Blair released the April 2011 newsletter on Toolband/Army, and it looks like this month is a return to form of sorts. I discusses mainly the Royal Wedding and also touches on Tool‘s progress:
Q: “Hey, Can you tell me what the new Tool album sounds like?”
A: Well, so far, it sounds like Stockhausen meets Jimmy Durante. No, actually I haven’t heard any of it yet. I did, however, see the dry erase board the other night, and even took a photo of the incomplete (Tool) arrangement on it, only to be later told by a band member not to post it. I don’t know why, though. It was ambiguous as ever. In fact, any musician would have an easier time deciphering the Voynich manuscript. Even so, I’ll go way out on a limb and predict that the new stuff sounds like… Tool. Or at least it WILL once Maynard adds everything that he does to the equation. For truly, that’s when all the colored scrawls of chord progressions, time signatures, and other abstruse musical notations on the board become the kind of Tool composition you’ve become familiar with.
For those of you without the patience to read Blair’s work, that’s about all you need to know (hidden codes aside).
Danny lives in van down by the river…
bit of anglophile Blair… i remember when David Icke was a serious sports broadcaster before he lost his mind…
ty 4 the sysnopsis hb….i hate (yes hate) blair and his complete bullshit you have to wade through to get any substantial news …
As usual, after being subjected to the long and often tedious ramblings of the BMBeast, we are then slapped in the face with this at the bottom of the page:
Insult to injury.
Here’s a pretty good interview with Carol Rosin about Werner von Braun, if anyone is interested in Blair’s ramblings. Some interesting stuff about the space/defence program and the possibility of ETs.
BMB cracking wise about David Icke is pretty funny, considering how many times he’s been to Area 51, and how much into Crowley he is…
Aside from that, I’m tired of this approach the band takes with TOOL. Absolutely no effort to have an online presence worth a damn. No live DVD. Nothing. Just a pretentious friend of the band spewing unfunny crap, with no useful information to speak of…
Why even have a website?
Oh that worked well….
Argggggggg….. so no pre-sales??
you forgot this:
“… recently DANNY got together for a drumming/recording session with NEIL PEART (RUSH) and STEWART COPELAND (THE POLICE). LES CLAYPOOL was also involved, but I’m not sure as to what capacity. Whether or not these guys will get together again, or anything will come from the initial ‘session’, I really don’t know. …” AWESOME!!!!! Neil Peart and Danny Carey :O
[quote comment=””]you forgot this:
“… recently DANNY got together for a drumming/recording session with NEIL PEART (RUSH) and STEWART COPELAND (THE POLICE). LES CLAYPOOL was also involved, but I’m not sure as to what capacity. Whether or not these guys will get together again, or anything will come from the initial ‘session’, I really don’t know. …”
AWESOME!!!!! Neil Peart and Danny Carey :O[/quote]
Drum Solo Apocalype on new album with Superior Bass Man? C’mon i reckon this album is done!
Tool currently jamming…
Dry-erase board filling up…
Maynard still needs to add vocals…
So basically it’s the same relevant information we’ve been getting for the past couple of months packed between Blair’s usual crap.
At this rate, the album will come out in 2013.
i heard that METALLICA is planning to do a show or more shows with crazy THE WALL…..i guess someone is bound to do this before TOOL gets their LIVE DVD/THE POT DVD/ NEW ALBUM/ JAMBI DVD…….Im sure whatever TOOL puts out will be awesome….but the least they could do is give a little more for us fans in the direction of this website…add another secret..ive made it to 665 points on pong but dont wanna waste anymore time…collectively that is on the pong
What, no love for Copeland? Come on! Haha
Well……even the most optimistic members of this board will soon start regrettably admitting that a 2011 release date at this point is just not going to happen.
If I was a betting man, I’d say they will probably finish RECORDING the album by Xmas – then mix it in Jan / Feb of ’12. Then release it in May.
I’d like to be proven wrong, but……..
i enjoyed oysterhead. don’t know if anyone else did. 😉
[quote comment=””]
What, no love for Copeland? Come on! Haha
i enjoyed oysterhead. don’t know if anyone else did. 😉
I can’t stand Rush and I love Oysterhead so you can put me on the Copeland side of the ledger.
I’m not sure what certain readers expect Blair to post. Guys like DRURY do understand they’re just shooting the messenger right?
i only made a comment about BMB wasting space on toolband to attempt to be funny about David Icke. I realize he is not responsible for what Tool decides to do (or not do) as a band.
Looks like Maynard is spending time recording for Puscifer (according to twitter comments) instead of Tool. Then he’s off to a tour with APC. He definitely does what he wants, regardless of the rest of the bands timeline.
Yeah, kind of seems like the last 8 newsletters said, “their writing, and there are scribbles on the dry erase board.” Which is nice and all to know their working tediously, but really, nothing else?
[quote comment=””]i only made a comment about BMB wasting space on toolband to attempt to be funny about David Icke. I realize he is not responsible for what Tool decides to do (or not do) as a band.[/quote]
No worries, I apologise and misread your comment.
I have to agree about the album not coming out this year. I have a feeling it will be awesome, so its OK. I just wish they would give us a bone to chew on, like a live DVD or maybe that secret song Blair was talking about.
The info on something maybe happening with DC and Peart with Claypol, now that might be interesting. Damn, I just want to see another Tool show so I can see Justin rocking his head back and forth, thats what I like so much about Jambi live, he was really into it.
I personally love 10,000 Days. It took awhile to digest it, and then to witness all the songs live, but eventually I did, which always helps solidify the music on a tool album. I think this next album, however, will be more quickly accepted, and those that couldn’t get into 10K, will be much happier with the new album. At that point, they will be able to look back on 10K, and accept it more for what it is, as opposed to what the hoped it would be. the best thing about the band is how each album has to… Read more »
Sooo, is there some secret relating to Tool with this BS or is BMB just wiping his arse with the website again?
@ Sprout – I definitely lean toward the latter.
Even though it isnt “blow your socks off” tool related news, some of the “ramblings” BMB posts is useful, I mean shouldn’t we at least have a clue to whos trying to ruin this world and stop it in order to get tool related news and future music.
Can you quote yourself?
Anyway, if you read this article (it’s short) then watch all the interviews on CNN and FOX with defence dept. folk and higher-ups in the government following Osama’s death, he does seem to have a point about “keeping the threat alive” so the funding to the DOD doesn’t get cut.
ajreeb – 6 minutes ago » ajreeb – 5 days ago » Here’s a pretty good interview with Carol Rosin about Werner von Braun, if anyone is interested in Blair’s ramblings. Some interesting stuff about the space/defence program and the possibility of ETs. And here it starts….. Can you quote yourself? Anyway, if you read this article (it’s short) then watch all the interviews on CNN and FOX with defence dept. folk and higher-ups in the government following Osama’s death, he does seem to have a point about “keeping the threat alive” so the funding to the DOD doesn’t get… Read more »
Ok certainly accept that my posting skills are lacking.