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Tool Revisited part 2: Tool Covers

The next edition of Tool Revisited is written by Fourtheye and Toolnavy regular Kanaduh.  He found the time to find a few interesting covers from Youtube and write about the for our pleasure.  Bear in mind that my views don’t necessarily reflect those of the writer!  If you’d like to contribute to this series, then feel free to email me and let me know what you’d like to write about.

There are hundreds of Tool covers out there.  They may have been uploaded on to the Internet months or years ago, yet the vast majority of them do not ever see the light of day.  I spent a few days carefully going through an endless list of Tool covers on YouTube and have compiled a list of the top 10 covers.

1. "Lateralus" (Japanese Version)

This was posted on Toolband last year.  Fucking epic!  Nothing more needs to be said.

2. Adam Monroe – "Vicarious"

Did you know this guy did such a good job with posting YouTube covers that that Billy Howerdel invited him to tour with Ashes Divide in 2009?!  Yep, that’s right.  Props to this guy for getting recognized and making a name for himself.  I personally love this version of Vicarious, he does an excellent job.

3. Transient Organs – "The Patient"

This one is rather controversial on YouTube.  Their videos get a lot of negative feedback due to the female lead singers voice.  Despite this, I think this video deserves some recognition.  I’m not an expert, but the instrumentals sound pretty accurate and well done.  Not to mention the great job they did with the visuals – FUCKING ACROBATICS!  Bravo, guys (and gal).

4. Irongoddesstea – "Right in Two"

Right in Two?  Check. 

Piano?  Check.

Cute Asian?  Check.

Need I say more?

Random fact: Adam Jones personally posted this video on his MySpace page a few years ago, and then flew her out to the Toronto 2009 summer Tool show!

5. TOOLbassplayer – "Jambi"

There are a lot of guitar/bass Tool covers for virtually every song on YouTube.  This guy stands out on top of the rest, however, with his superb quality bass covers.  If you have not heard of him or checked out his channel yet then DO IT NOW!  He has tons of covers on his channel.

6. Danny Fucking Carey – "Rosetta Stoned"

Can a person "cover" their own band?  I’m not even sure if this counts.  Oh well.  This video is too fucking badass to not be included on the list.  You gotta love that big screen up close view from behind!

7. 14 Year Old Vasi – "Right in Two"

"Hi, I’m 14 years old.  I have been going to tool concerts since I was 11 years old.  Tool has inspired me to be the musician I am today."  Kudos to her parents.

8. Ginarae – "Eulogy"

Magnificent.  Brilliant.  Beautiful.  Her voice is angelic.

9. "Hot Tool Drummer Girl"

She’s hot.  She likes Tool.  She drums.  ’nuff said.

Check her out.  I mean, her drumming.


10. "Fred Durst Fucking Sucks!"


1548 Dislikes.

This is a real video.  From a real concert.  I shit you not.

"175 tonedeaf fuckwits missed the DISLIKE  button"

If something ever happens to Maynard – I think we found his replacement!

11. do NOT take drugs

Or you end up like this guy trying to cover Tool.


I know I said 10 videos.  But this guy was too brilliant to not be included.

Hope you all enjoyed the list.  Feel free to share your favourite covers.

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Busty McCracken
12 years ago

Adam Monro is awesome! Love watching his vid’s..

I don’t know why, but I’ve always dug this mini cover.. I think it’s coz it’s just a bunch of lads fucking around at a blues jam, who clearly state not to take it too seriously..

12 years ago

thanks for the post hellboy!

12 years ago
12 years ago

I’ve always enjoyed the covers by Machine Gun Smith. Apparently, he is/was a pool cleaner in Arizona. I don’t know why. It looks like he has his own band now. The editing of this video leaves a little to be desired, but he adds some of his own fills, and he kills it.



12 years ago

Unfortunately, this kid has not covered a TooL song yet, but how many 5 yr olds do you know who can cover System of a Down?


12 years ago

Nice compilation there HB. The Ginarae Eulogy cover is fantastic, I have listened to it many times. Same with the Right in Two cover by Irongoddesstea. Toolbassplayer does exceptional bass covers. A bit surprised you left OpiateoftheMasses off the list though.

12 years ago

When I saw this I was hoping Adam Monroe and the girl who covers eulogy would be in this list. Both of them have some great other videos as well. The girl covers “The Noose” by Apc pretty damn well.

12 years ago

The Japanese one is fucking incredible. I love their reaction when they’re done.
EDIT: Nevermind, that’s not the same one I’ve seen. The one I saw was a practice not performance. Still kicks major ass.

12 years ago

– The Japanese clip was actually posted on fourtheye last year by me. That’ll teach you not to click my links. 🙂

Some of the orchestrations are really lovely too. I sent some to my mother at one point after she commented on my dark musical tastes.

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12 years ago

Some of those are pretty cool, especially the ones in which the artist totally made the song their own instead of simply copying the original version. I’m not really impressed with the girl covering Parabola though. The multiple camera angles tell me that she didn’t do the song in one continous take. She probably did a little piece at a time as TOOL arrangements aren’t exactly the easiest thing to memorize. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a decient drummer but she shouldn’t get extra credit just because she has a vagina. Besides, she looks like Ann Hathaway, yuck!

12 years ago

Vaginas should always be shown due dereference and given extra credit.

12 years ago


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12 years ago

2lizbet – 40 minutes ago  » 
Vaginas should always be shown!


