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Justin talks about Facebook and Album writing

A short interview with Justin has appeared on the Honolulu Pulse in the lead up to tonight’s show, in which Justin talks about Facebook and the new album:

As for what’s in store for Tool in 2011, he said, “we were asked to do some dates in Europe later this year, but we’re not going to do them; we’re really deep in the middle of getting music together for the album. It’s a really cool thing to be in the middle of this process, and it’s my hope we can capture something special in the studio.”

Bad luck for the European readers, but probably a good thing for the rest of us in that we might get to see a new album sometime this year!

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Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

That is good news. In fact, regarding the new album, that’s probably the best news I’ve heard so far.

“Deep in the middle” sounds….well it sounds as if shit is really starting to happen.

13 years ago

And hopefully this little run of shows is just what they need to get the juices flowing as a unit again, and they can take that energy right back to the studio with them. Good news indeed.

13 years ago

kittaan – 5 minutes ago  » 
And hopefully this little run of shows is just what they need to get the juices flowing as a unit again, and they can take that energy right back to the studio with them. Good news indeed.

I believe we said that last summer…..and the summer before that.

13 years ago

badkittygothgirl – 2 minutes ago  » 

kittaan – 5 minutes ago  » 
And hopefully this little run of shows is just what they need to get the juices flowing as a unit again, and they can take that energy right back to the studio with them. Good news indeed.

I believe we said that last summer…..and the summer before that.

Ha. Too right… but THIS time… 8`)

13 years ago

“In fact, I’m thinking of wearing a T-shirt (tonight) that says ‘I’m not on f—ing Facebook.’” – JC


Take that Facebook.

13 years ago

“Now that we’re a lot older, we want to pull off something worthwhile” JC
Is this implying that previous work is not worthwhile?
If so, holy shit this new stuff will be mind blowing. This is good news that they will be making sure this is going to be sick, but I guess every band says there next album is the goods?
Wait and see I guess……….. more so wait 🙂

13 years ago

To Hell with Europe, I am definitely for them working on the new album. That is a good sign indeed.

B Carroll.
13 years ago

Great read.

I also hate the entire fucking concept of Facebook, and vowed a long time ago to never be a part of it.

Only people who have never owned a Facebook account realise how pathetic it was of humanity to have invented it, and how sad its popularity has become. I barely know anyone who hasn’t been sucked in.

Pretty happy to know my favorite band shares my beliefs.

13 years ago

Good read. Its exciting to hear the guys (or at least Justin) are really pumped about what’s been developing in the studio. Its probably a typical feeling when we’re talking about a band with as protracted a writing / recording schedule as Tool has, but I’m getting really good vibes about LP5. It feels like this next one’s gonna be a beast…

13 years ago

Aaahh, classic Hellboy – way to stick it to the man! If each of the 500 million users want to use Facebook in their own way then I’m cool with that (I’m one of them). It’s a great way to keep in ‘digital-touch’ with everyone. If my friends live in London, Zimbabwe, Perth and Brisbane it’s kinda hard to catch up with all them within a few minutes. If you don’t like that, well, I don’t give a fuck.

13 years ago

“but I’m getting really good vibes about LP5. It feels like this next one’s gonna be a beast…”

Same, thinking they are going to put everything into this one

13 years ago

Sweet, good to know they are really getting into the writing process.

Hellboy, did you say you might get an opportunity to interview/speak with the band when they are in Oz?

B Carroll.
13 years ago

– Facebook is pathetic because it is the most insincere way to communicate, in a world already flooded with accessibility. There is no reason why anyone would need to communicate with every single person they know simultaneously, except with dishonorable intent. There is no reason why thousands of people would need to see your status update three times a day nor should strangers have access to photographs once reserved exclusively for family albums. The world had already established a sensible means of getting announcements out before the internet and most networking can help, Facebook is just the most perverted and,… Read more »

13 years ago

I was hoping a show in Hellfest…

13 years ago

Not a big fan of facebook, but after the great crash, it was one of the best ways to keep in touch with my TA family.

13 years ago

[quote comment=”42749″]- Facebook is pathetic because it is the most insincere way to communicate, in a world already flooded with accessibility. There is no reason why anyone would need to communicate with every single person they know simultaneously, except with dishonorable intent. There is no reason why thousands of people would need to see your status update three times a day nor should strangers have access to photographs once reserved exclusively for family albums. The world had already established a sensible means of getting announcements out before the internet and most networking can help, Facebook is just the most perverted… Read more »

B Carroll.
13 years ago

– As hilarious as that was, it would silly to assume that I suggest opinion in internet forums exclusively. Any soap-box only highlights a quality of lifestyle. I am anti-Facebook because it is impersonal and most aspects to it are irrelevant and encourage perversion – I was very precise in stating this. – Concision, nor its alternative, are not bad thing’s. – I made it clear that I think internet forums are fantastic, I just wrote about why I think Facebook is the wrong way to go about it, agreeing with Justin’s – from the band: Tool – statements. –… Read more »

B Carroll.
13 years ago

Keep at it. You are our closest hope of contact, if not for this tour, then the one that should follow after next release.
We all have our fingers crossed…

13 years ago

I asked via official channels and I was told I was being considered.  I’ve tried following that up and can’t get an answer back from them (they initially answered quite quickly) so I’m presuming the answer is no.

