The December Tool newsletter is now out! I’m just about to head into the office so haven’t had a chance to read it yet so have fun!
The December Tool newsletter is now out! I’m just about to head into the office so haven’t had a chance to read it yet so have fun!
No excrement! BMB’s abuse of his voluminous vocabulary is likely to precipitate nefandous stupefaction.
He even mentioned the fabled live DVD, a website revamp and possible TººL merch for the holidays. I’ll not be holding my breath for any of these, but it’s interesting that they are still on the radar in BMB’s ramblings.
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No excrement! BMB’s abuse of his voluminous vocabulary is likely to precipitate nefandous stupefaction.
Bwahahahaha! He even mentioned the fabled live DVD, a website revamp and possible TººL merch for the holidays. I’ll not be holding my breath for any of these, but it’s interesting that they are still on the radar in BMB’s ramblings.[/quote]
To Blair:
Dude, this is the Tool website… Please, only Tool related NEWS.
Another interesting read, at least the first part. I am betting on a third or fourth quarter release in 2011 of the new album. The one thing I am happy about reading is that there is talk about them working on the new album. That is a good sign. I am going to go to as many shows as I can when they do tour again, as a matter of fact, I neeed to start putting money into the Tool show fund now as we speak.
darkstarhub – 52 minutes ago » I am betting on a third or fourth quarter release in 2011 of the new album. The one thing I am happy about reading is that there is talk about them working on the new album. That is a good sign. The way they’re going about it (with extended holidays, tours, side projects etc to combat with) we’ll be lucky to see a new album before mid 2012. Unlikely to into the studio before May 2011, spend at least 5 months recording, then mix the thing, finalise the artwork etc……and that’s if all goes… Read more »
mabey a 10,000 days record for x-mas (crosses fingers) doubtful though. 😉
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mabey a 10,000 days record for x-mas (crosses fingers) doubtful though. 😉
Can’t see it being Xmas 2010…
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If recent interviews are anything to go by, the writing process is barely in its infancy. Will they even have basic song sketches ready by next May to begin recording?
I’m pretty sure the writing process is well beyond it’s “infancy”.
I’m pretty sure the writing process is well beyond it’s “infancy”.
i agree, i think it is developed to a certain degree. however, APC will be touring in the spring. Howerdale told us so in Seattle. that means summer or fall before anything happens with MJK. we would be lucky to see anything in 2011. i vote for spring 2012. and thats ok with me, frustrating!!!!, but i can wait.
As long as its out before 12/12/2012……. you never know, LOL!!
36 days till Honolulu!!!
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If recent interviews are anything to go by, the writing process is barely in its infancy. Will they even have basic song sketches ready by next May to begin recording?
I’m pretty sure the writing process is well beyond it’s “infancy”.
My best guess, through inference based on a few official statements, is that they’re roughly 70% done with the instrumental writing process.
The end of 2011 sounds about right…
Calfium Jay – 1 hour ago » darkstarhub – 52 minutes ago » I am betting on a third or fourth quarter release in 2011 of the new album. The one thing I am happy about reading is that there is talk about them working on the new album. That is a good sign. The way they’re going about it (with extended holidays, tours, side projects etc to combat with) we’ll be lucky to see a new album before mid 2012. Unlikely to into the studio before May 2011, spend at least 5 months recording, then mix the thing, finalise… Read more »
Ahem, the riff for Wings was done 5 years before the album was released. Pretty sure I got a bootleg of Jimmy a few years before Aenima too. But does that have any bearing on current song writing? Have Tool played any as yet unreleased songs in concert since 10,000 Days came out? No. Not that I have heard of. You can only assume then, based on the information we have, that there aren’t any new songs completed in entirety. Perhaps there are NO new songs. In July Adam gave a brief interview somewhere, where he stated that the song… Read more »
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In July Adam gave a brief interview somewhere, where he stated that the song writing was “going a little slow”. Now, what does that mean? That they’ve done sweet F.A or that they have a few songs in various stages of completion but haven’t advanced as far as they would have liked to?
That was 5 months ago. Â Interviews since then suggest they’ve spent a considerable amount of time jamming/writing sans-Maynard.
