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Puscifer Update

Maynard’s not the type to sit idle, and recently as well as working in vineyards, rehearsing with A Perfect Circle and writing with Tool, he’s been working on some new Puscifer material.  According to a recent tweet it would appear that this work is no complete and a release “window” set:

Finishin up new puscifer tracks. mixin this month w hopes of an Oct release. It’s sounding pretty tasty. Fairly confident you’ll b pleased.

I’m looking forward to hearing what’s next for Puscifer!  No word yet on how many tracks have been recorded, my guess is it will be an EP…

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13 years ago

appetizers are great but i want my steak and potato

13 years ago

whats an e.p. ?

13 years ago

Extended Play.

13 years ago

^ Which is ironic, seeing as how an EP has less playing time than a standard disc…

More details here, you lazy, lazy people… =p

13 years ago

He sure knows how to multi-task.

Recording music among wine barrels?

Puscifer oun a great live show.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

Puscifer’s fucking awful.


13 years ago

^ look’s like you picked the right site to bash TOOL and there side projects.

13 years ago

The Puscifer show I saw was way more entertaining than the APC shows I’ve seen. And that is not a slight, at all, on the APC concerts I’ve been to.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

TAoutsider – 31 minutes ago  » 
^ look’s like you picked the right site to bash TOOL and there side projects.

I don’t feel the need to lap up EVERY single thing each Tool band member gets involved in. I don’t follow Tool blindly.

13 years ago

Calfium Jay
I don’t feel the need to lap up EVERY single thing each Tool band member gets involved in. I don’t follow Tool blindly.

I don’t think many regulars here do either… I find the studio Puscifer pretty much unlistenable, and nearly didn’t go see the live show because of it. I’m sure glad I decided to go a few years ago. It was a killer show. And even though I much prefer APC and TººL, I can appreciate what MJKs trying to do with Puscifer, at least live.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

Well…he DID take Neil Hamburger out on tour with him.

I have to give him props for that!

13 years ago

anytime someone uses the words “fucking awful” you can be sure they don’t know what the hell they are talking about.

you have a small mind, no music taste, and you’re just a negative asshole.

13 years ago

This Puscifer release is going to hold me until the next tool album comes out. The C IS FOR ep was the shit. His vocals on there…..just beautiful.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

DRURY – 21 minutes ago  » 
anytime someone uses the words “fucking awful” you can be sure they don’t know what the hell they are talking about.
you have a small mind, no music taste, and you’re just a negative asshole.

Or it could just mean that I don’t like Puscifer.

I have plenty else to be positive about….!

13 years ago

i would eat a bullet if my last name were hamburger
now maybe cheeseburger…maybe

13 years ago

Calfium Jay – 1 hour ago  » 

TAoutsider – 31 minutes ago  » 
^ look’s like you picked the right site to bash TOOL and there side projects.

I don’t feel the need to lap up EVERY single thing each Tool band member gets involved in. I don’t follow Tool blindly.

neither do i.

13 years ago

i just thought of something
what if you had the scene in the shawshank redemption where andy starts playing the record over the loud speaker system but instead of an opera we heard the beginning of the grudge and all those motherfuckers are just stopped and starring at the speakers….lmao to myself of course….damn thats funny to me

13 years ago

bottom line…….

some people like TOOL and APC and dislike pusifer…

some people like TOOL and puscifer and dislike APC….

personally, i like to shave puscifur, and then use my TOOL…..with APC playing in the background.

13 years ago

[quote comment=”45345″]Recording music among wine barrels?

Looks more like wine barrels are being recorded. Sounding tasty?

13 years ago

Puscifer is just another creative outlet for MJK. You dont have to listen to it. I honestly dont get all the hate/negativity.
I for one am NOT a ‘blind follower’ and still think its beautifully & well-crafted music. And besides for T()()L, of course, one of the most entertaining live shows I’ve ever seen.
Can’t wait for this.

13 years ago

I’m really looking forward to the new material too. I guess the only reason I started listening to Puscifer is because of Maynard, and my love for tool. I can’t say whether or not this made me ‘want’ to like it more, and if it was some other tom, dick or harry producing it, I would just move on. I think we can all agree that if you’re a tool fan, you do give the other material tool members produce more time and that’s because we trust their taste, motive, and creative outlets. But just to back up the fact… Read more »

13 years ago

cooper – 9 hours ago  » 
This Puscifer release is going to hold me until the next tool album comes out. The C IS FOR ep was the shit. His vocals on there…..just beautiful.

Just bought this on vinyl. It sounded epic through the eye of a needle. I agree with the “appetizers are nice but I want my steak and potato, please” comment. I know I will enjoy his new album, but it will be bittersweet and tease my taste buds that are longing for some new TooL.

13 years ago

this is great news..i love puscifer… songs like potions..sour grapes..the humbling river..the undertaker are pure art.
wondering why we havent heard anything of the live dvd?? hope thats still to be released this year.

13 years ago

C is for… is fucking amazing. I was front row center at both philly shows and

13 years ago

they were amazing

13 years ago

live puscifer is waaayy different than studio puscifer. go see puscifer live. if you still say puscifer is awful, then there’s something wrong with you. can’t wait for some new tunes.