Shame, it would have been cool to have a true fan doing it and not just a random music reporter. I reckon we could have come up with some really good questions and got some interesting responses, maybe some more info about the next album too. Oh well you never know I guess, fingers crossed indeed 

13 years ago

One more in a string of interviews about the next album that comes across as encouraging. I’m glad they are excited about this next output and are making sure they stay patient with it.
We’re tool fans. We wait, we have no choice but to wait.

13 years ago

so does that mean the album is halfway done!? 🙂

13 years ago

There is no doubt that the next album will bring me to tears.

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
13 years ago

[quote comment=””]There is no doubt that the next album will bring me to tears.[/quote]

Now hang on it might not be that bad…

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

tooldude – 11 hours ago  »  so does that mean the album is halfway done!? 🙂 Good question. You would think that it would be at least halfway written by now, wouldn’t you? As far as ‘we know’ they have been writing “steadily” since January 2010, which is around the time that it was ‘officially’ announced that they had begun writing for the new album. But then again, the band members say “we’re always writing” when asked about new material. If that’s the case then they’ve been writing new material since 2006…and haven’t they said before that they do a… Read more »

13 years ago

Just wondering how you would judge when an album is halfway done? Is it when you have written, performed and recorded 5 tracks out of 10 or is there a particular point, like once recording begins, when you are exactly half way? Hard questions to answer. It’ll be good though. The last three albums have all been beasts in their own interesting way so I’m sure the next one will be too. 70-plus minutes of even just the usual stuff will do me but I really hope they go as different as Lateralus was different from Aenima. I love the… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
13 years ago

I always consider Undertow and Aenima as companion pieces – same with Lateralus and 10000 Days. I reckon they will return to Opiate and go for shorter and simpler songs and make a straight rock record. Where else can they go? And Adam to do all the artwork…

13 years ago

If I had to guess I’d say they have at least 9 or 10 new tracks being worked on (plus any number of interludes and squiggly bits) that are in various stages of completion. I think a better question is : what is it going to sound like? A new direction? A mixture of previous styles? Heavier? More user friendly? I don’t think even Blair knows. Justin has said in a recent interview that they are currently working on 4 or 5 ‘frameworks’ for songs. He has also said that the music they have written so far is quite complex,… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]Blair has said that one of the band member’s girlfriends described the new music as sounding like ‘Tool’.[/quote] For some reason I find this to be really funny. How insightful. Who would’ve thought the band’s new music would sound like Tool? What a surprise. I think I remember Danny once describing the Lateralus album as sounding a little too light. MJK said something about 10000 Days being pretty close to the album they are trying to make. I think they want a heavy sounding album that flows nicely from track to track like Lateralus did but perhaps have the songs a little crunchier, maybe… Read more »

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13 years ago

Jethro Tool – 10 hours ago  » 
I always consider Undertow and Aenima as companion pieces – same with Lateralus and 10000 Days. I reckon they will return to Opiate and go for shorter and simpler songs and make a straight rock record. Where else can they go? And Adam to do all the artwork…

That would suck balls. “Straight rock record”? Fuck that shit, you are high.

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13 years ago

B Carroll. – 1 day ago  »  Great read. I also hate the entire fucking concept of Facebook, and vowed a long time ago to never be a part of it. Only people who have never owned a Facebook account realise how pathetic it was of humanity to have invented it, and how sad its popularity has become. I barely know anyone who hasn’t been sucked in. Pretty happy to know my favorite band shares my beliefs. I’m not on facebook. But it’s not because I think its gay or evil or anything. I’m not on it ’cause it’s a… Read more »

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

BellJH – 8 hours ago  » 

Justin has said in a recent interview that they are currently working on 4 or 5 ‘frameworks’ for songs.

Could a ‘framework’ be made up of more than one single song though? One ‘framework’ could be several songs that flow into each other – like the last few tracks on Lateralus. Could it not?

Yeah, I have heard that the music they are working on is supposedly quite complex and quite heavy.

I too believe an early 2012 release date is likely.