I hope i do these quote tags right…  [quote]For those who have sent e-mail asking if the whole “pheasant hunting thing” might be a cover story for what was actually a secret recording session with (another) famous prog guitarist, the answer is a resounding “no” (although I’m still checking out whether or not the true reason for his trip was to oversee a delicate medical procedure [in one of the few laboratories with a license to engage in human cloning experiments] to correct a specific concern with his favorite tour decoy.)[/quote]  I’d assume he was referencing Fripp there.… Read more »
I’ve said this before but for their last record Tool hit the recording studio in August & September 2005, they then did a little promo stuff in Europe and Australia in February 2006 and then the album came out officially on May 2, 2006 (but Vicarious leaked on about April 17 and the whole disc leaked on maybe April 20?). Anyway, whenever the enter the recroding studio, add about 7 months and that should be your release date. Maybe if they record in April/May 2011 the new album can be out by October (Aenima came out October 1996) but who knows? Having… Read more »
elusivEuphoria – 1 hour ago » I hope i do these quote tags right…  For those who have sent e-mail asking if the whole “pheasant hunting thing” might be a cover story for what was actually a secret recording session with (another) famous prog guitarist, the answer is a resounding “no” (although I’m still checking out whether or not the true reason for his trip was to oversee a delicate medical procedure [in one of the few laboratories with a license to engage in human cloning experiments] to correct a specific concern with his favorite tour decoy.)  I’d… Read more »
lol i did the same thing about an hour ago, but i think it might be related to his travels to NY for some soundscape performances; which he claimed may be his last performances in the states. Very depressing. I feel fortunate enough to have enjoyed KC live three times with two different lineups, and the LOCG. Seeing Tool and KC would have been a dream, but alas I fell in love with Tool just a year too late. My brother saw one of those shows… im eternally jealous.
I figured that whole spring time thing out. Ashes Divide will be touring not APC.
In an interview somewhere i remember Danny saying it was a safe bet they would be done sometime before 2012, so that probably means early 2012. As frustrating as it is, you got to let the boys do their work. I trust them enough to give them time. They do not disappoint. They obviously like to keep things under tight supervision so things dont get leaked, and as soon as they give the smallest of details people like us freak out and want something today, so kind of understandable. Anyone know who is opening for them in Hawaii? Jakob? With… Read more »
I avoid so much work when I’m on this thing. Thanks HellBoy.
@ elusiveEuphoria – I decided to search Fripp’s blog archives (by the way, he’s now updated to Dec 1, so we may yet see some mention of this rumored recent session with Adam.) If you haven’t already seen these, they might be interesting to you (some of this I remember, other stuff not so much): Replying to fan’s questions from Feb 2010: robert and adam
:: Posted by davidfsnyder on February 06, 2010 … Presuming that Adam and Robert hang out more (or even tour) for their project–it… Oyster correction
:: Posted by paulwelsh on February 06, 2010 Oops, I meant… Read more »
Calfium Jay – 16 hours ago  » Ahem, the riff for Wings was done 5 years before the album was released. Pretty sure I got a bootleg of Jimmy a few years before Aenima too. But does that have any bearing on current song writing? Have Tool played any as yet unreleased songs in concert since 10,000 Days came out? No. Not that I have heard of. You can only assume then, based on the information we have, that there aren’t any new songs completed in entirety. Perhaps there are NO new songs. In July Adam gave a brief interview… Read more »
Well, there is one mistake for sure…the Raiders/Chiefs game is on Sun. Jan. 2nd not New Years Day. I had to double check ’cause I will be driving back to L.A. from Vegas on New Years Day and don’t want to miss my boys pulling a smallpox and destroying them Kansans…
Tool to play in Brazil possibly? Would this be the first South American Tool show? I hope that they consider playing Panama if they decide to go to South America. Being equi-distant from southern Texas and northern Argentina, its geographically logical. I know Mastodon and Metallica recently played there, but I don’t know how the show went. I also know that the newspaper there did an article on Porcupine Tree (I was asked to interview SW) in attempt to “invite” them to play in the under-appreciated yet musically vibrant country. I’m sure fellow Panamanian Billy Cobham would accept an invitation to jam… Read more »
Nothing in this newsletter we didn’t already know. There’ll be a new album someday, hopefully before the end of the world. They’re gonna fix TA on their own time, meaning never. Oh, and there will be a DVD to be released sometime in the next 45 years.
