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The Book of Douche Bag Vol. 1

Not sure what this is about, but Maynard just tweeted this Puscifer TV video a few moments ago:

All hail Bob!

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12 years ago

Well I watched it twice. Not particularly funny. Obvious visual gag of speaking out your ass. Hints and tips on how to start a religion. Ho hum…
The extra curricular activities don’t seem to be hitting the mark this week. Perhaps they should all do some real work.

12 years ago

I assume this is a video from the past tour making it’s debut online.

12 years ago

^it seems like it, yes…this clearly is not a promo for new puscifer works…

12 years ago

yeah I have seen this somewhere before…?

Guerilla Ontologist
Guerilla Ontologist
12 years ago

This is what happens when you stop taking acid and start drinking wine.

12 years ago

Or do too much of both : )

12 years ago

That is a “skit” from a live show. I remember seeing it somewhere, im sure its in here-

 Its a 1hr 20min vid but good to see.

12 years ago

– you know there’s actually something quite vulnerable about the starting phrases and the accompanying facial expressions. Then we get to rocket man. Then I think of that video of Maynard offering his wine to William Shatner.
People can reach incredible place in life and you might think they have it all under control. People that continue to grow continue to search. And they fuck up!

12 years ago

^Live show starts at 6:40 so skip past the first bit of crap. If you watch the whole show it will make sense as there are skits scattered all through the live show that have related material

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]^Live show starts at 6:40 so skip past the first bit of crap. If you watch the whole show it will make sense as there are skits scattered all through the live show that have related material[/quote]

That is so true! 

12 years ago

Hotdog – 34 seconds ago  » 

^Live show starts at 6:40 so skip past the first bit of crap. If you watch the whole show it will make sense as there are skits scattered all through the live show that have related material

That is so true! 

That crap was there. Deal with it.

12 years ago

2lizbet  – you know there’s actually something quite vulnerable about the starting phrases and the accompanying facial expressions. Then we get to rocket man. Then I think of that video of Maynard offering his wine to William Shatner.
People can reach incredible place in life and you might think they have it all under control. People that continue to grow continue to search. And they fuck up!

How so true! 

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]

2lizbet  – you know there’s actually something quite vulnerable about the starting phrases and the accompanying facial expressions. Then we get to rocket man. Then I think of that video of Maynard offering his wine to William Shatner. People can reach incredible place in life and you might think they have it all under control. People that continue to grow continue to search. And they fuck up! How so true! 


Yeah, i meant “crap” as in the stuff before the live show. Its all up my ally… 

12 years ago

^bit of synchronisity happening there but I think we’re on the same page.

12 years ago

yeah i dont post here often and dont really know what im doing. Used to be an edit button somewhere.

Im more of a quiet lurker around these parts. I might go back under my rock now…

Guerilla Ontologist
Guerilla Ontologist
12 years ago

Looks like the Puscifer cult has been subsumed in to the Church of the Sub-Genius.

12 years ago

Hotdog – 45 minutes ago  » 
yeah i dont post here often and dont really know what im doing. Used to be an edit button somewhere.
Im more of a quiet lurker around these parts. I might go back under my rock now…

Trust no one. The edit button is controlled from the control tower and appears at a whim.

12 years ago

Bobbbbbbb, hellllllllp meee!!!! Can’t remember what they said…

12 years ago

yeah this is definitely from the last tours. Even through the haze of wine and herb, I can’t forget seeing these videos several times

12 years ago

If you think about how many minds are locked into their own version of limited reality via the belief system of their choice, this video is more scary than funny.

12 years ago

I, for one, accept reverend maynard as our new Dick and ass joke overlord

12 years ago

I recently watched a video from a Boston show last year and the video-seg was played during the show. As others have mentioned, there were several others played throughout the show.

12 years ago

2lizbet – 3 hours ago  » 

Hotdog – 45 minutes ago  » 
yeah i dont post here often and dont really know what im doing. Used to be an edit button somewhere.
Im more of a quiet lurker around these parts. I might go back under my rock now…

Trust no one. The edit button is controlled from the control tower and appears at a whim.

oh whimmy, whimmy

12 years ago

Yeah this was one of the videos that was played at the “religious” themed Puscifer shows last year. I’m looking forward to more similar nonsensical videos this fall!

12 years ago

12 years ago

Oh, Koolie, Koolie

_Planet X
_Planet X
12 years ago

ok maynard time to take acid and record new tool k thnx

12 years ago

I saw this on the first Puscifer tour at Nokia Theater in LA. Personally, I hope they do more work like the cuntry shows from the last tour. That was easily one of my favorite concert experiences ever. These interludes cut into some of the more comedic and musical stage moments, and were not as funny by a quarter.

