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Tool Madness!

Starting today, Toolshed are running a bracket style vote on their site asking Tool fans which song is their favourite.  Seems like good clean fun, so join the madness here!  First two polls are Sober vs Disgustipated and Hush vs Flood – get voting!

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13 years ago

Sure… just when I get on a roll at work… actually being productive… I make the mistake of seeing what’s up at FourthEye…
Had to stop everything and listen to some TººL and vote.
(Thanks! 8`)
BTW, definitely no surprises how the voting is going so far. These first 2 were too easy.

13 years ago

How does one vote? I didn’t see anywhere to click on a vote link. Am I missing something obvious?

13 years ago

vote in ! that was too easy

13 years ago

badkittygothgirl – 4 minutes ago  » 
How does one vote? I didn’t see anywhere to click on a vote link. Am I missing something obvious?

Try a different browser, Kat.

13 years ago

Can’t vote yet, but here is the bracket

13 years ago

Not sure how I would have done it, but I would have probably seeded it differently. Tool Bracketologist Lachrymologist

13 years ago

the polls aren’t loading for me in firefox or ie

13 years ago

Did a quick test on the Mac. Polls load in Safari and Chrome perfectly. Won’t load at all in Firefox. All latest versions. I suggest trying Chrome if you haven’t already. It’s been very compatible and consistent. *** EDIT *** I don’t use my Win laptop for personal use (running XP SP 3), but as a test I installed Chrome on it just now. Took a total of 3 minutes from d/l to using it. It loaded the Toolshed site considerably faster than IE, and immediately displays the polls. No question: If you’re having issues, D/L Chrome and stop… Read more »

13 years ago

i cannot vote either. ;(

13 years ago

kittaan – 1 hour ago  » 

badkittygothgirl – 4 minutes ago  » 
How does one vote? I didn’t see anywhere to click on a vote link. Am I missing something obvious?

Try a different browser, Kat.

Thank you! I’ll use it for now, but firefox has the aenima 3rd eye theme. I liked looking at it.

13 years ago

Works on my phone (Galaxy S with Froyo) but not work PC XP IE7, so must be security thing.

13 years ago

leave it to us to turn this into a technology discussion

Disgustipated is correct

upset city



13 years ago

No dice for me on both Firefox and IE.

Maybe I’ll try on my phone….

13 years ago

Thank you! I’ll use it for now, but firefox has the aenima 3rd eye theme. I liked looking at it.

This! I have the same “persona”. One of the main reasons I haven’t given chrome a chance over firefox.

13 years ago

I N S T A L L • C H R O M E ! ! ! !

13 years ago

Sooo, which track do ya’ll think will take the taco?? Personally my fave, if i had to choose would be “H”… but i think it might be “sober”.

13 years ago

kittaan – 2 hours ago  »  Did a quick test on the Mac. Polls load in Safari and Chrome perfectly. Won’t load at all in Firefox. All latest versions. I suggest trying Chrome if you haven’t already. It’s been very compatible and consistent. *** EDIT *** I don’t use my Win laptop for personal use (running XP SP 3), but as a test I installed Chrome on it just now. Took a total of 3 minutes from d/l to using it. It loaded the Toolshed site considerably faster than IE, and immediately displays the polls. No question: If you’re… Read more »

13 years ago

^ Finally somebody is listening. LOL. You’re welcome, Iz. And you’re right, it’s a security setting in browser prefs most likely. But they can be really squirelly to find and reset. Much easier to just d/l the more compliant browser and only use it for these situations, while leaving your primary browser secured for everyday use.

13 years ago

i wanna see 3rdeye, RIT, pushit, and the patient in the final 4

13 years ago

I reckon 3rd Eye will take it out.

13 years ago

3rd eye is the ultimate Tool song – everything that encompasses Tool can be found in that tune. Screw Lateralus off!

13 years ago

Well, I actually hesitate to post this, because it’s not how I would have THOUGHT it would come out. But I went through the grueling work, and I might as well put it up for your ridicule, derision and amusement… Let me preface it with a few observations. • Some of the choices were obviously no-brainers due to the methodology Kabir used in seeding • Some choices were down right brutal… like choosing between your children. The criteria is supposed to be “which is the greatest” between any two given songs in their bracket… While I tried to keep this… Read more »

13 years ago

^ I should have stated very clearly that I don’t think this is how the voting will end up, Hellboy. This was just my first pass through, and I wanted to see what would come of it, because I honestly had no idea about some of those pairs. But even though your top four are quite plausible, and all stellar songs, it wouldn’t surprise me if the voting plays out differently. This is only the first day, and look at the wide range of top 4 predictions/desires is above. I do enjoy this kind of shit, even though it’s kinda… Read more »

13 years ago

i found another way to vote for those that can’t view the polls:

13 years ago

this will be very interesting to see how it all pans out, i must say a lot of my personal choices would be far different to Kittaan, for instance pushit (salival) well and truly wins over stinkfist IMO, and id def take 4 degrees over swamp song. Pushit (salival) would probs be my winner, i may just go through the process and see where it ends up, one day when i have time.

as for the poll, my prediction for a winner would be third eye or aenema


13 years ago

kittaan – 11 hours ago  » 

I N S T A L L • C H R O M E ! ! ! !

