As a result, Auckland gets a similar, though not exact same show as Australia. I imagine there is just not enough work in NZ for a new stage structure to replace the existing one. The ones in Australia can be used for a number of other events… Read more »

13 years ago

Hey junior i know its not your department but i’ve always wondered, when the band brings all their electric equipment over, australia uses a different kind of power (voltage and that) so how do you adapt? those step-down transformers or something else?

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]Hey junior i know its not your department but i’ve always wondered, when the band brings all their electric equipment over, australia uses a different kind of power (voltage and that) so how do you adapt? those step-down transformers or something else?[/quote]
Yes, step-down transformers for their amps, effects, etc.
Lighting, video, lasers and sound stuff is mostly 240v worldwide, anyway.

13 years ago

junior – 23 hours ago  »  Hey junior i know its not your department but i’ve always wondered, when the band brings all their electric equipment over, australia uses a different kind of power (voltage and that) so how do you adapt? those step-down transformers or something else? Yes, step-down transformers for their amps, effects, etc. Lighting, video, lasers and sound stuff is mostly 240v worldwide, anyway. And that shit is NOT cheap, at least for the reliable units. And when you’re dealing with pro touring band gear, why would you risk using anything else…. It’s also really bulky. I… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=””] junior – 23 hours ago » Hey junior i know its not your department but i’ve always wondered, when the band brings all their electric equipment over, australia uses a different kind of power (voltage and that) so how do you adapt? those step-down transformers or something else? Yes, step-down transformers for their amps, effects, etc. Lighting, video, lasers and sound stuff is mostly 240v worldwide, anyway. And that shit is NOT cheap, at least for the reliable units. And when you’re dealing with pro touring band gear, why would you risk using anything else…. It’s also really… Read more »

13 years ago

I am not expecting news about the new TOOL album for a while, but it would be nice to get any updates on music videos in progress or future vinyl releases.

13 years ago

junior – 1 hour ago  »  junior – 23 hours ago » Hey junior i know its not your department but i’ve always wondered, when the band brings all their electric equipment over, australia uses a different kind of power (voltage and that) so how do you adapt? those step-down transformers or something else? Yes, step-down transformers for their amps, effects, etc. Lighting, video, lasers and sound stuff is mostly 240v worldwide, anyway. And that shit is NOT cheap, at least for the reliable units. And when you’re dealing with pro touring band gear, why would you risk using anything… Read more »

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