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Tool progress is progressing, Sasquatch spotted!

A couple of marginally interesting Tool items appeared in the last day, the first being a snippet from a recent Maynard interview reported on Blabbermouth:

As for the status of the next TOOL album — which Keenan gets asked about in every interview — the singer gave The Pulse Of Radio an update and warned fans not to believe everything they read. "We’re just always writing and it’s just progressing as it progresses," he said. "We normally don’t say anything about anything until it’s actually happening, because there’s a lot of people online that apparently can’t read very well. I put an April Fool’s notice up there for the album release, and it was this year, 2011, I said, ‘New TOOL album, such-and-such a date, 2009, and everybody ran around like, ‘Oh, really, the new TOOL –?’ God, you guys are dumb. I swear to God. You’ve got to read. Please, read."

I hope there is no one that dumb who reads Fourtheye.

Secondly Blair shares a picture of the Arizona Bigfoot he recently encountered and managed to snap on his iPhone:

This long haired and bearded beast looks a little like Adam.  ZEMKLA JR revealed?

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13 years ago

Seems to me like Maynard is saying that “they’re writing”.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

Yeah. They’re “writing”. That could mean anything. It could mean that every couple of days, they put away the bong and the Taco Bell and strum a few chords or belt out a cover of a Carol King song.

Sheesh. It’s going to be a long 12 months.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Yeah. They’re “writing”. That could mean anything. It could mean that every couple of days, they put away the bong and the Taco Bell and strum a few chords or belt out a cover of a Carol King song.
Sheesh. It’s going to be a long 12 months.
12 months to what? The date that Blair gave was a fake. It could be 2 or 3 years.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
13 years ago

I’d say it’s reasonable to suggest that recording will begin within the next 6 months – very few bands spend more than 2 years “writing” an album..and Tool have been at it now “officially” for at least the last 18 months.

May 2012 though probably won’t happen, seeing as it’s nearly August ’11 and there’s nothing to suggest they are anywhere near even entering the studio.

13 years ago

Thinkin we’ll all be surprised…. seriously! Let’s just chill the FUCK OUT here a year!! I mean C’MON!!!!! MJK studio bound before thankstakin’! New release by January!!

13 years ago

A general rule of thumb for major acts is to expect about 6 months between final mix and release (seems to increase in length the more established you are for some reason)… I would not expect anything at this point within a year from today if they’ve not stepped foot in the studio as yet.

13 years ago

Maynard translation: “I don’t care how emotionally invested you are in our art, fuck off. You’re just a paycheck for me. Oh and we’re going to mock you with fake album info and then call your morons for believing us. The funny thing us, we can call you morons to your face and you’ll still buy new records. Fuck you buddy.”

13 years ago

We’re all chompin’ at the bit that’s for sure but I don’t see this being a ‘Maynard is keeping this thing from happening’ thing at all, at least not anymore. This is total speculation based on damn limited knowledge but, in my opinion, this is on Adam. TooL is really his band, imho. The other guys all have musical ventures but Adam, not so much. Sure he has other ‘art’ to work on but I think he’s working through some personal shit; again this is total speculation but I just feel he’s taking some time to himself while ‘working’ at… Read more »

13 years ago

ilikecheese – 15 minutes ago  » 
… Half of one, six dozen of the other.

13 years ago

^You’re not alone…no one understands me; I think it’s genetic. Oh, and it might also be because you’re a CHIMP! LOL…or the cliche is backwards, either way…half a dozen of one, six of the other dozen…

13 years ago

i expect the writing to be done by xmas. hit the studio by january and album by next summer…probably get one of their new songs on the Dark Knight Rising soundtrack..

13 years ago

Was Maynard trying to contradict himself?

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Was Maynard trying to contradict himself?

You mean when he says 2011, and then 2009. 

13 years ago

“I no longer see them hitting the studio this year to be honest.”

13 years ago

Children – 1 hour ago  » 

Was Maynard trying to contradict himself?

You mean when he says 2011, and then 2009. 

More that he states not to believe what you read online, but believe what you read….”you’ve got to read. Please read” Anyway, what’s another 24 months waiting.

13 years ago

LOL I remember maynard tweeted in january that there would be a new tool album in April 2009. Whoever believed that must have serious mental health issues.

13 years ago

So Maynard tweeted in jan of 11 that there would be a new album in april 09? Timeline seems a bit off

13 years ago

After seeing APC and waiting for this band to put out a new album makes me not give a fuck anymore.

13 years ago

I kinda agree with toolrocks, Im starting not to give two fucks about the next tool album anymore. 

13 years ago

cooper – 1 minute ago  » 
I kinda agree with toolrocks, Im starting not to give two fucks about the next tool album anymore. 

You say that now, but your tune will likely change when the release date is announced.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Of course my tune will change when a release date is announced!!! Im just saying the more time passes by, the less I give a fuck. 

13 years ago

i think the problem might be more like the longer it takes and ppl get really annoyed, the more likely they’ll torrent it, instead of buying it in a store or paying the price for a concert.

