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Official stream of Puscifer’s Man Overboard

For those of you that missed it, the official stream on the new Puscifer track Man Overboard can be found on the Spin website.  Not sure if the track is available on iTunes yet, from memory it should be available by the 19th of July though.

If sea shanties are your thing, then you may enjoy these lyrics thrown together by polarbear_15:

Blood sky, red mornin’
Shoulda’ seen the warnin’.

Captain to the seamen,
"Man your battlestations.
Poseidon’s on a mission,
‘Bout to turn it up to 11."

Captain to the seaman,
"Assume crash positions.
Toss the extras over,
About to take on water."

Blood sky, red mornin’ (*whisper* All hands on deck.)
Shoulda’ seen the warnin’. (*whisper* All hands on deck.)
Poseidon’s on a mission, (*whisper* Brace yourself.)
‘Bout to turn it up to 11.

Mind the sails, mind the sails!
All hands on, all hands on deck!
Women and children first!
Bail sailor, bail, bail, bail!

Brace yourself, brace yourself. (Brace yourself, brace yourself.)
Brace yourself, brace yourself for 12.
All hands on, all hands on deck.
All hands on, all hands on…

Blood sky, red mornin’ (All hands on, all hands on deck!)
Shoulda’ seen the warnin’. (Woulda’, coulda’, shoulda’, shoulda’!)
Poseidon’s on a mission, (Brace yourself, brace yourself!)
About to turn it up to 11. (Brace yourself, brace yourself for 12!)

Captain to the seaman, (Here come the gales, mind the sails!)
Assume crash positions. (All hands on, all hands on deck!)
Toss the extras over, (Women and children, women and children first!)
about to take on water. (Bail sailor, bail, bail, bail!)

Poseidon’s on a mission, (Brace yourself, brace yourself!)
About to turn it up to 11. (Brace yourself, brace yourself for 12!)
Poseidon’s on a mission, (Brace yourself, brace yourself!)
About to turn it up to 11. (Brace yourself, brace yourself for 12!)

Personally, I quite like the track and think it’s better than anything released off the last few EP/albums.  The lyrics certainly are entertaining.

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13 years ago

The track hasnt really appealed to me. Only a select handful of puscifer songs have though, I guess Im lost on it. 

13 years ago

Sounds like those lyrics took about four minutes and sixteen seconds to write.

13 years ago

Ugh, Can we all please just ignore him until he gets back to his real job.

13 years ago

Maynard is King of the Trolls.

13 years ago

Did not mind the song but on first listen around 01:30:00, that transition put me off for some reason?
Think I prefer their earlier stuff so far but will give it a few more listens 🙂

13 years ago

buk – 15 minutes ago  »  Sounds like those lyrics took about four minutes and sixteen seconds to write. It’s Puscifer, it’s not really meant to be deep or serious. Their first song was ‘Cuntry Boner’. Anyways, I might have missed a few lyrics. Forgot to change a few of the ‘seaman’ to ‘seamen’ and the first line might be ‘Blood sky every mornin’ Anyway, about the song. The first listen I had while I was streaming the XM interview, I was grossly disappointed. When I heard the preview on Amazon, it really got my hopes up assuming there was… Read more »

13 years ago

av333 – 12 minutes ago  » 
Did not mind the song but on first listen around 01:30:00, that transition put me off for some reason?
Think I prefer their earlier stuff so far but will give it a few more listens 🙂

If you were in the middle of the ocean and the storm suddenly died down and everything was calm, you’d be put off too. Little do you know, you’re in the eye and the real storm is yet to come.

13 years ago

new song up on their webpage.  If you have not figured that out yet.

13 years ago

see, now that is a good reminder that i worship TOOL and APC for other reasons and other musicians contributions……not because i worship everything that maynard stands for or does.

because i do not see any appeal in that at all. i have tried to give pussyfur a chance, with honest listens, and NOPE.

if i could find a way, i would quit my job, and follow TOOL/APC all over the world, but if puscifer knocked the door, i would jump the balcony.

13 years ago

GD how many puscifer threads do we need?

13 years ago

i know i know as HB takes a ruler to my hand LOL 😉

13 years ago

Sounds like maynard is talking about hopefully ending his career in this song. If he was smart he would cause the creative juices are turning rotten like grapes in his winery that tastes like piss. And i think he wrote that song when he was wasted out of his mind cause it sounds like crap. He might as well just make fart noises to a beat, it would certainly be more entertaining. Thank you jesus

13 years ago

^ is that you Paul D LOL. i can tell your going to make a lot of friends here.

P.S. welcome BTW. are you a long time lurker 1st time poster?

13 years ago

[quote comment=”46205″]Sounds like maynard is talking about hopefully ending his career in this song. If he was smart he would cause the creative juices are turning rotten like grapes in his winery that tastes like piss. And i think he wrote that song when he was wasted out of his mind cause it sounds like crap. He might as well just make fart noises to a beat, it would certainly be more entertaining. Thank you jesus[/quote]   So you listen to music you don’t like, by a man you don’t like, and drink his wine that you don’t like. And… Read more »

13 years ago

^shit man im ogt since 1992. Been watching maynard “spiral out” and down waitin for him to crash so i can rub my ass in his face, because “im the man”

13 years ago

Why can’t trolls try harder? There’s plenty of legitimate criticisms to be made about various things, do trolls really think ‘He might as well just make fart noises to a beat’ is going to get a rise out of anyone?

