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A Perfect Video

Spin has a video from the first A Perfect Circle show a few nights back in Arizona.  Doesn’t have any live audio, however the quality of the footage suggests that rumours of a live DVD of some description are very promising, and hopefully very likely!

Enjoy the gigs those of you who were lucky enough to score tickets!

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13 years ago

Was a cool little clip! Fingers crossed for a DVD, feedback from these shows has been awesome so far. Lucky bast….

13 years ago

Looks like the clips were shot from the band’s photographer. I imagine they are just video clips shot using a DSLR.

13 years ago

I have a pic of the camera guy standing on stage with Billy as he walked off. When he turned the camera towards my side of the stage I raised my hands up, with my phone in hand, so that I would be able to “see” myself if the video was ever released. It worked. lol

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]
I have a pic of the camera guy standing on stage with Billy as he walked off. When he turned the camera towards my side of the stage I raised my hands up, with my phone in hand, so that I would be able to “see” myself if the video was ever released. It worked. lol
I stand corrected. It does in fact look like a full fledged video camera.

13 years ago


HI KITTAAN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

yesterday you mentioned a thread for show reviews? can you elaborate please? i am not very computer fancy!


13 years ago

@ Seanhalas – No problem.

Look in the main thread list for:

APC Avalon, Hollywood Shows Thread – Reviews, Photos, etc. Post Here.


APC Arizona Shows Thread – Reviews, Photos, etc. Post Here.

We’ll start new ones for each show run

13 years ago

MAGNUS – What night was the pic from? I know it’s AZ because i recognize the security with the beard. 2nd?

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]
MAGNUS – What night was the pic from? I know it’s AZ because i recognize the security with the beard. 2nd?
It was actually night 1.

13 years ago

A review on Antiquiet about their first LA show and Maynard sucking..

Hopefully he gives it all to san francisco next week.

13 years ago

I found it odd the APC page on FB posted the link. They posted another which tells a different story too. At least they’re not holding back. lol

13 years ago

Not sure what to expect with this?

A Perfect Circle
See footage from the LA performance of A Perfect Circle on the Nov. 12 episode of Last Call w/Carson Daly!”

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]Not sure what to expect with this? “A Perfect Circle See footage from the LA performance of A Perfect Circle on the Nov. 12 episode of Last Call w/Carson Daly!”[/quote]
Well sorry for the double post….just looked into this further, not sure if it has been posted on here already (i apologize if it has) but after looking at the Carson Daily schedule it looks like Maynard will be the guest speaker on the 12th along with a performance from APC.

13 years ago

brokenchimes – 48 minutes ago  » 
A review on Antiquiet about their first LA show and Maynard sucking..
Hopefully he gives it all to san francisco next week.

Thanks for the link. I remember Skwerl when he had the “thirteenthstep” website/messageboard. A lot of cool people around back then.
Fourtheye definitely reminds me of those good times.

13 years ago

brokenchimes A review on Antiquiet about their first Hollywood show and Maynard sucking. Sort of contrary to my review in the other thread, I guess I am inclined to agree about some of the things that were mentioned about Maynard and his vocals. Obviously, he sang much better back when I saw A Perfect Circle in 2004, but for the effort put forth by the band to play these shows, I went to honor Maynard and the rest of band for touring once again in over five years instead of trying to identify the vocal slip ups. I guess… Read more »

13 years ago

brokenchimes – 1 hour ago  » 
A review on Antiquiet about their first LA show and Maynard sucking..
Hopefully he gives it all to san francisco next week.

basically akin to us bitching about how Maynard won’t sing the final lines of Vicarious + Flood.
I’d love to see Josh Freese come and do the drum faggotry with DC. That would be almost worth the admission alone.

