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Tool December 2012 Newsletter released, Intronaut support

Blair released the Tool 2012 Newsletter for December today, and it talks about Tool amongst other things.  Word is that 2012 should be a good year for Tool fans as “projects that have admittedly taken quite a while are now getting finished, and should soon be ready for you to scrutinize.”  One rumour floating around is that the video for The Pot may be shown at the coming Tool gigs.  You can read the newsletter on Toolband.

Speaking of Tool gigs, Kanaduh seems to think that Intronaut will be the support act for this tour, at least for the Toronto gig according to Ticketmaster, which sounds like a pretty good deal to me!

Here’s a track from Intronaut’s last album featuring Justin Chancellor:

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12 years ago

i love this band…cant fuckin wait for 2012.

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12 years ago

Blair did not write that.

12 years ago

Based on that newsletter, my feeling is that Q1 2013 (April?) seems most likely for the new album.

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]
Blair did not write that.
I agree

12 years ago

Yeah lol.

But I still am holding my breath for a “out of the blue” project. LIVE TOOOOOOLLL!!

12 years ago

Makes sense for them to tour of the back of ‘The Pot’ video, garner some attention for the eventual dvd release, although I was wrong with the just before christmas release date.

12 years ago

What a bummer.  I definitely thought they would be debuting some new music on this tour.  I can’t believe they would be milking 10 000 Days for 6 years before anything new.  Coming through my area 4 times touring the same album?  I’m still in denial, I think there will be new tunes.  I think all the news about them only being in the writing process is B.S.  They have shit ready to go.  It’s not like they just woke up a couple months ago and decided to begin the creative writing process from scratch.  They’ve been picking away at… Read more »

12 years ago

If they do show the video for The Pot during this tour – weren’t there rumors that the video was going to be in 3D? I wonder if this would mean that the audience would wear 3D glasses during the tune and see all the projections on the screens in 3D? Just a thought…

12 years ago

this song is pretty bad ass.  I wonder, if they play it, will justin join them?  that would be awesome to see!

either way still looking forward to seeing intronaut. 

12 years ago

vegas makes the most sense so far for me, sitting in seattle. i would bet money they play material on this tour that will be on the new album. even if it is only interludes. i also bet the setlist will be completely unexpected.

12 years ago

It would be sweet if they play The Pot with the new video playing behind them!

How many albums does Intronaut have? i’d like to get some of their music before the 3 shows im going to.

12 years ago

I guess showing The Pot 3D video would make sense as to why the floor is seated.

12 years ago

shadow8 – 5 minutes ago  » 
I guess showing The Pot 3D video would make sense as to why the floor is seated.

Floor was seated at the majority of venues on last tour as well- it’s because the band want people to watch and take in the show instead of moshing around like apes

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]I guess showing The Pot 3D video would make sense as to why the floor is seated.  [/quote]

12 years ago

[quote comment=””][quote comment=””]Floor was seated at the majority of venues on last tour as well- it’s because the band want people to watch and take in the show instead of moshing around like apes  [/quote][/quote]
Ahhhh, I didn’t know that.  Was GA floor at every show I went to.  Cheers!

12 years ago

Whatever It will be, they should be more….less careful about the copyright thinggy.

Think a bit more about the rest who have NEVER FUCKING BEEN TO A LIVE TOOL SHOW 🙁

Anyway Activity = Progress so that’s good.

12 years ago

bomtwo – 2 hours ago  » 
this song is pretty bad ass.  I wonder, if they play it, will justin join them?  that would be awesome to see!
either way still looking forward to seeing intronaut. 

Justin joined ISIS on stage for ‘Holy Tears’ at the (now) IZOD Center show back in ’06

12 years ago

   I hope and wish they play You Lied, Triad, The Pot

12 years ago

Tyson – 6 hours ago  » 
I was wrong.

Of course you were. Get used to it.

12 years ago

FYI, i asked Aaron Harris (ISIS DRUMMER) on Twitter if he’ll be Dannys tech on the upcoming tour. He replied with “not sure”. I will keep you updated.

12 years ago

They will have a great setlist this tour. Should be interesting.  People that whine about seeing Tool live even though there isnt a new album probably aren’t really into the band. Or they just like to complain. Tool used to always play new songs live prior to the album. It would be nice if they at least did some instrumental stuff for fun. I doubt they will.  I used to have a bunch of VHS tapes of Tool live shows with pre-Aenima versions of Pushit, Eulogy, Stinkfist, ect. Those were the days!! 1/14/12 will be my 14th Tool show. Can’t… Read more »

12 years ago

shadow8 – 5 hours ago  »  What a bummer.  I definitely thought they would be debuting some new music on this tour.  I can’t believe they would be milking 10 000 Days for 6 years before anything new.  Coming through my area 4 times touring the same album?  I’m still in denial, I think there will be new tunes.  I think all the news about them only being in the writing process is B.S.  They have shit ready to go.  It’s not like they just woke up a couple months ago and decided to begin the creative writing process from… Read more »

12 years ago

Regarding the above post, I agree. They have always played new material before the album, but more recently just not fully completed songs, more like jams, new riffs, etc. They were doing jams of the title track of 10,000 Days on the Lateralus tour in 2002.  And man…people sure like to complain. Listen to the San Francisco 2010 bootleg…they sound fucking great and better than ever. Easily better than any of the shows in 06′ or 07′ by far. People need to get past the idea that this is an extended 10,000 Days tour. A band doesn’t need a new… Read more »

12 years ago

Wow! Yea what has happened to Blair. Hes been kind of killing it recently. His newsletters have either been really aggressive, mean, and funny, or to the point and informative. I like it! Good news all around in my opinion, except for the live dvd. But if you expect to see that any time soon, your out your mind. So, im thinking of stalking out the sound check now for the show im going to, right! Happy Holidays to you as well Tool and Blair, or anyone else for that matter.

