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A Perfect Circle 2011 summer tour wrap-up

A Perfect Circle toured all across the US (and occasionally Canada) this summer and from all reports it was a good, though somewhat controversial tour.

Much of the controversy revolved around the choice of setlist for the tour.  The setlist changed from night to night, however played mainly songs from their last album eMotive.  Many fans, not being such huge fans of this album, were disappointed that they didn’t get to hear more tracks from their favorite albums Mer De Noms and Thirteenth Step.

However those attending the shows generally seemed to enjoy the new additions to the set.  According to, the following tracks were played on the tour:

  • Every show:
    • Imagine
    • People Are People
    • Passive
    • Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums
    • Annihilation
    • Weak and Powerless
    • By And Down
    • The Outsider
    • 3 Libras (All Main Courses Mix)
  • Played most shows:
    • The Hollow
    • When The Levee Breaks
    • (What’s So Funny ’bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?
    • Gimme Gimme Gimme
    • The Noose
    • Fiddle And The Drum
    • What’s Going One
  • And a selection of these songs each night:
    • Rose
    • Magdalena
    • Gravity
    • The Package
    • Orestes
    • Blue


Personally, I was disappointed to read that the set was largely covers.  Far be it for me to dictate to a band what they should and shouldn’t play, but I find it a little distasteful that a band I’d pay money to see play a set with so many cover songs in it.  If I wanted to see a covers band I could go down to the local pub and see one for nothing.  That said, I do wish I could have seen the tour for myself.  It’s all too easy to judge a band on their setlist, not taking into account the atmosphere and dynamics of the show.

Speaking of which, from all reports the stage setup and lighting was excellent, with the band playing in front of a large metallic curtain with the APC logo on it.  As usual, Junior seems to have done a fine job with the lighting.

One thing many found quite interesting about the shows was that a new song, By And Down was played.  Normally the final song in the set, this moody song sounds more like a Thirteenth Step track than a Mer De Noms one, and there are plenty of bootlegs available on Youtube for those interested.

A reasonable number of you attended the shows as VIPs, and the reports from that experience were generally pretty positive.  VIPs received an APC bag, a poster and possibly some other stuff, and also got the change to experience the sound check, as well as get some premium seats at the shows.  There were a few hiccups here and there, but it seems as the though the VIP tickets offered good value for those that picked them up.

Some were even lucky enough to catch some of the band after the shows.  By all accounts the band were quite happy to chat with fans (though Maynard generally was nowhere to be seen).  Word is that there will be a new album, but don’t expect it any time soon.  A certain member has other priorities in the coming months/years…

One of which of course is Puscifer.  We’ve already been warned to expect a tour in October/November.  On the Ashes Divide front, they are close to completing a new album, so I’d be expecting to hear that and a tour as well, probably early 2012.

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13 years ago

Here’s to hoping tool will finish recording before the puscifer tour. lulz..

13 years ago

In some ways I feel I shouldn’t even post here because I didn’t go and as Hellboy says “It’s all too easy to judge a band on their setlist, not taking into account the atmosphere and dynamics of the show.” So that being said, what I heard from most of you, was that in the main, despite some gripes with the set list, that delivery was usually pretty spot on. All I can really say is that since joining this site and gaining a real understanding of the music and tours you have available to you (US dwellers), you guys… Read more »

13 years ago

Maynard has been very busy with APC, and now he will likely be focussing almost all of his attention on the grape harvest season and setting up the Puscifer tour.

I think a March-May 2012 release date is likely. But who knows? I’m really just making a guess based on inference.

13 years ago

admin – 2 minutes ago  »  2lizbet – 4 minutes ago  »  I was disappointed earlier in the year with a Tool set in Brisbane that I travelled a substantial distance, and cost us big dollars, to see. The difference being that I may have to wait years again for the next opportunity. Why were you disappointed? I have plenty of friends from Queensland who said that it was one of the best shows they’ve seen. Having seen them in Melbourne and Adelaide on the same tour I could understand why… Yes i was. I saw them in Adelaide too… Read more »

13 years ago

admin – 36 seconds ago  » 
Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew.