13 years ago

maynardhater23 – 9 minutes ago  » 
^shit man im ogt since 1992. Been watching maynard “spiral out” and down waitin for him to crash so i can rub my ass in his face, because “im the man”

so your join a TOOL fan site to bash the lead singer. it would not suprise me if you were maynard just fuckin’ w/ us LOL. go back to listening to bieber. just kidding. WTF is your motive here besides pissing off people. 😉

13 years ago

admin – 17 minutes ago  »  <span class=”Apple-style-span” style=”color: #666666; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: #f9f7ed;”>Sounds like maynard is talking about hopefully ending his career in this song. If he was smart he would cause the creative juices are turning rotten like grapes in his winery that tastes like piss. And i think he wrote that song when he was wasted out of his mind cause it sounds like crap. He might as well just make fart noises to a beat, it would certainly be more entertaining. Thank you jesus</span> It took you 20 minutes from your password change request… Read more »

13 years ago

My motive is to keep it real and i call people out when they compromise their goals

13 years ago

maynardhater23 – 2 minutes ago  » 
My motive is to keep it real and i call people out when they compromise their goals

Maynard discussed his goals with you?

13 years ago

My motive is to keep it real and i call people out when they compromise their goals!

13 years ago

Agree, disagree, or flame me for what I’m about to say. I don’t really care.   I find that many Tool fans aren’t so much fans of music as they are fans of exclusively metal. Some of them don’t even like A Perfect Circle. They came across Tool while they were listening to grunge or death metal, and they have little appreciation for anything that does not involve heavy musical aggression. Just from hearing him speak over the years, I don’t think Maynard likes to make metal or heavy rock; I think he likes to make music. It sometimes comes… Read more »

13 years ago

@ResJudicata – While I can get on board with some of what you say I think to generalise about Tool Fans not appreciating other genres may be a little heavy handed. But it can be fair to say that many times when bands are young and composing their first works they are often more aggressive and intuitive than they will ever be again. I’m someone who has gravitated towards heavier music as the years crept up on me. I do know from playing in a band that we stated off heavy and finished in a quieter place, and I see… Read more »

13 years ago

i’m a big greatful dead fan. don’t know if may of you are, but that’s way far from TOOL genre. 😉

13 years ago

My favourite opera is Puccini’s Turandot. And I love Roberta Flack and Barbara Steisand.

13 years ago


Just found this painting of Adam & Camella by Phil Hale. Pretty amazing if you ask me.

First time I’ve seen it. Dunno if it’s old news. 

13 years ago

polarbear_15 – 3 hours ago  » 
Why can’t trolls try harder? There’s plenty of legitimate criticisms to be made about various things, do trolls really think ‘He might as well just make fart noises to a beat’ is going to get a rise out of anyone?

and i hate when people steal my bits…

13 years ago

^for goodness sake put your bits in a safe place!

13 years ago

^you’re right. Good thing my kibbles are locked up tight. 😛

13 years ago

I do not understand how a person that claims to understand Tool could possibly dislike Puscifer. Can you not even hear the beauty of the instruments or is it not ‘metal’ or ‘grunge’ enough for you to appreciate it?

13 years ago

admin – 5 minutes ago  » 
Ok, enough bullshit, further off-topic discussion will be deleted… 

We have a spot just direct to the bickering thread. I know it’s not everyone’s bag but I like it. Besides that Mammal song is kick ass

13 years ago

are you sure its not “all hands on dick”? 🙂

13 years ago

OK it’s only taken 24 hours and I’m really starting to dig this track…and by dig I mean thrash. Maynard has such a grunty tone towards the end of the track, makes it sound some what heavier than I first thought.

13 years ago

^find the bickering thread. It does exist. Take it there.

13 years ago

13 years ago

The funniest thing I have seen online in a looooooonnnngggg time… it just keeps giving.

13 years ago

i think this first single is pretty good, even better than a handful of songs off the first album.  Cant wait until the album release

13 years ago

Very cool song. Lyrically, the song is a pretty blatant warning along the lines of Aenima. I like the metaphor….

13 years ago

[quote comment=”46198″] buk – 15 minutes ago  »  Sounds like those lyrics took about four minutes and sixteen seconds to write. It’s Puscifer, it’s not really meant to be deep or serious. Their first song was ‘Cuntry Boner’. Anyways, I might have missed a few lyrics. Forgot to change a few of the ‘seaman’ to ‘seamen’ and the first line might be ‘Blood sky every mornin’ Anyway, about the song. The first listen I had while I was streaming the XM interview, I was grossly disappointed. When I heard the preview on Amazon, it really got my hopes up assuming… Read more »

13 years ago

that depends on how long it has been, who is giving it, the technique, and they apply the proper pressure…….and words

13 years ago

I might get shitted on for this, but the idea behind puscifer reminds me alot of what the rapper “lil b” does with his music. If anyone ever heard any of lil b’s lyrics, then someone might know what im talkin about.

13 years ago

Boy do we really have nothing better to do than sit and criticize a single song on the internet? It’s surprising how much discussion this one track has gained since the release of the sample. 

On that note, I like it.  

13 years ago

buk – 20 hours ago  » 
Sounds like those lyrics took about four minutes and sixteen seconds to write.

Lol do it then

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