12 years ago

what songs would y’all like to hear live again?

how about:

Swamp Song
Prison Sex
The Grudge

don’t need to hear:

Why don’t they ever play 4 Degrees? Do they hate that song or something? 

12 years ago

Because it puts too much strain on Maynard’s voice. As does Eulogy and The Grudge.

12 years ago

For me…

You Lied
The Grudge
Prison Sex

However, I think it’s pretty obvious Maynard will never sing Prison Sex and Jimmy again.  

12 years ago

Also, it’d be cool if they dusted off “Spasm” the other Peach cover they’ve done before. 

_Planet X
_Planet X
12 years ago

gotta tell ya, i’m not sure why so many people are dyin to hear “you lied”. it’s pretty over-rated imo.

pushit, eulogy, h, grudge, parabola. THOSE would be a treat. (even though i’ve already seen 3 out of the 5, but its been a while!)

12 years ago

How about No Quarter. Rarely mentioned, and its awesome.

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
12 years ago

BellJH – 12 hours ago  » 
Based on that newsletter, my feeling is that Q1 2013 (April?) seems most likely for the new album.

That’s how he makes it sound.

Doesn’t look like they’ll be hitting the studio much before the (U.S) summer.

2013 release seems more likely.

_Planet X
_Planet X
12 years ago

Intension – 26 minutes ago  » 
How about No Quarter. Rarely mentioned, and its awesome.

i’d much rather see your username, personally.


12 years ago

void – 2 hours ago  »  People need to get past the idea that this is an extended 10,000 Days tour. A band doesn’t need a new record out to tour or play shows, especially not in 2012 and especially not Tool. I think it’s pretty damn respectable that they’re going out with no record and just playing live. Don’t like it, don’t go.    Good point, I totally agree with you. You cannot compare a live show with those albums that you play over and over again. You can pick your own Tool set list any time you like.… Read more »

12 years ago

These guys should be supporting Tool. Will help tide me over until the new album is released.  

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

DRURY – 5 hours ago  »  Tool used to always play new songs live prior to the album. It would be nice if they at least did some instrumental stuff for fun. I doubt they will.    Yeah but that was before pretty much every single member of the audience had a recorder on them & could upload a shitty sample to the world of their new song on youtube. Given their hatred for people recording at shows & their pride in their work, I doubt we will ever see Tool, play a new song so as not to have… Read more »

12 years ago

Like I was saying before, they’ve been playing new riffs and little jams here and there fairly recently. For example, listen to the synth and bass guitar interlude/jam before “Vicarious” on the San Francisco 2010 bootleg. I wouldn’t be surprised if that great riff gets used on their next record.  But anyway, I really like You Lied because of Justin Chancellor’s backing vocals on the recent performances of it. That, combined with his singing on some of the mtvoid stuff makes me excited about the possibility of him contributing some vocals to Tool’s new material.  Regardless I’ll be 5 rows… Read more »

12 years ago

[quote comment=””]my feeling is that Q1 2013 (April?) seems most likely for the new album.[/quote]

I really hope that the record can get released by 2012. Who knows if there will even be a 2013? Not that I believe in apocalyptic prophecies, but you never know right. Better safe than sorry and the future seriously isn’t looking too bright here in America.

I don’t think Tool will take that risk, whether they’re superstitious or not, and I’m confident the record will be finished in time.

12 years ago

Let me just say this

12 years ago

This newsletter makes it very apparent that he reads and possible jacks it to fourtheye. Congrats Hellboy, Blair faps it occasionally while visiting your site!

12 years ago

i think maybe the mayans knew when the ‘new album’ was gonna be released……dec 21st/2012 only because its gonna blow our minds….TOOL will change the world for ever. …… im only kidding but im sure we as fans are in for a treat. …but what comes in our near future?…boxset?…..vinyl?….dare i even say……….. _iv_ _v_? fuck i wish…..great newsletter but im longing for a silver coleman story…even more insight into ‘The puzzle’….how about the picture of danny holding that ‘crimson looking stick’…..wheres the new talisman board( i think its connected to the dry-eraser board)…. …for the tour will there be… Read more »

12 years ago

12 years ago

What “distractions” are you referring to exactly Hellboy?

Calfium Jay
Calfium Jay
12 years ago

A “setlist surprise” could mean anything.
I’m doubting it will have anything to do with new material though.
Unless I hear evidence to the contrary, I’m going to assume that they do not have a single song completely finished and ready to go yet.
Even Massive Attack are beginning to look incredibly prolific compared to Tool.

12 years ago

there’s that prolific word again

love it really so in and of itself being prolific


let me just say this…

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