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Maynard Stuff

A few Maynard related items this afternoon.  Firstly, as I’m sure most of you have read on Toolband a selection of his wines won 9 medals at a recent Arizona Republic Wine Competition.  Head over to the Caduceus site or Toolband for more details. Congratulations to Maynard on his endeavours and I hope to one day sample his fermented grapes.

I read somewhere (I can’t for the life of me remember where – perhaps someone can “remind” me) that not only will A Perfect Circle be appearing on the Last Call with Carson Daly show tonight, but Maynard will also be making an appearance.  Don’t turn off your television!

Lastly, there’s a good review by Raymond Flotat on  Not idea what that stands for but the pictures are pretty tasty.  Enjoy!

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13 years ago

Just watched the Carson Daly interview. Short, but not bad.
Interesting that he comments on how his singing isn’t what it used to be and how he is just trying to do what he can on some of these vocally-challenging songs (well, my paraphrase of what he said).
ETA: I’m not criticizing his voice…I’m just commenting on what *he* said. I love his voice.
ETA2: LOL at how they talked about wine, APC, and Puscifer…but CD didn’t dare bring up TOOL … even though they kept showing TOOL stills.

13 years ago

Closest thing to TRL Maynard has ever been. LOL.

13 years ago

Can someone provide maybe a link to a youtube video of the interview or something to that effect?

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]Can someone provide maybe a link to a youtube video of the interview or something to that effect?[/quote]
Just uploaded them……they were taken from my camera so not great quality but should be fine until the Higher Quality videos are uploaded later on
The Noose:
The Interview of MJK:

Blairs Man Snausage
Blairs Man Snausage
13 years ago

good interview actually.  mjk wasn’t pretentious at all.  carson though, really?

Blairs Man Snausage
Blairs Man Snausage
13 years ago

[quote comment=””]good interview actually.  mjk wasn’t pretentious at all.  carson though, really?[/quote]

13 years ago

Haven’t seen it yet on the West coast.
Was kinda hoping for more than one song, though. They recorded the first 5 of the show. Maybe they’ll use another one on a future show.

13 years ago

I really appreciate that recording grr915, pretty meh interview, Carson had no interesting questions at all and maynard was visibly bemused. One thing that did interest me though was the way maynard behaves around people who aren’t interviewers as seen in that footage with the wine taster. He seems alot more loose and less cold than in interviews

13 years ago

Thanks for your efforts grr915! Even this Q makes me excited!

13 years ago

grr915 – 4 hours ago  » 

Can someone provide maybe a link to a youtube video of the interview or something to that effect?

Just uploaded them……they were taken from my camera so not great quality but should be fine until the Higher Quality videos are uploaded later on
The Noose:
The Interview of MJK:

thank you

13 years ago

thanks grr, champiooooong

13 years ago

Carson is primo douchebagary.
Wow at maynard actually being upfront about his voice. And yet, about 90% of what i’ve heard from the MDN Tempe show, he sounded comfortable and strong,,, there are definitely points where he struggles and some obvious changes made, But still good.

13 years ago

another angle on the voice thing……………… i was 15 feet from MJK on the rail last night in Seattle. the poor guy is sick right now. coughing up a lung a couple times between songs. i could see him go for a couple notes and pull back when he knew he couldnt make it happen. imagine trying to sing with a chest cold and a stuffed nose. he still gave it his all though and the show was fantastic. anxious for tonight! not being corny, but 13th step helped get me sober. if i hadnt gotten sober when i did,… Read more »

13 years ago

That’s the first time I’ve ever heard him discuss his own singing ability in a negative context… well not negative, but I can’t think of a better adjective right now. You know. First time I’ve heard him be candid about the natural limitations that accompany aging. At least when he said his throat isn’t doing well, I took that as an admission of something longer term than just a temporary illness. He really sounds great on these West Coast shows, though. Its probably a frustrating thing for a perfectionistic artist like him, but he’s done well. I like what he… Read more »

13 years ago A little bit better quality. I too found it surprising to hear him open about about his throat struggles. I went through some phases on how I generally, and probably unfairly perceived Maynard. I guess I’d be considered a newer tool fan. I really discovered Tool when maynard was doing his original a perfect circle stuff, and then later I got into APC and around that time I had seen a bunch of youtube videos of him through Aenima and the evoluton that was Lateralus in terms of the stage show and was truly at awe at the… Read more »

13 years ago

@chrispiiiii….he turns his back on the crowd when flash photography is being used. There is a strict no camera policy at TooL shows and when these douche bags don’t know how to turn off the flash on the camera they snuck into the venue to begin with, he turns around. I’m not making excuses for him, just explaining why he does it.

13 years ago

I read an interesting point somewhere that Maynard’s eyes might be hypersensitive to lights, or that camera flashes just disorient or distract him, which explains the sunglasses he wears during every show these days. I know he has complained about flash photography and stuff before. As for the mounted microphone, the fact is the guy’s in his late forties so its probably a matter of having something tall to hold onto to keep good back posture more than anything else.   Not that he’s a decomposing antique or whatever, because he definitely does some grueling agro work on his vineyard.… Read more »

13 years ago

First half of the interview was just Blood into Wine paraphrase with fragments from the film. Strange decision to spend so much time on this during such a rare new video interview with apc-maynard…

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