Jeff sent me an email just a little while ago containing a link to the new Captain American trailer featuring 46 & 2 by Tool. Jeff points out that Joe Johnston who’s worked on the film, also worked with Adam on Jurassic Park which may explain the connection. Enjoy!
not bad. i figured there would be no lyrics. at least it not a remix. if fit well w/ the content. 😉
Jurassic, there bud. Also the linky is broken for me. 🙁
Kind of underwhelming, imo. But I wasn’t expecting much.
[quote comment=”45733″]Jurassic, there bud. Also the linky is broken for me. :([/quote]
Thanks for the typo alert. I wasn’t sure when I typed out the post, and couldn’t be bothered looking it up…
Also, the link works just fine for me – I checked it again just then.
Much better effort all round.
It’s hard to listen to it without an objective ear and not hear it so chopped up and messy. It does seem to work though. Still feels a little strange and maybe wrong to hear them behind a huge Hollywood, Popcorn, Action Blockbuster though.
Sorry, *With an objective ear.
^There is an edit button for a short while after you post. Just not a delete, it’s highlighted in purple at the bottom of the post.
i think it was pretty sweet! 😀
If I was in the theater and heard saw this trailer without knowing the song was going to play I would have busted a nut. And then looked around to see if there were any other Tool fans in the theater.
CJ29 and I were discussing that very point last night. We would have probably blurted out “EFFIN TooL!!!” and made complete asses of ourselves due to the shock of hearing them in any movie trailer.
i’m not very stoked about it, but they DID make it sound good….goddamnit….
Well, we are geeks, so yes, we are looking forward to it!
Nice bits of the drum solo and a nice mix of the end notes. This will play on transformers and Green Lantern this weekend if you want to see it on the big screen.
I think a few of you may be a bit too uptight. If the band gave permission, then they are comfortable with the light in which this shows their art.
Hey guys just to let you know, I saw Super 8 tonight at Hoyts in Highpoint (Melbourne, Australia)…
This trailer was on before the film BUT there was no 46 & 2. It was replaced by a quite dark and brooding electronic track, which came in right where 46 & 2 was supposed to.
Maybe this inclusion was abandoned at the last minute?
Has anyone actually seen this trailer in cinemas?
paulslink – 1 hour ago » Hey guys just to let you know, I saw Super 8 tonight at Hoyts in Highpoint (Melbourne, Australia)… This trailer was on before the film BUT there was no 46 & 2. It was replaced by a quite dark and brooding electronic track, which came in right where 46 & 2 was supposed to. Maybe this inclusion was abandoned at the last minute? Has anyone actually seen this trailer in cinemas? There’s two different trailers. One has been out since March and the new one with Forty Six & 2 was just released this week.… Read more »
[quote comment=”45778″]
Ah okay, understood.
The new trailer (with forty six & 2) was briefly played on the Colbert Report last night.
i will deffinatly check out the replay tonight. i love Colbert. 😉
yes it was very chopped….just release the live dvd guys
“I sold my soul to make a trailer.”
Pffft… I don’ give a crap (directed towards those implying “sellout”).Â
It was wicked cool to sit waiting to watch T3 today, and have Tool begin playing on the Captain America trailer. I was the fool girl going “Hey, hey, that’s effin’ TOOL!” and poking my buds to point it out and see if they caught it, too.  I say awesome. I wasn’t too interested in seeing that movie; now I’m more interested ’cause they obviously have taste. 😉
Just saw it tonight in 3d..Umm it was a VCERy sweet trailer. Although I was too busy listening tot he song to really watch it 😉 I thought it was cool…just like the year the Tigerskicked massive ass…Every game the players came out to bat (several times to Jambi, Vicarious and Stinkfist.
le sigh…… Trailer is nice and the movie all well and good, but totally disheartened hearing one of my favorite Tool songs playing in the background. Movie soundtracks usually then pull images to ones mind and feelings moved along by the makers of said movie ….. I prefer the imagery Tool invokes on it’s own, along with my own personal feelings and experiences. It has served over the years as a sort of personal soundtrack of life, the good the bad and the ugly. I will refrain from ever watching the movie if the song will be in there as… Read more »
Ah okay, understood.
I saw Transformers 3 last week and the Captain America trailer came on…. but the song still didn’t 🙁
Disappointing… but I just played it on the ride home instead (in its awesome entirity).
Went to see T3 tonight not knowing Capt America trailer would play and let me to ell ya what a nice surprise it was to hear Tool in a theatre. It sounded great, almost like being at a show. I didn’t quite yell it but I did look over to my fiancé and said “hey it’s Tool” with a goofy excited look.
Coincidently we were listening to Forty Six & 2 on the way in.
@ Magnus…see? It was like a secret shout out, superior feeling. Almost like, you people have no clue how bad ass this song is!
i think the movie looks like it will suck… hollywood must be seriously running low on film ideas if they keep resorting to stealing comic books. obviously there are some really good ones (sin city/300/the crow/and more) but its getting boring now. apparently they are doing another spiderman – totally separate from the last one (which also sucked). oh well, at least the captain america soundtrack will be good. Â
Yeah they’re “revamping” the Spiderman franchise after it was destroyed by the hiddeous film that was Spiderman 3. They’re doing the same with The Superman franchise. I recently saw a preview for a Smurfs movie, which was basically like watching my childhood get raped in a 2 minute clip. The movie looks beyond bad.
That’s on top of the remakes coming out soon for The 3 musketeers, Planet of the apes, Footloose, Fright night. I’ve also read they’re trying to remake the crow (WTF?!?!?!),
@ Busty I agree with the Smurf movie thing looks pretty Stinky indeed.
Some brief snippets of this made it onto mondays daily show. Jon was doing a great segment about washington’s current disaster.
Like I said very brief, but always like to hear tool just “walking freely” on the tv.
I haven’t actually heard the 46&2 version on the boob tube yet. Is it an Internet only release? You can’t have the tv on or 10 minutes without seeing a captain america trailer I find.
^turn off the TV
Will do oh enlightened one.
None of the TV trailers I’ve seen have Tool in them.
^same here…they might be missing a corner of the market and they don’t realize it…typical
I’m so fucking sick of this argument, guess what buddy, you don’t have any claims on this intellectual property and the fact is they aren’t making this movie for you, they are making it for kids, so get the fuck off your soap box high horse and try a little tenderness.
It makes sense it would only be an Internet/theatrical realease.
yeah motherfuckerlet’s leave the tender trolling for some other thread – hellboy
I mean who would in their right mind complain about this?
^^^that lady is nasty too much makeup bad idol for kids