That was actually my first seated experience so you may be right. But I am 5ft 1 fuck you, I just can’t see most of the time!

13 years ago

admin – 4 minutes ago  » 
Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew.

hahaha well put

13 years ago

264zn – 1 minute ago  » 

admin – 4 minutes ago  » 
Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew.

hahaha well put

Fuck you too. I’d like to do to you what I’ve done to friends in the past. Stand beside me and then put your head on my level and then watch that act through the gaps.

13 years ago

admin – 5 minutes ago  »  264zn – 1 minute ago  »  admin – 4 minutes ago  »  Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew. hahaha well put Fuck you too. I’d like to do to you what I’ve done to friends in the past. Stand beside me and then put your head on my level and then watch that act through the gaps. At least you don’t have far to go when your husband needs a blowjob   Thank goodness for small mercies. Whoops I just looked at my… Read more »

13 years ago

admin – 19 minutes ago  » 
Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew.

Seats are for people that are heavily medicated on the fungus.

13 years ago

2lizbet – 23 minutes ago  »  admin – 5 minutes ago  »  264zn – 1 minute ago  »  admin – 4 minutes ago  »  Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew. hahaha well put Fuck you too. I’d like to do to you what I’ve done to friends in the past. Stand beside me and then put your head on my level and then watch that act through the gaps. At least you don’t have far to go when your husband needs a blowjob   Thank goodness for small mercies.… Read more »

13 years ago

264zn – 4 minutes ago  »  2lizbet – 23 minutes ago  »  admin – 5 minutes ago  »  264zn – 1 minute ago  »  admin – 4 minutes ago  »  Seats are for chumps, unless it’s somewhere like the Music Bowl where they are front and centew. hahaha well put Fuck you too. I’d like to do to you what I’ve done to friends in the past. Stand beside me and then put your head on my level and then watch that act through the gaps. At least you don’t have far to go when your husband needs a blowjob… Read more »

13 years ago

Saw them in Pittsburgh toward the end of the tour… they sounded fantastic. The set was weighted more toward the eMotive tracks but it didn’t really matter to me. The Package, Weak And Powerless, The Outsider, Passive, and the 3 Libras remix was enough to make it an amazing night. Maynard definitely still has the pipes in him too… not that I had any doubts having seen TOOL just last year in Seattle (10/10 performance that night). The second to last verse, ‘come to THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSS” he held that so perfectly it instantly fired the crowd up to another level. I… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]The second to last verse, ‘come to THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSS” he held that so perfectly it instantly fired the crowd up to another level.[/quote]

Was of course referring to The Outsider here. \m/, 

13 years ago

Don’t know if anyone has posted these videos yet, but:

Pretty close to the stage and the sound quality ain’t too shabby either.

Chicago, by the way 🙂

13 years ago

Great wrap up, Hellboy. I also missed this tour, and have mixed emotives about it (heh).

Having recently seen MDN and 13th Step in their entirety over two nights, I can imagine I would have left disappointed, but I’ll never know now.

I am definitely interested in hearing a new release from APC, and I would definitely be there if/when they tour again.

@ Liz – that was amusing.

13 years ago

I’ve seen APC a few times. They always play good. Seeing them do the WHOLE Emotive album on that mini tour awhile ago was really odd and surprising, but at the same time, kind of unique & enjoyable, just because it was a smaller venue and i never thought I’d see them do that again. It wasn’t as welcome to see them still doing it on this summer tour. The reason is because the crowd went crazy for the “rockin” songs and the energy was really high, and then they would kill it with cover songs. It was really weird.… Read more »

13 years ago

Hellyboy, I saw A Perfect Circle perform 3 times this year, (Saint Paul, Lollapalooza, and Cincinnati) and I really wish you could have shared in the experience though it is unlikely you’re opinion about the covers would change. A lot of people don’t fully understand the concept of eMotive and what all the chosen songs put on one album, performed by some of the most talented musicians in the world is about and how it shows where we are at as a society, even if it was released 7 years ago. I have to say, none of the covers were played… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]Hellyboy, I saw A Perfect Circle perform 3 times this year, (Saint Paul, Lollapalooza, and Cincinnati) and I really wish you could have shared in the experience though it is unlikely you’re opinion about the covers would change. A lot of people don’t fully understand the concept of eMotive and what all the chosen songs put on one album, performed by some of the most talented musicians in the world is about and how it shows where we are at as a society, even if it was released 7 years ago. I have to say, none of the covers were… Read more »