13 years ago

Maynard’s vocals in the recordings from these shows have sounded great to me so far. I don’t envy rock singers. When you reach a certain age and natural wear starts to take its toll on your voice, people seem to just treat you like spoiled fruit to be thrown out or something. Even if you can hold a tune and sing the songs 95% faithful to the studio versions. I suppose another part of it is that when you’re a vocalist as capable and disciplined as him, these things will become more easily noticed with time than most… Shows aside,… Read more »

13 years ago

Shows aside, too bad to read that he’s still being a dickhole at the meet and greets.

Where did you hear this?

13 years ago

In the comments on the Antiquiet review. I know its a secondhand source so its not worth a great deal, but it would fit the pattern anyhow.

13 years ago

We are talking about the guy that wrote Hooker with a Penis.

Buy his new record. Send more money!

He’s a great artist, but I think the idea of people paying him just so they can fawn on him probably gets tiring.

13 years ago

admin – 18 minutes ago  » 

Maybe people just need to accept he doesn’t give a shit about strangers who pay money to see him.

When you think of it this way, could anyone blame him? Having said that, he’s running a business and that’s no way to treat your customers.

13 years ago

circusmidget – 3 minutes ago  » 

admin – 18 minutes ago  » 
Maybe people just need to accept he doesn’t give a shit about strangers who pay money to see him.

When you think of it this way, could anyone blame him? Having said that, he’s running a business and that’s no way to treat your customers.

He should include a free Hooker w/ a Penis single with every M&G package.

13 years ago

[quote comment=”41690″]
He’s a great artist, but I think the idea of people paying him just so they can fawn on him probably gets tiring.
Eh, I can see it that way maybe.

13 years ago

Ns1: lol.

hellboy: Fair call.

13 years ago

Ultimatum_Prison_Cell – 36 minutes ago  »  We are talking about the guy that wrote Hooker with a Penis. Buy his new record. Send more money! He’s a great artist, but I think the idea of people paying him just so they can fawn on him probably gets tiring. Exactly. I’m very good mates with the guy who was doing some guitar tech duties for Sunk Loto when they supported APC on their first tour. My mate was so pumped about meeting Maynard, but when he was backstage, mjk just sat in the corner. People kept swarming over him and fawning… Read more »

13 years ago

Yeah, I get that. I shouldnt call him a dickhole. To be fair its rather easy to get that impression. But that makes sense.

13 years ago

Well, there’s probably a middle ground.
By all accounts, he *is* a bit of a jerk.. But I don’t count him not wanting to play the rock star game as evidence of that per say…

13 years ago

Do you guys actively want to meet random people in your day to day life currently? Especially either overtly excited, drunk, stoned or other.  I hate people! More power to MJK.

13 years ago

Looking foward to the shows (LA3 and both Vegas)
Don’t care that Maynard doesn’t want to be my new bff and maybe can’t hit every note. Just so glad they are doing these shows.

13 years ago

Was a good review, and those comments from that meet and great do raise a few good points. We would all love MJK to put a bit more into engaging with fans, not everyday on the street, but at least at these VIP things. Just don’t get why he even does them if he acts like that. I mean not all bands have to do these things? Its more like he is being forced? Or does he like to do them just to show up to say, hold up, why are you talking to me? Either way, I would never… Read more »

13 years ago

yeah, i dont blame mjk at all for his attitude at the meet and greets or whatever they are called. most people at conceerts annoy the shit out of me too. alot of intoxicated people with annoying attitudes would not be appealing to me either.

as far as the voice. give me a fucking break. i watched that clip on the stupid review and he sounded fine. what the hell are some people expecting?? this is coming from some numbnut who makes a living feeding people his negative opinion. i say…………whiny little bitch!! suck it!

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]yeah, i dont blame mjk at all for his attitude at the meet and greets or whatever they are called. most people at conceerts annoy the shit out of me too. alot of intoxicated people with annoying attitudes would not be appealing to me either. as far as the voice. give me a fucking break. i watched that clip on the stupid review and he sounded fine. what the hell are some people expecting?? this is coming from some numbnut who makes a living feeding people his negative opinion. i say…………whiny little bitch!! suck it![/quote] Jesus, talk about an annoying attitude.… Read more »

13 years ago

A counter-point:

Sure we know MJK is balling but what about the other guys? I’m sure they get a cut of the M&G revenue and they all seem like working musicians.