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]If you think about how many minds are locked into their own version of limited reality via the belief system of their choice, this video is more scary than funny.[/quote]

Agreed, This video explains that any and every religion is fake. All it takes is mindless followers, advertising, and a convincing spokesperson, and with a little time you got a full blown religion on your hands.

12 years ago

_Planet X – 8 hours ago  » 
ok maynard time to take acid and record new tool k thnx

Wait, so Maynard records the Tool records all by himself? Awesome! Where did you get this insider info?

Oh, what I meant to say was ‘Fuck off with your whining that has nothing to do with Puscifer.’

'][' [[]] [[]] ][,
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12 years ago

^ Ooooooooo!!! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!…

_Planet X
_Planet X
12 years ago

polarbear_15 – 51 minutes ago  »  _Planet X – 8 hours ago  »  ok maynard time to take acid and record new tool k thnx Wait, so Maynard records the Tool records all by himself? Awesome! Where did you get this insider info? Oh, what I meant to say was ‘Fuck off with your whining that has nothing to do with Puscifer.’ lol. internet tough guyz, gotta love them. ive seen puscifer live… i’ve seen apc live… i’ve seen tool live… for the most part, you could say i’m a fan of mostly everything maynard has taken part in. i’m… Read more »

12 years ago

Calls poster “internet tough guy”…..

Then tells him/her to go kill him/herself.

_Planet X
_Planet X
12 years ago

Ravenpig – 1 minute ago  » 
Calls poster “internet tough guy”…..
Then tells him/her to go kill him/herself.

hes telling me to fuck off for no reason.

i defended my original statement, THEN told him to kill himself. only because hes clearly a stain on the human race, which is in general, a good thing.

didnt curse him out or tell him hes an asshole. [which i’m sure he is]

12 years ago

this could turn into some sequels too…book of garbage bag book of plastic bag, book of youold bag, all kinds of things…here’s to funnier volumes of the future – cheers

12 years ago

@_Planet X – Tool is not Maynard. Maynard is not Tool. Just because Maynard is doing something in his spare time doesn’t mean he’s the sole reason the Tool record is taking a long time. That was the point. RE: The Puscifer video – I’m not a huge fan of the lowbrow Puscifer humor most of the time, including this video. A talking ass? Meh. I’m a huge fan of the message though. As long as Puscifer isn’t one-dimensional poop jokes, I’ll continue to love it. The ‘Major Douche’ videos were great, I hope we get to see more of… Read more »

12 years ago

Children – 11 hours ago  » 

If you think about how many minds are locked into their own version of limited reality via the belief system of their choice, this video is more scary than funny.

Agreed, This video explains that any and every religion is fake. All it takes is mindless followers, advertising, and a convincing spokesperson, and with a little time you got a full blown religion on your hands.

Or a political movement or a band or a tv show.

Congratulations, welcome to the human race.

12 years ago

maybe its a refference to planet x-nibiru

12 years ago

A talking ass? That’s only what, about 1994 or so?

Hmmmmmm…..seems to remind me of Ace Ventura. Excuse me, I’d like to ass you a few questions.

12 years ago

i am really hoping this is a pre-cursor to an announcement for the first DVD series.  

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]If you think about how many minds are locked into their own version of limited reality via the belief system of their choice, this video is more scary than funny. Agreed, This video explains that any and every religion is fake. All it takes is mindless followers, advertising, and a convincing spokesperson, and with a little time you got a full blown religion on your hands. Or a political movement or a band or a tv show. Congratulations, welcome to the human race.[/quote] Religion is equivalent to politics anyway and I can’t remember a time in history when genocide… Read more »

Jethro Tool
Jethro Tool
12 years ago

I just thought it bland and childish for a man approaching 50… but that album cover is just superb!

12 years ago

Children – 2 hours ago  »  If you think about how many minds are locked into their own version of limited reality via the belief system of their choice, this video is more scary than funny. <blockquote cite=”“> Agreed, This video explains that any and every religion is fake. All it takes is mindless followers, advertising, and a convincing spokesperson, and with a little time you got a full blown religion on your hands. Or a political movement or a band or a tv show. Congratulations, welcome to the human race. Religion is equivalent to politics anyway and I can’t… Read more »

12 years ago

[quote comment=””] Children – 2 hours ago  »  If you think about how many minds are locked into their own version of limited reality via the belief system of their choice, this video is more scary than funny. <blockquote cite=”“> Agreed, This video explains that any and every religion is fake. All it takes is mindless followers, advertising, and a convincing spokesperson, and with a little time you got a full blown religion on your hands. Or a political movement or a band or a tv show. Congratulations, welcome to the human race. Religion is equivalent to politics anyway and… Read more »

12 years ago

I call myself Tyson, actually.

_Planet X
_Planet X
12 years ago

budsyralli – 11 hours ago  » 
maybe its a refference to planet x-nibiru


12 years ago

Meh, I’m here for the music.

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