Buzz from the Melvins was recently interviewed by the AU Review, and the results are good:
AU: My first question is, are you looking forward to Soundwave and do you like coming down to Australia?
B: No, I hate everything about Soundwave and I hate everything about Australia.
AU: That’s good. Glad to hear someone who’s honest. Most bands just suck up.
B: No I’m kidding. I’m looking forward to it of course. I’m looking forward to coming down and playing down there and hopefully doing a headlining tour on our own maybe towards the end of the year.
It’s been too long since we’ve had a proper Melvins tour. Please make this happen Buzz! Also, he mentions that there’s nothing really happening in the land of Fantomas…
Buzz seems like a pretty cool dude still, after all these years… get to see them two days in a row next month… pretty cool, if I do say so
How about you Mr. Don?!
get to seem them twice in auckland here in couple weeks, both are small pub shows, few hundered people…
I’m extremely jealous of what’s going down in NZ. Then again they’ve been fucked over by Tool for the last 10 years so I guess it’s nice they get good things occasionally…
yeah we get screwed over by so many bands, ive ending up coming to australia a few times for gigs.
the melvins shows here havnt even sold out, will be taping to
yeah we do get screwed over by tons of bands alright, and it seems that when they do head to NZ it is usually just to Auckland (which isn’t really NZ lets be honest). So it’s great to see the Meilvins tour properly. The last time I saw the Melvins was when they opened for tool in 02 and it was crazy…great band. Can’t believe they are playing at Bodega in Welly!!!
264zn, I went to that gig in 02 as well, the Melvins were awesome. I’m seeing them at Als Bar in ChCh on the 21st and can’t wait. Small as venue, but it’s gonna be huge!
And I agree hellboy, Tool have been pretty stingy with the Kiwi love of late, so thanks Melvins. Also got tix to Kyuss Lives at the Bedford in ChCh, May 13th. Another small venue. Yeah!!!
Hi Absinthe, did you see them in Welly or Christchurch back in 02? I see they are playing pretty small venues, Bodega is tiny and it usually left for small unknown Wellington bands to play in from what I remember…so they should tear it up. Enjoy the shows!
I can’t believe he actually thinks his last couple of albums are the band’s best.
Nothing beats the 90 – 92 era Melvins.
Even Tool would struggle to come close.
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I can’t believe he actually thinks his last couple of albums are the band’s best.
To be honest, if you’re in a band and you don’t believe your last few albums are your best you should probably call it a day…
The majority of bands get bored sick of their old stuff, anything new seems immediately better…
Unless, of course, you are Metallica.
ESPECIALLY if you’re Metallica
Metallica are definitely in their prime atm, soldier on boys!
264zn – 5 days ago  » Hi Absinthe, did you see them in Welly or Christchurch back in 02? I see they are playing pretty small venues, Bodega is tiny and it usually left for small unknown Wellington bands to play in from what I remember…so they should tear it up. Enjoy the shows! Saw them in Welly in 02. I haven’t made it to the new Bodega yet but went to the old one lots. Now that was a tiny venue. Can’t wait to see The Melvins on Monday, hard to believe it’s under a week away. (Also gonna… Read more »
Don’t suppose anyone knows any of the NZ Setlists do they ?
I was looking just this morning and couldn’t find any reviews of any of the NZ shows.
it’s a safe bet that the setlist will be largely tunes off the last 3 albums with Big Business, plus a handful of older tracks