13 years ago

the atlanta show i saw was awesome. sorry you cant have fun anymore

13 years ago

Charlotte was the best concert I’ve seen. And it wasn’t just the psilocin. Had to catch them again in Cincinatti.

I was worried when I read about how much emotive would be played this tour but when I saw the shows I was really impressed, every track was amazing. And with a set list of 19-21 songs each night, we got to hear plenty of Mer de Noms and 13th Step.

13 years ago

Thanks for the informative wrap-up, Hellboi.

13 years ago

“Typical fanboy bullshit. Nothing about these covers is “brilliant,” and nothing about A Perfect Circle playing a setlist full of covers is “special.” Bottom line: they are decent remakes of songs APC did not write. I saw them twice on this tour, and both shows were fucking sad, especially the San Antonio show. They killed the crowd’s energy with a cover any time everybody got excited by an actual APC song. The lighting was really boring, just slow fading atmospheric illumination, which didn’t change very often. But I at least thought they would end with a well known song…..nope, they… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=”47158″][quote comment=””]Hellyboy, I saw A Perfect Circle perform 3 times this year, (Saint Paul, Lollapalooza, and Cincinnati) and I really wish you could have shared in the experience though it is unlikely you’re opinion about the covers would change. A lot of people don’t fully understand the concept of eMotive and what all the chosen songs put on one album, performed by some of the most talented musicians in the world is about and how it shows where we are at as a society, even if it was released 7 years ago. I have to say, none of the covers… Read more »

13 years ago

@ ResJudicata – Way to over-react.

13 years ago

also, these covers are not straight covers, they have been totally reworked.

Also, ResJudicata, you said you saw 2 shows and both were “sad” . Why put yourself through another one if it was so bad? probably so you had some material to complain about on here, nice

13 years ago

Brewdog, any relation to the pubs in Scotland?

13 years ago

no relation, but I wouldnt mind going there

13 years ago

Was at the Edinburgh BrewDog a week ago. Was awesome. They make all their own beers and whatnot, very cool place 🙂

13 years ago

ResJudicata – 2 hours ago  »  Hellyboy, I saw A Perfect Circle perform 3 times this year, (Saint Paul, Lollapalooza, and Cincinnati) and I really wish you could have shared in the experience though it is unlikely you’re opinion about the covers would change. A lot of people don’t fully understand the concept of eMotive and what all the chosen songs put on one album, performed by some of the most talented musicians in the world is about and how it shows where we are at as a society, even if it was released 7 years ago. I have to say,… Read more »

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13 years ago

You gotta treat ’em rough to get the muff! That’s marketing 101.

13 years ago

[quote comment=””]The only thing these “covers” have in common with the original songs is lyrics, all the other aspects are completely different.[/quote]

This may be difficult to understand if a person only knew how to focus on the lyrics and vocals song.

13 years ago

admin – 10 hours ago  »  2lizbet – 4 minutes ago  »  I was disappointed earlier in the year with a Tool set in Brisbane that I travelled a substantial distance, and cost us big dollars, to see. The difference being that I may have to wait years again for the next opportunity. Why were you disappointed? I have plenty of friends from Queensland who said that it was one of the best shows they’ve seen. Having seen them in Melbourne and Adelaide on the same tour I could understand why… this brisbane show you speak of was easily the… Read more »

13 years ago

What does TOOL’s album have to do with this APC summer tour?

People like you are supremely disturbed and angry 24/7, huh? 

