A recent post by Blair on Toolband refers to an event called April Tool’s Day to be held at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. This even hosted by Alex Grey will feature a talk about Tool, as well as screenings of Vicarious and Parabola. It’ll also feature a set from a local Tool cover band Schism. Sounds like an interesting evening!
i don’t understand why they would use a cover band. mabey it’s just a joke and the cover band will be TOOL in drag. if i remember right there has always been some kinda “joke” posted by blair on april 1st.
ill be there
its a decoy event
hopefully Tool will be far too busy to make any appearances around then
what pisses me off is you fallow that link to see what they sound like, and instead you have tool playing jambi.
As usual Alex Grey milking off Tool in every way possible. I sure hope Tool let go of him on their next tool album. His artwork is predictable and shit.
[quote comment=””]His artwork is predictable and shit.[/quote]
As was your comment
15 dollar admission is a lot better than the 70 he asked for (and got) in Melbourne, for an event he knew in advance wouldn’t have original artworks. it was all on a truck to his “retreat” weekend in Byron Bay the next week… SIX of my friends went and left early due to it being shit.
Glad i saw through the marketing before handing over my cash.
I agree with Hellboy.
Am I the only one that thinks its in poor taste to have a cover band preform? That is just so tacky to me.
[quote comment=””]Am I the only one that thinks its in poor taste to have a cover band preform? That is just so tacky to me.[/quote]
I don’t know that it’s in poor taste, but the idea doesn’t really excite me at all.
The only thing worse for a band than not being TOOL is trying to be TOOL.
If the cover band is just as good as Tool, then why don’t they put out a new album.
The whole April 1st thing is tricky…. but honestly… wtf? http://www.schismbandnyc.com
I hope this is an April Fool’s Joke… otherwise…
It all sounds like a hugh waist of time and money if you ask me.
[quote comment=””]As usual Alex Grey milking off Tool in every way possible. I sure hope Tool let go of him on their next tool album. His artwork is predictable and shit.[/quote]
I’m sure the relationship with Tool and Alex Grey is pretty mutual. Tool appreciates and respects Alex Grey’s art, and vice versa. Seriously though, “predictable and shit”? That was probably the most ignorant and retarded comment I have ever seen on this forum. If I were Hellboy I would have probably just banned you. You’re making Tool fans look bad.
And that’s saying a lot, clearly!
SCHISM is indeed a real TooL cover band, and one of their members is a TA member also. From what I understand, they play out quite regularly too. Regarding ILC and Amaster’s comments: The only thing worse for a band than not being TOOL is trying to be TOOL. and If the cover band is just as good as Tool, then why don’t they put out a new album. …obviously they are no TooL. IMO no one can deliver the raw power and emotion that they do, especially live. Having said that though, and knowing what pretentious and opinionated pricks… Read more »
Hey, I certainly wasn’t knocking Schism. Actually that was my way of giving them props! I mean seriously, any band that can even come close to the power of Tool deserves respect. Thats why I was sugesting they put out an album instead of waiting around for Tool.
I do like Alex Grey’s artwork, but I too would like to see Tool go to another artist for their next album… if anything just to give it an even bigger ‘new’ feeling when I open it haha
I agree. I’d actually like the band run a contest for it’s fan to produce the art for the album. I know that will NEVER happen, but it’s a nice thought.
Tool fans already look pretty bad.
Achi Machi, just wait for the next tour or studio album, I’d go into hibernation until then.
[quote comment=”43425″][quote comment=””]As usual Alex Grey milking off Tool in every way possible. I sure hope Tool let go of him on their next tool album. His artwork is predictable and shit.[/quote] I’m sure the relationship with Tool and Alex Grey is pretty mutual. Tool appreciates and respects Alex Grey’s art, and vice versa. Seriously though, “predictable and shit”? That was probably the most ignorant and retarded comment I have ever seen on this forum. If I were Hellboy I would have probably just banned you. You’re making Tool fans look bad.[/quote] Last I’ve heard this is a free country… Read more »
Just on youtube watching a few songs by them, they’re actually not that bad, they need a new singer. it’s still pretty painful to watch anyone try to play Tool songs though.