Gee, I would, if I want the goverment tracking ALL of my online activity. Right now they only track about half.

13 years ago

Hmmm interesting to read everyones predictions! It’s is really tough to try and narrow it down to a top 4, because you have your own faves, but you have to incorporate the masses annnnnd consider what songs have made setlists over recent years.

My picks are; third eye, the grudge, sober, and Rosetta stoned. With third eye taking the gold, it has to right? Aw shit who knows…uba hard to decide.

13 years ago

I’m thinking final four: Flood, Third Eye, Lateralus, and Jambi.
with Third Eye and Lateralus playing for the final.

*these aren’t necessacarily my picks, just how I think the voting will go.

13 years ago

^ Agreed I tried to not pick Flood, but it will probably be in the “final 4”
I believe Lateralus to be the greatest song written in the last decade!

13 years ago

Flood is one of my favourite songs, but I just can’t see the masses voting for it, I sure as hell know I will though! My picks were based on what I think people will vote for, not necessarily what I would vote for if you get me. In saying that, I still think third eye should win…

13 years ago

Third Eye got kind of a lame seed at 10. Probably will get to the Final 4, but might struggle against Eulogy.

13 years ago

I know most (if not all) of you don’t agree with how my picks turned out, and I’m not surprised. Looking back today, if it was somebody else’s picks, I wouldn’t agree with many of them either, and the final four would definitely be unexpected. But like I said earlier, I determined to just go pair-by-pair, choosing “The Greatest” without letting the big picture influence my decisions. By the way, it took friggin’ hours because I actually listened to most of the songs back to back, and agonized over many pairs. This is how it turned out. I’m not going… Read more »

13 years ago

Hmm… Well I do have 4 hours till I have to go to work. Guess its TOOL TIME!

13 years ago

kittaan – 2 hours ago  »  I know most (if not all) of you don’t agree with how my picks turned out, and I’m not surprised. Looking back today, if it was somebody else’s picks, I wouldn’t agree with many of them either, and the final four would definitely be unexpected. But like I said earlier, I determined to just go pair-by-pair, choosing “The Greatest” without letting the big picture influence my decisions. By the way, it took friggin’ hours because I actually listened to most of the songs back to back, and agonized over many pairs. This is how… Read more »

13 years ago

Not bad Kittaan. A few major discrepancies i have, but well done. I really like Ticks and Leeches for a winner, thats an aggressive move, i dig. I might not fully agree, but seeing T@L at the top would make me smile. I think Lateralus will take the cake and have it too. But third eye and pushit/salival should be at the top. Man, looking at the brackets, there are some tough decisions. How can the grudge, ticks and leeches, parabola not be near the top, so many. I say we all make it a conspiracy, all fourtheye lurkers vote… Read more »

13 years ago

Here are my picks!

13 years ago

Now we’re getting somewhere!! @ lachrymologist, Drew, Intention – Thanks for the comments. I would still like to see more full bracket picks from some of you guys/girls. It’s fascinating. @ kevinplaysdrums – your picks are just as “out-there” as mine. There were a bunch of “WTF?” for me as I went through your take… so funny how this stuff plays out. You didn’t pick the ultimate winner between H and 10KD though! One thing is for sure, no matter how this ends up: What an amazing body of work from this fucking band. Also, I can’t wait for the… Read more »

13 years ago

This is gonna be impossible! I mean, I’m already having a hard time between 4 degrees and swamp song! It will be interesting to see what wins though!

13 years ago

This is driving me wacko! Gotta listen to Salival on the way to work to help finalize things. Thats the way to spend an afternoon 3 plus hours of TOOL!!

13 years ago


13 years ago

kittaan – 1 hour ago  »  Now we’re getting somewhere!! @ lachrymologist, Drew, Intention – Thanks for the comments. I would still like to see more full bracket picks from some of you guys/girls. It’s fascinating. @ kevinplaysdrums – your picks are just as “out-there” as mine. There were a bunch of “WTF?” for me as I went through your take… so funny how this stuff plays out. You didn’t pick the ultimate winner between H and 10KD though! One thing is for sure, no matter how this ends up: What an amazing body of work from this fucking band.… Read more »

13 years ago

@ kevinplaysdrums – Got it. I missed the circle. Thanks for playing.

13 years ago

This is my bracket. God these choices were hard, particularly
Rosetta Stoned vs Third Eye
Lateralus vs Reflection
I feel like both RS and 3rd Eye are the same songs from vastly different periods in the band and both are complex and layered. While to me Lateralus and Reflection are both heavily drum oriented, spiritual songs. I had a lot of fun doing this however.

13 years ago

link failed, trying one last time to fix make it work. Sorry for double posting.

13 years ago

chrispiiiii – 13 minutes ago  » 
link failed, trying one last time to fix make it work. Sorry for double posting.

Fixed it for you. 8`)

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