13 years ago

I was at the Red Rocks show and all in all it was pretty damn good show.  Some of the eMotive stuff created lulls in the energy, but the live material was definitely better than the studio versions.  Maynard gave the crowd a curtsey followed by double peace signs before exiting stage right.  The only other time I’ve seen APC was at Red Rocks during the last show of the ’04 tour and this show wasn’t quite as good but still well worth my time and money.  I did notice some professional recording equipment in use stage right that included… Read more »

13 years ago

this brisbane show you speak of was easily the best tool show ive seen, soooo much better than both the sound and the setlist of the gold coast bdo the day prior, in fact considering we got you lied, intension and right in two im not sure how it could have been any better, i too was seated right near JC, sound was spot on. hell, mjk even shared a bottle of wine with the boys during the lateralus break down, and stayed although somewhat briefly at the end to wave to the crowd and show his appreciation, they all… Read more »

13 years ago

Jujano and Dickleiper I’m glad you enjoyed your Brisbane Tool show and I did too but it certainly wasn’t one of my favourite concert experiences.
And the Brisbane Entertainment Center is crap, it’s even worse than Adelaide’s and that’s saying something (although they have made some improvements to Adelaide’s recently).
Next time I will stand up, right in front, and take better drugs.

13 years ago

dickleiper – 7 hours ago  »  this brisbane show you speak of was easily the best tool show ive seen, soooo much better than both the sound and the setlist of the gold coast bdo the day prior, in fact considering we got you lied, intension and right in two im not sure how it could have been any better, i too was seated right near JC, sound was spot on. hell, mjk even shared a bottle of wine with the boys during the lateralus break down, and stayed although somewhat briefly at the end to wave to the crowd… Read more »

13 years ago

2lizbet – 3 hours ago  »  Brisbane Tool show…one of my favourite concert experiences.
take better drugs.

ah ha

13 years ago

ilikecheese – 10 minutes ago  » 

Everything that Liz says I always agree with.
ah ha

Cheese I do appreciate your support. But don’t be a sheeple mate. I encourage you to think new thoughts.

13 years ago

We were looking for an excuse to take a trip out west this year.  When we saw APC announce this tour, we started looking at a trip around the Red Rocks show.  Tickets for that show went on sale first, once we knew we had tickets to that, the trip was on.  Ended up flying in and out of Denver and driving ~3200 miles over 11 days.  We went to 4 shows:  Phoenix > San Diego > Los Angeles > Red Rocks.  Thought about going up to the Berkeley/Sacramento/SLC shows but decided to take a couple days off and enjoy the… Read more »

13 years ago

[quote comment=”47174″]I did notice some professional recording equipment in use stage right that included some type of track that included a camera operator and another person controlling the movement of the stand that was on the track.  Live DVD material?  Did anyone else attend the Red Rocks show and notice this?[/quote] I mentioned it in my post above, but yes, they filmed the Red Rocks show for a possible live DVD.  They mentioned it to us during the soundcheck as they were testing out the cameras then.  In addition to the camera on the track on the right side of the stage… Read more »

13 years ago

I don’t think they will ever beat the backdrop they used during the 2004 tour, with those fiber optic trees. So cool.
Really glad I got to finally catch them on this tour, I had been waiting to see them for several years. The St Paul show was great, my only complaint was they played the Roy Wilkins… what a sound vacuum. Hope they have some more live plans in the pocket soon.

13 years ago

Resjudicata definitely is over reacting. Apc did a great job with some of their covers. Go ahead and take it out on tool moron I saw the la show and enjoyed it. more songs from their first two albums would have been nice but I really enjoyed the live versions of annihilation, when the levee breaks and even counting bodies. Some of the other songs they could have done without though. The new song was interesting. I however saw all three la shows from the mini tour last year and damn definitely got my fill. I might not be as… Read more »

13 years ago

2lizbet – 15 hours ago  » 

ilikecheese – 10 minutes ago  » 

Everything that Liz says I always agree with.
ah ha

Cheese I do appreciate your support. But don’t be a sheeple mate. I encourage you to think new thoughts.

sheeple? not familiar, really…

13 years ago

lolla audience recording is up

waiting for wallingford, ct!

13 years ago

moneyisevil – 23 minutes ago  » 
lolla audience recording is up
waiting for wallingford, ct!

it sounds damn good too!

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