13 years ago

You probably already know but I thought I would share what I found.  So far, has live audio from Tempe, AZ – 11-04-10.  Video to follow soon?

A Perfect Circle – 2010-11-04 – Tempe, AZ

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]You probably already know but I thought I would share what I found.  So far, has live audio from Tempe, AZ – 11-04-10.  Video to follow soon?   A Perfect Circle – 2010-11-04 – Tempe, AZ[/quote]
Are they selling any signed items at the shows?

13 years ago

Hey Hammer!!
the difference is she is putting her opinion in a general review of the show. i read alot of other reviews that thought he sounded good. so yeah, i think the review is a viewpoint of a whiner. and i do rest assured that MJK hates me too. i dont loose any sleep over it actually!

13 years ago

I was about thirty feet away from Maynard and I thought his vocals were fine, albeit a bit high-pitched here and there, but overall, he sounded very good for not having rehearsed these songs in so many years. I kind of agree with Sean, that Antiquiet review was almost negative just for the sake of being the only negative review of these recent A Perfect Circle show reviews. Not the best way to get fans motivated for the upcoming shows in San Francisco and Las Vegas by being overly critical of Maynard and his vocal performance. Feeling an overwhelming hostility… Read more »

13 years ago

admin – 14 minutes ago  »  I kind of agree with Sean, that Antiquiet review was almost negative just for the sake of being the only negative review of these recent A Perfect Circle show reviews. Not sure it’s negative for the sake of being negative, that suggests the reviewer had an agenda before he wrote the piece, and I don’t believe that’s the case.  Let’s not forget that it’s just one persons opinion, he saw the vocals as being sub par and no one can really change that for him. The problem that I feel a lot of people… Read more »

13 years ago

very true HELLBOY. good interpretation.
i stand my my rant this morning, however, i will admit that the shitty review that i read coincided with a temporary foul mood i was experiencing. normally i would voice my displeasure with a bit more class.


13 years ago

are they selling any signed posters or anything at the shows? Plus im hearing alot of negative comments about the meet and greets.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]For what it’s worth, from the bootlegs I’ve heard (both Tool and APC) Maynard is currently sounding better than he did for most of the 10k Days tour. To me it sounds like Maynard is much more comfortable with how his vocals are these days.

Agreed. Heres hoping that hes 100% for writing/recording the new Tool record.

13 years ago
13 years ago

Quite tidy that one…

13 years ago

Maybe Maynard just had the shits on the first night or something haha…
But i noticed in quite a few of the bootlegs he is actually “yelling/screaming” the notes instead of “singing” them if that makes sense….kinda like he used to in old tool…
Hard to explain, but take a chorus to stinkfist…it’s yelled in CD and live these days he sings it…Same as the ending scream to flood…
Good to see he’s got a bit of a rasp still…

13 years ago

admin – 4 hours ago  »  No problems with Maynard’s vocals there. Is that the back of Junior’s head in front of that laptop? I don’t think that’s him in front of the laptop but he’s definitely there. I talked with him a bit at the AZ show. He was sitting in front of his light control rig thingy-ma-jig. Asked him why he hadn’t posted in a while and explained he was “over” all of the negativity he was reading on here. I told him there’s no way to please everyone and to not sweat it, as there are plenty… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]

Is that the back of Junior’s head in front of that laptop?

Nope. That’s the sound engineer, Erik, and the screen is actually part of his sound console.
I’m about 6 feet to his left.

13 years ago

demorgan – 3 hours ago  » 
are they selling any signed posters or anything at the shows? Plus im hearing alot of negative comments about the meet and greets.

check out some of the review threads. $20 unsigned, $100 signed. and im sure the meet and greets are cool, just don’t expect maynard to come over and shake your hand and engage in any conversation.

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