Schism is a Tool tribute band based in New York City and they have performed in the past at Alex Grey events. Schism is very talented, creates a Tool-like experience and any open-minded Tool fan will definitely enjoy seeing them perform live. You can check out their website to get more info:  http://www.schismbandnyc.com/
Putting Alex Grey’s art and the Schism music together at an event on Alex Grey’s new grounds will be a top-quality artistic experience for any open-minded Tool fan in the northeast.Â
No, no and no . . . do you know how much crap that would turn out? This is why TOOL hire specific artists to create their dark and macabre artwork and packaging, not let a group of deviantArt members submit colored pencil sketches to them.
What would happen if TOOL gave fans control of the music and/or which new songs to put on their new album?
jarred – 1 hour ago  » Last I’ve heard this is a free country and opinions are like arseholes. Alex Grey may tickle your fancy but he doesn;t mine. Live with it! His artwork is really homogeneous and stale. I mean really how many times can you add chakra eyes and tribal faces. Its no wonder he’s not rerspected or well known ion art circles..just TOOL circles. At least Cam De Leon pushed the boundaries a little. With him you don’t know where it’s going to lead but Grey..yeah you get my point hopefully. My problem was less with your… Read more »
“I mean really how many times can you add chakra eyes and tribal faces.”
contraption – 20 hours ago » amaster I’d actually like the band to run a contest for it’s fan to produce the art for the album. No, no and no . . . do you know how much crap that would turn out? This is why TOOL hire specific artists to create their dark and macabre artwork and packaging, not let a group of deviantArt members submit colored pencil sketches to them. What would happen if TOOL gave fans control of the music and/or which new songs to put on their new album? Oh, I agree that an ocean full… Read more »
Im hoping that Adam does all the artwork from now on, with small sprinklings of Justins art through out the booklet, if there is a booklet. Well, maybe just the back CD cover. No, Danny can do the back cover. That would be sweet. Like one of them pentagrammy thingys with the Egyptian symbols that only he understands.
Why job it out when they can all have a scribble? Except Maynard, over time he puts less and less effort into his signature. Soon his signature will be just a small line without the dot.
Think I mentioned Adam doing the artwork for next album some time ago… back to basics opiate style I reckon…
I guess I’m the only one who thinks Adam’s artwork sucks.
[quote comment=””]
I guess I’m the only one who thinks Adam’s artwork sucks.
He ain’t no Picasso, but sucks it pretty harsh. I suck at art, Adam at least has some talent.
[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]I guess I’m the only one who thinks Adam’s artwork sucks.
He ain’t no Picasso, but sucks it pretty harsh. I suck at art, Adam at least has some talent.[/quote]
Yes Adam’s posters resembles the artwork of a 12 year old. No doubt!
[quote comment=””]
Yes Adam’s posters resembles the artwork of a 12 year old. No doubt![/quote]
What ever you say dude….
go fuck yourself bitch
Why don’t you submit some of your artwork jarred? I want to see if you can draw at a the level of a 12 year old.
Heheheh. This is the most TA like thread I have read in while. Everyone getting all riled up. Some diplomatic others just pissed.
Loved your last comment Hellboy! lol
it’s the April’s fool Day thing , you know they do it every year … the event 1st April as you see 🙂
No, not what ever he says! Beauty is in the fist of the beholder!
The proof is in the pudding!
12 year olds….
Like hellboy said, let’s see what you can draw.
I’ll bet you Tool plays songs from their decoy album live at this event.
I’m a bit sick of alex grey’s artwork. i wouldn’t say it’s shit, but i also think it should vary as much as the music does album to album. Some may think it does, but to me it doesnt. I’m more interested in who they get to produce and engineer their next album. I’m a big fan of Joe Baressi, but i’m not sure i want him to do the next album. I’d love David Bottrill to work with them again, but i think i remember getting the impression that wont happen. not sure where i got that idea. Was… Read more »
I haven’t heard anything to suggest it won’t be Bottrill, but I’d say there’s a quite reasonable chance it will be Evil Joe once more.
I’m always keen for Tool to work with new people, be they artists or sound engineers.
I don’t mind Alex Grey’s work, but I would rather Tool work with another artist next time around. Some aspects of the 10k Days art seemed rehashed to me, though I generally loved all the 3D stuff.
H R GIGER anyone? a darker style perhaps…
Since they decided to produce the album themselves last time i guess they’ll be doing it again. I don’t know enough about sound engineers to really know how much of an impact it will have on the final product. Anyone able to enlighten me?
H R Giger and Adam Jones?
That’s Alien v Predator
Hope it’s not Baressi again.