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13 years ago

admin – 4 minutes ago  » 

I think it would seem rather pathetic for me to start trying to friend request all my friends who’ve already been on facebook for years. I missed the boat.

That seems stupid.

Being a “Johnny come lately” just to fulfill my narcissistic desires seems stupid.

13 years ago

Pretty gutted I won’t be seeing tool this year (living in London), but if it means we will see an album sometime soon, i’m happy. I guess that would mean the tour would follow a new album too, so it would be great to see some new tracks live!!! Hopefully that would mean early next year album, summer tour?

13 years ago

It would be sweet if they do some live recording on this small tour and make a bonus disc to go with the new album. I personally cant wait to see what/if they come up with a way to market the new album to get people to pay for their art, instead of cheap bastards downloading it for free. I loved the 3D gimmick.

13 years ago

mattw – 1 day ago  »  Blair has said that one of the band member’s girlfriends described the new music as sounding like ‘Tool’. For some reason I find this to be really funny. How insightful. Who would’ve thought the band’s new music would sound like Tool? What a surprise. I think I remember Danny once describing the Lateralus album as sounding a little too light. MJK said something about 10000 Days being pretty close to the album they are trying to make. I think they want a heavy sounding album that flows nicely from track to track like Lateralus did but perhaps have the… Read more »

13 years ago

I was late on the bus for Facebook, I joined a couple months ago. I stayed away for along time because I am not that interested if somebody is at the mall buying shoes or some shit like that. I joined to be able to at least have some communication between myself and friends, and some family. I work alot and when you get married and have a house and all that shit to take care of, you dont get to hang out much after that. But anyway, I am just waiting with such anticipation for the new album. But… Read more »

13 years ago

i know it’s not facebook, but here are one of my fav twitter comments.

13 years ago

^With the live recordings, I believe Tool will do something like what Led Zeppelin did with that epic dvd they released a few years ago: save up a whole bunch of concerts with as many songs in total as possible and release the thing as some massive 3 dvd set complete with Adam Jones artwork and booklet etc. That way it would be a full package like Salival but even better. I highly doubt they would do the standard thing of releasing only 1 concert on a live dvd, put it in a simple dvd case and sell it to… Read more »

13 years ago

For those of you who are saying you don’t want them to rush things…It’s been 5 freaking years!  Trust me, they have been taking their time.  I personally think they have the whole thing ready to go, just putting their finishing touches on everything and they’ll hit the studio after all of these shows.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

Massive Attack took 7 years between their latest and previous albums.

“5 freaking years” is nothing for Tool.

Get ready to wait at least another year.

13 years ago

^I know it’s a different situation but how long did the latest incarnation of Guns & Roses take to release Chinese Democracy? If Tool haven’t even recorded yet then there’s no way the album is coming out before October/November this year so early 2012 seems most likely. They might do what they did with Lateralus and 10000 Days and release the album around April/May 2012, do a ‘mini-tour’ then a full tour etc. for the next 2 years to the end of 2013 and then a few shows every now then in the following years… Aenima 1996, Lateralus 2001, 10000… Read more »

13 years ago

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
– Maynard

Look hard enough and you’ll find anything.
– Danny

Avoid speculation. Good things are coming

– Me

13 years ago

ok i agree with MATTW on the liveDVD concept of a boxset and book as well….i was posting before on TOOLARMY about this whole live dvd tease TOOL has been giving us….i bought SALIVAL when it first came out..i didnt even own a dvd player at the time but it was a TOOL boxset had to have it…i own a copy of “the song remains the same” on bluray now and loved it when i first bought that back in 2000…i hope tool does a boxset with a movie… as for the comment of doing a mini tour after album… Read more »

13 years ago

^Sorry mate, what I meant above by tour for 2 years is that they would do a few shows around the release date (April/May 2012), then tour for the rest of ’12 and ’13 in the same way they toured in ’06 and ’07. It’s not really 2 years of touring but you get what I mean etc. I agree too that with MJK’s voice, we’re probably going to see short tours but more of them if that makes sense, rather than just doing shows every second night for 3 straight months. Maybe 15-20 shows at a time like the last summer thing last… Read more »

13 years ago

“Anyway, we here in Brisbane get to see Tool in 5 days and it’s a full show so I’m pretty stoked right now…  [/quote]
Yep same, cant wait, sure did come around fast. Interesting to see what the setlist will be…..hopefully some surprises

13 years ago

mattw – 2 hours ago  » 
Anyway, we here in Brisbane get to see Tool in 5 days and it’s a full show so I’m pretty stoked right now… :)  

what he said ^^ although….

im in cairns but will be at the goldie on saturday for BDO Sunday then back to Bris for monday night show, fly back to cairns tuesday, back to reality.


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