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Howerdel discusses new A Perfect Circle material

In a recent interview with Gotham Radio, Billy Howerdel talks about A Perfect Circle, new songs, the upcoming tour and Ashes Divide.  Here’s a snippet:

So will we hear new APC music on the tour? “We are gonna hear at least a song, I would say,” Billy tells me. “One of them is very, very close to being done. And from there, things could come together once we get on the road and start hashing through some of the other ideas and they could quickly become a song and find their way onto the live stage.”

Does that mean a new album is in the works? “In the works, but not for this summer. I think the idea was to try and get the juices flowing a bit and get back into A-B-C mode a bit and go from there,” he says. “See what happens in the new year. We have intentions of recording new material.”

I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet, so if any of you enterprising Fourtheye readers do, and hear anything else of note, feel free to comment below!  Thanks to av333 for the tip!

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13 years ago

Once Tool gets their fifth album out, APC can do whatever the hell they want. Until then, I don’t wanna hear a damn thing from Billy concerning a new album.

Aside from when I see them live this July.

13 years ago

I agree with Drury, I would much rather they finish up the Tool album, and then APC can do whatever they wish. I realize the rest of the band is writing and all but if he ruins his voice with the upcoming APC tour (which I’m going to attend :D) then I swear I’ll find his house and paintball him right back.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]I agree with Drury, I would much rather they finish up the Tool album, and then APC can do whatever they wish. I realize the rest of the band is writing and all but if he ruins his voice with the upcoming APC tour (which I’m going to attend :D) then I swear I’ll find his house and paintball him right back.[/quote] Wait, I thought that Maynard was quoted saying the there was not going to be an APC album, but rather a few songs as singles. Anyways, I can’t wait for the upcoming APC tour. Maybe while Maynards… Read more »

13 years ago

twill be what twill be


13 years ago

Que serAPC, serAPC…

13 years ago

Maynard is doing APC and TOOL together because he knows this is best way to be creative for TOOL. He may not understand the science but it works. get the more feminine side out in APC so that only the raw music we all love comes out.

13 years ago

“puscifer Maynard Keenan
Finishing up some Puscifer tracks and video clips. MIGHT be ready by Fall. Fingers crossed.
9 hours ago” quote from his twitter

13 years ago

where the hell does he find the time

13 years ago

it’s true….the fucking guy NEVER stops. even when at home, he’s always running around Jerome, making sure everything is going the way it’s supposed to….fucking machine

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