BurlyIves – 2 hours ago » seanhalas – 17 hours ago »   I’m pretty sure the writing process is well beyond it’s “infancy”.  i agree, i think it is developed to a certain degree. however, APC will be touring in the spring. Howerdale told us so in Seattle. that means summer or fall before anything happens with MJK. we would be lucky to see anything in 2011. i vote for spring 2012. and thats ok with me, frustrating!!!!, but i can wait. I figured that whole spring time thing out. Ashes Divide will be touring not APC.… Read more »
yeah, exactly, i felt pretty confident that he was saying APC would see us in the spring/summer not Ashes. he said “We” will see you, reffering to the band that was standing on the stage(minus MJK who had already left the building)…….not “I” will see you, reffering to himself with another band(ashes devide)
i have also seen hints somewhere that the mini tour was a prelude to something larger. and i am damn fine with that. those 3 shows were magic!
You’re telling me in the 4 years that they’ve been on the road they’ve never written a single riff/progression/whatever? yeah right. I’ll agree they probably don’t have songs, but they probably have a million pieces. They probably do have plenty of riffs and a million little pieces to choose from. That’s kinda what worries me. How long does it take to make a million little pieces fit together? You could probably – comfortably – say at this point that there are quite a few song sketches floating around plus any number of riffs, drum patterns and squiggly wiggly synth experiments… Read more »
Good news for us Hawaii show attending people, there will be no opening band, Just Tool like the last time they played. I really cant stand sitting through opening bands so this will be a special night. Just us and Tool in a room.
So how many of you people in the states are flying in and where is everyone staying?
Only thirty days to go so lets stark making some plans and shit.
Calfium Jay – 2 days ago  » Oh well, at least Tool aren’t Secret Chiefs. I’ve been waiting since 2004 for a follow up proper to Book Of Horizons!! I met Trey at a hotel lobby a few years ago in LA when I was down there for a friend’s bachelor party. Blew me away, because I thought he was just some dude checking out… we were making small talk while waiting, and upon asking what he was doing there, found out who he was. I tried not to be a fan boy, but let him know I dug what… Read more »
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I generally enjoy the support bands that Tool select. Â I guess I’d rather no band than a shitty band, but I’d rather listen to someone play live than just twiddle my thumbs waiting for Tool.
I saw a snippet of Jakob on the BDO site. not bad, a little trippy, i’m from NZ and i’d never really heard of them. looking forward to seeing them open for Tool in Brisbane.Â
My brother (who flys to NYC for work) took extra time while in town to catch Fripp’s soundscape performances and detailed them in two of his blog posts. If you’re interested, give them a looksee.
He included pictures (although none of the performance as he was attempting to be respectful of Fripp’s wishes) including one nice shot of his gear. All I can say is if Fripps soundscapes were playing in a shopping center, I’d go to the mall more often than 2-3 times a year, haha.
See ya on the beach in a month…… sippin’ some sizzurp and smokin’ some!!!
@ elusivEuphoria – Cool that he got to check those shows out. I hope it’s not really the last of live Fripp.
We’ve already lost Bruford for good, according to the man himself. He said he won’t be touring again.
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I saw a snippet of Jakob on the BDO site. not bad, a little trippy, i’m from NZ and i’d never really heard of them. looking forward to seeing them open for Tool in Brisbane.
Jakob are awesome man. I am fairly sure that they will not disappoint any more than 10% of the crowd. Can’t wait for the 24th Jan!
I heard the other day that Tool are apparently writing a new album.
Supposedly it’s going to be “great”.
It’s all hearsay.
wow. really
so i was searching thru newsletters to see if i could find that pic full of tool goodies..anyone remember…b/s passes , rare vinyl, tour itinerary books….? im having no luck
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so i was searching thru newsletters to see if i could find that pic full of tool goodies..anyone remember…b/s passes , rare vinyl, tour itinerary books….? im having no luck
I don’t remember any such newsletter, but I could be wrong…
@ budsyralli – it sounds familiar, but are you sure it was posted by BMB in a newsletter? Such a bitch finding anything on TA now, good luck.
JMO but I’ve never been a fan of Blair.
It’s ok.
maybe in the news section… it drew quite the attention from us fans ill keep digging
February 6, 2008.
Ah shit, how could I forget? Towelie and everything!
there we go…. ahhhhh such a treasure lol thats the one nxrm thanks