13 years ago

I think the problem is, is that I got better things to do and/or worry about other than when the band is gonna put out their next album. There’s enough music I can listen to and enough things to do to keep me occupied until than. I’m not “jonesing” for a new album.
I mean whenever it comes out, I’ll gladly gobble it up but what’s the point in worrying/stressing about something that you/I have absolutely no control over?

13 years ago

@ Poop – Ahem! We’re fucking TººL fans. What do you expect? Jeebus!

13 years ago

It’s just one of those things, I mean how many threads have there been on here or TA about when the next album will come out? While I listen to Tool every week I honestly don’t remember the last time I was like “Man when’s the new record gonna come out? I need some new Tool bad.” Sure it’s fun to speculate why they haven’t put out a new album. MJK isn’t into Tool anymore and is more into wine-making, puscifer, etc. Or Adam is going through his personal problems and that’s why. Or Danny is busy trying out for… Read more »

13 years ago

Danny’s trying out for the Wizards? Holy fucking shit. Didn’t know…


13 years ago

^ cuz its fun to *speculate* lol i seriously dont thnk most ppl loose sleep over what we thrash out on this forum…that’s silly. o_O

13 years ago

i do…sometimes…only because I’m up all night though…nee ner

13 years ago

ilikecheese – 2 minutes ago  » 
Danny’s trying out for the Wizards? Holy fucking shit. Didn’t know…

I mean, they can use all the low-post presence they can find.

13 years ago

He could put Maynard on his shoulders…*pictures that* lmao

13 years ago

The dude in the pic looks alot like either Hammett or Munkey (Korn). Meh….but that’s just me.

13 years ago

I think MJK is trying to say that, like every other album, it’s gonna be finished when it’s finished. There’s no time frame that they are held to, that’s the process that has always worked and if the fans haven’t figured that out by now they deserve to be called dumb. They have never catered to their fans and personally, that’s one of the reasons I love em.

13 years ago

@ royalred

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13 years ago

I’m pretty sure the new album will be out August 18 this year.

13 years ago

Izzy – 2 hours ago  » 
i think the problem might be more like the longer it takes and ppl get really annoyed, the more likely they’ll torrent it, instead of buying it in a store or paying the price for a concert.

yes, i’m sure that’s why they’ll torrent it


13 years ago

I absolutely cannot stand Maynard.

8/2/2009 made it official and his attitude since then just reinforces it.

Not to mention that Puscifer sucks fat cock.

13 years ago

not TooL, the fans…I think…but what do I know…I’m just a dumb fan…meh…

13 years ago

200L – 8 minutes ago  » 
I absolutely cannot stand Maynard.
8/2/2009 made it official and his attitude since then just reinforces it.
Not to mention that Puscifer sucks fat cock.

mmmmm fat cock

13 years ago

What happened 8/2/09?

13 years ago

danielkauai21 – 2 minutes ago  » 
What happened 8/2/09?

i’m gonna guess:

13 years ago

Ns1 – 1 hour ago  » 

Izzy – 2 hours ago  » 
i think the problem might be more like the longer it takes and ppl get really annoyed, the more likely they’ll torrent it, instead of buying it in a store or paying the price for a concert.

yes, i’m sure that’s why they’ll torrent it

since you know so much more than me, why then dont you explain your version of why?

13 years ago

Izzy – 10 minutes ago  » 

Ns1 – 1 hour ago  » 

Izzy – 2 hours ago  » 
i think the problem might be more like the longer it takes and ppl get really annoyed, the more likely they’ll torrent it, instead of buying it in a store or paying the price for a concert.

yes, i’m sure that’s why they’ll torrent it

since you know so much more than me, why then dont you explain your version of why?

cuz free > $15

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
13 years ago

Simple truth – there is a saying when it comes to dating women – treat em mean keep em keen. And this is exactly what is happening here. Tool love the fact this site exists cos any news is good news (and at the minute in the UK we know all about that)… And in our hearts we all know the next Tool album (predicted 2011 by me but most likely 2013) will be shit! Cos its by OLD MEN!

13 years ago

Jethro Tool – 1 hour ago  » 
And in our hearts we all know the next Tool album (predicted 2011 by me but most likely 2013) will be shit! Cos its by OLD MEN!

Old men. Don’t knock em till you’ve tried them.

13 years ago

^+ ONE.1

I’m so old I could forget what I was gonna make a joke about and still end the sentence in a preposition during

13 years ago

Hey nice 2ool is here. I was at that show it wasn’t that bad at all. Just the same set list as always was the only issue.

13 years ago

I don’t even know what to think about this album. 5 months ago I would have said it would probably be released by the end of this year. Now, I don’t even know. I personally think they’re just toying with us and are going to announce some SURPRISE release date. But that could just be wishful thinking.

13 years ago

Ns1 – 8 hours ago  » 

Izzy – 10 minutes ago  » 

Ns1 – 1 hour ago  » 

Izzy – 2 hours ago  » 
i think the problem might be more like the longer it takes and ppl get really annoyed, the more likely they’ll torrent it, instead of buying it in a store or paying the price for a concert.

yes, i’m sure that’s why they’ll torrent it

since you know so much more than me, why then dont you explain your version of why?

cuz free > $15

lol lame

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