I just read on Blabbermouth that while A Perfect Circle do have some new songs (which they hope to play on the coming tour) there are no plans to record them or a full album just yet:
Howerdel said A PERFECT CIRCLE will be “playing some of the new songs,” on this tour, “so that’s always an exciting prospect.”
“We’re still kind of in the creative process of them, but we have every intention of playing them live,” he added. “I’m really looking forward to it. I’m also looking forward to getting back on a tour and playing big enough places to actually have a production of sorts.”
Howerdel also said the while he’s excited for the new songs, don’t expect a new CD…yet. “No album right now,” he said. “Songs will trickle in as they’re written and as needed, so maybe next year that will come together as a bigger collection of songs. But right now, there won’t be an album.”
A link to the full interview (a podcast I haven’t listened to) can be found in the original link.
In other APC news, it would appear that a lack of a show in Chicago, as well as a gap in the touring schedule could suggest that an appearance at Lollapalooza is on the cards…
i knew it
Sounds good to me. Yeah that lallapalooza show is really what i am hoping for. Other wise i have to drive to Detroit, gross.
[quote comment=””]
Sounds good to me. Yeah that lallapalooza show is really what i am hoping for. Other wise i have to drive to Detroit, gross.
Sure Detroit is a shit hole, but the Fox Theatre is an awesome small venue!! Anybody remember the TOOL show there in back in early 06? The entrire venue smelled like yummy cinnamon rolls! yummy!
Well, as much as we would all love a new APC album and certainly look forward to the coming tour, I think MJK’s time is better spent working with his other band at the moment.
You mean Puscifer right?
[quote comment=””]You mean Puscifer right?
[quote comment=”43841″]Well, as much as we would all love a new APC album and certainly look forward to the coming tour, I think MJK’s time is better spent working with his other band at the moment.
Your opinion on the matter is completely unique and to the best of my knowledge has not been shared on this website before.
We’re talking about the Texans or C.A.D. right?
[quote comment=”43855″]We’re talking about the Texans or C.A.D. right?
No no no, by other band he obviously meant his sweatband. As in viticulture. Music is boring, the jesus juice is where its at.
Strange, i wasn’t terribly interested in hearing new APC stuff until i read this. Now I have some curious excitement about it.
Some sort of subliminal brainwashing must be to blame.
That or I’ve come to grips with the fact that my hopes really mean nothing. Albums will come out when they come out… or they won’t… and I’m just gonna have to deal.
Clearly I’ve become a broken record.
/whistles and trots away.
I think you can now read the full interview here if you’re interested:
just walked in the door, saw that update and was going to post but I see ya beat me too it…short but decent interview
Josh Freese
Good day 2day! Recorded new @aperfectcircle song…
holy shit that’s awesome news! Wouldn’t it be cool if we got new APC tracks and a new tool album all at once, would keep everyone quiet for, I dunno, a fortnight or so.
I wonder how many new songs APC have recorded? I remember Billy said something about finishing a new APC song in December 2010, so I’m guessing this is song number two now…
Well Josh says 1 so far.