13 years ago

badkittygothgirl – 11 hours ago  »  cooper – 9 hours ago  »  This Puscifer release is going to hold me until the next tool album comes out. The C IS FOR ep was the shit. His vocals on there…..just beautiful. Just bought this on vinyl. It sounded epic through the eye of a needle. I agree with the “appetizers are nice but I want my steak and potato, please” comment. I know I will enjoy his new album, but it will be bittersweet and tease my taste buds that are longing for some new TooL. that was my quote dammit!… Read more »

13 years ago

Agreed with everyone, Puscifer live is the shit and I will go to as many shows as I can if/when he decides to tour and I would suggest everyone else do the same

13 years ago

ilikecheese – 12 hours ago  »  badkittygothgirl – 11 hours ago  »  cooper – 9 hours ago  »  This Puscifer release is going to hold me until the next tool album comes out. The C IS FOR ep was the shit. His vocals on there…..just beautiful. Just bought this on vinyl. It sounded epic through the eye of a needle. I agree with the “appetizers are nice but I want my steak and potato, please” comment. I know I will enjoy his new album, but it will be bittersweet and tease my taste buds that are longing for some new… Read more »

13 years ago

^ 🙂

13 years ago

DRURY: 1 Calfium: 0

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]DRURY: 1 Calfium: 0[/quote] [quote comment=”45353″]anytime someone uses the words “fucking awful” you can be sure they don’t know what the hell they are talking about. you have a small mind, no music taste, and you’re just a negative asshole.[/quote] so when I say creed or nickelback is “fucking awful” i automatically don’t know what the hell im talking about? I’m not trying to start an argument I just hate when people sit up on their high horse and condemn everyone else’s musical tastes that are different from their own. sure, it’s aggravating when someone tells me tool sucks… Read more »

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

If I’d have said : Puscifer’s awful and anyone who likes them is mentally and socially backward and has unemployed parents – then I’d probably have a case to answer to.

Since I didn’t, I’ll stick with my original stated opinion : I find that the the music of Puscifer is awful.

13 years ago

Calfium Jay – 14 minutes ago  » 
If I’d have said : Puscifer’s awful and anyone who likes them is mentally and socially backward and has unemployed parents – then I’d probably have a case to answer to.
Since I didn’t, I’ll stick with my original stated opinion : I find that the the music of Puscifer is awful.

you said it is fucking awful
i can read it back to you if you would like
do you often start shit on other sites as well, hm?

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

Awful. Fucking Awful.

It’s still awful. I dislike it.

Nothing to do with ‘starting shit’.


13 years ago

Calfium Jay – 1 minute ago  » 
Awful. Fucking Awful.
It’s still awful. I dislike it.
Nothing to do with ‘starting shit’.


13 years ago

HarryManback – 1 hour ago  »  DRURY: 1 Calfium: 0 anytime someone uses the words “fucking awful” you can be sure they don’t know what the hell they are talking about. you have a small mind, no music taste, and you’re just a negative asshole. so when I say creed or nickelback is “fucking awful” i automatically don’t know what the hell im talking about? I’m not trying to start an argument I just hate when people sit up on their high horse and condemn everyone else’s musical tastes that are different from their own. sure, it’s aggravating when someone… Read more »

13 years ago

puscifer is awesome.
it’s what I imagine NIN + MJK to be. <3 Potions

13 years ago

Man I wish Adam Jones had as many side projects as Maynard, and yes im totally off-par with the convo

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]Man I wish Adam Jones had as many side projects as Maynard, and yes im totally off-par with the convo[/quote]


13 years ago

Toolshed – 14 hours ago  » 
Man I wish Adam Jones had as many side projects as Maynard, and yes im totally off-par with the convo

he has plenty of projects going on, like “the y incision” with buzzo, one with fripp, one with lustmord… the question is: will they ever get finished??

13 years ago

I’ve seen Tool 7 times, A Perfect Circle 2 times & Puscifer only once. I can easily say may favorite live performance of Maynards was the Puscifer show. I went to this show not expecting much and left with my jaw dropped. Maynard actually likes to show off his talent with Puscifer, instead of standing in the background in the dark with his vocals turned down.

13 years ago

some of puscifer is good; I like the rocket man cover, polar bear, humbling river, the mission and a couple others but how many people ehre would honestly give it a second thought if Maynard wasn’t in it?

13 years ago

SnackAttack – 1 hour ago  »  I’ve seen Tool 7 times, A Perfect Circle 2 times & Puscifer only once. I can easily say may favorite live performance of Maynards was the Puscifer show. I went to this show not expecting much and left with my jaw dropped. Maynard actually likes to show off his talent with Puscifer, instead of standing in the background in the dark with his vocals turned down. agreed on that one. i have seen him as ” the front man ” for TOOL once, but it was really nice to see him out in the… Read more »

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

insertcrypticnameher – 5 hours ago  » 
some of puscifer is good; I like the rocket man cover, polar bear, humbling river, the mission and a couple others but how many people ehre would honestly give it a second thought if Maynard wasn’t in it?


13 years ago

me for 1.

13 years ago

^as long as that sultry sexy siren Milla is in it you can fucking have Maynard
can i get an amen on that my brothers and sisters from other mothers and misters

13 years ago

SnackAttack – 6 hours ago  »  I’ve seen Tool 7 times, A Perfect Circle 2 times & Puscifer only once. I can easily say may favorite live performance of Maynards was the Puscifer show. I went to this show not expecting much and left with my jaw dropped. Maynard actually likes to show off his talent with Puscifer, instead of standing in the background in the dark with his vocals turned down. I agree on this one too. I haven’t seen Puscifer yet but certainly in APC he had a more commanding vocal style and presence when I saw them.… Read more »

13 years ago

I think though Maynard will always fall back on the ‘I’m only one fourth of this project,’ defense in regards to TOOL and why he doesn’t try to take over out front now like he used too. Remember too that his vocals and the dynamics (in TOOL) are varied so maybe he feels it’s better to tone it down to keep things level, so to speak….

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