A couple of small items today. Firstly Adam makes a very brief appearance in the Rammstein video Making of “Mein Land†(the new single off their best of album). Rammstein also speak very briefly about Tool. The whole video probably isn’t watching unless you’re a Rammstein fan, however the actual Mein Land video is quite interesting. Adam appears at around the 25 minute mark. Thanks for Rob for the tip there.
Secondly, it’s been reported by a few people in the forum that David Freese (presumably no relation to Josh) has been using Tool’s Stinkfist as his walk out to bat song in recent baseball games. Apparently he plays for the St Louis Cardinals.
Lastly and certainly not least, it was Justin’s birthday on the 19th of November, and Blair reported on Toolband that Justin’s birthday:
comes this year on a weekend. Had it been a weekday, he’d be ‘celebrating’ at the loft – after a lengthy writing/arranging session.
Hopefully there’s some light at the end of that tunnel. Anyway, here’s some Schism to celebrate!
That’s all for now, and I hope everyone who’s had the chance is enjoying the current Puscifer tour!
Dude it’s still Saturday night here…quit bumming me out with “Sunday talk” JK Psst my daughter is fully in Love with one Josh Freese 🙂
A nice reminder why Danny Carey IS in fact GOD.
Whoa whoa whoa, they’ve been writing and arranging? NO WAY! Holy F that’s amazing news! This album will definately come out any minute now!
I’m hoping it will be sometime before April when I log in here and see the words:
Actual Concrete News Regarding The New Tool Album!!
as a title for a forum thread.
LOL, what year?
[quote comment=””]
April 1st…Â
The Natives are mighty restless…
Rammstein were fucking amazing at BDO, One of the best live acts I’ve ever seen.
Feed me TOOL!
Indeed they were.
I get it
I’m glad someone did
I can’t take them seriously. Wherever i hear anything Rammstein, all I can think of is ‘Sprockets.’
[quote comment=””]FEED MEEEEE!!!!!![/quote]
@ Cheez
Now ees ze tiyem on Shprockets ven ve dawnce
It’s almost Sunday again.
Will there be more snippets?
I’m hungry.