12 years ago

nate – 4 minutes ago  » 

2lizbet – 40 minutes ago  » 
Vaginas should always be shown!


Hahahaha….unless they have fupa….those can stay hidden.

12 years ago

nate – 1 hour ago  »  Some of those are pretty cool, especially the ones in which the artist totally made the song their own instead of simply copying the original version. I’m not really impressed with the girl covering Parabola though. The multiple camera angles tell me that she didn’t do the song in one continous take. She probably did a little piece at a time as TOOL arrangements aren’t exactly the easiest thing to memorize. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a decient drummer but she shouldn’t get extra credit just because she has a vagina. Besides, she looks… Read more »

12 years ago

[quote comment=”51427″] Some of those are pretty cool, especially the ones in which the artist totally made the song their own instead of simply copying the original version. I’m not really impressed with the girl covering Parabola though. The multiple camera angles tell me that she didn’t do the song in one continous take. She probably did a little piece at a time as TOOL arrangements aren’t exactly the easiest thing to memorize. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a decient drummer but she shouldn’t get extra credit just because she has a vagina. Besides, she looks like Ann Hathaway, yuck!… Read more »

12 years ago

Unpopular opinion here, but I personally am not a huge fan of Meytal Cohen’s videos. It’s nothing against her playing, I just feel that a lot of people are interested in her videos because she is attractive rather than her playing ability. Of course, her looks aren’t any fault of hers, but using that trait is. Look at her logo. Read some of the comments on her 2012 resolutions video. There’s definitely a LOT of commentary like this: “…stunning hot.” “The best and most beautiful drummer.” “I could only dream of you…” “my resolution is to worship you.” “my new… Read more »

12 years ago

– To be fair there are many male musicians (especially front men) who enjoy success due in part to the way they look. Sex, drugs, rock n roll. I don’t think you can take the sex out.

Totally agree that gender has nothing to do with musical ability ,although I have yet to see a world class drummer that is female.

12 years ago

There several factors that lead me to believe that girl covering Parabola didn’t play all of the song, and at the very least did it in several takes. Some of those covers are great though.

12 years ago

Care to mention any of those factors?

12 years ago

GaryS – 1 minute ago  » 
Care to mention any of those factors?

The multiple camera angles mean, that it was at the very least more than one take. The fact that her drum work is periodically turned down, the fast snare roll at 3:06 is a dead give away. I am by no means saying I could do better, I couldn’t. I’m just pointing out that, at the very least this was not a single take.

12 years ago

The multiple camera angles have been explained…

12 years ago

[quote comment=”51443″]The multiple camera angles have been explained…[/quote]
Scratch that…I just noticed what you meant by dead give away at 3:06…that is strange. Idk

12 years ago

She was playing drums? I was too busy looking at her boobs.

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12 years ago

admin – 1 hour ago  »  There several factors that lead me to believe that girl covering Parabola didn’t play all of the song, and at the very least did it in several takes. Some of those covers are great though. The video perhaps may be several tapes, but it would take considerable editing skill to mash together the audio component.  Not really difficult at all with these modern DAWs (digital audio workstations). Editing several different takes into one as well as punching in and out of different parts of a track are how most engineers save themselves hours and… Read more »

12 years ago

Aww shit did I get this thread wrong, I was hoping for something for my duvet

12 years ago

I guess I missed the first vid when it was posted before, but wow, greatness… And I’m speechless over the limp bisquick video.

12 years ago

2lizbet – 5 hours ago  »  @James – To be fair there are many male musicians (especially front men) who enjoy success due in part to the way they look. Sex, drugs, rock n roll. I don’t think you can take the sex out. Totally agree that gender has nothing to do with musical ability ,although I have yet to see a world class drummer that is female. Oh, that’s just ridiculous Liz. There are quite a few world class female drummers. Right off the top of my head, two that I’ve seen play live more than once, and can… Read more »

12 years ago

i found this video with a crazy guy covering the entire aenima album

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12 years ago

@ Kittaan You forgot to mention Karen Carpenter. She shredded.

12 years ago

– I’ll check them out and will be very pleased to do so. But what pray tell is so ridiculous about the fact that I have yet to see one of these luminaries perform? 🙂

12 years ago

You’re missing one of the best covers. Someeone just mixed 4 different tool youtube videos together to create this cover. 

12 years ago
12 years ago

2lizbet – 9 hours ago  » 
– I’ll check them out and will be very pleased to do so. But what pray tell is so ridiculous about the fact that I have yet to see one of these luminaries perform? 🙂

I sit corrected. You didn’t say there weren’t any… Point taken.

Let me know what you think.

@ Nate – Yeah, you’re right. Karen Carpenter could play.

12 years ago

Never heard a female drummer I liked. Drumming style typically is not powerful enough. Cohen is okay, but she needs to learn to hit those fucking drums. The Parabola cover is marginal. Danny Carey she is most certainly not.
opiateofthemasses covers Tool better than anyone. Although exact covers bore me. Anyone, if they fuck around with something long enough, can figure out how to reproduce it. What impresses me is when someone takes the original work and reinterprets it into something engaging that stands on it’s own. See ginarae Eulogy cover.

12 years ago

In my opinion, Jessica Haeckel aka GemiiniiRiisiing just has to be included in your top 10 list (and drop 3 or 7). Her voice is just like velvet and, besides her Tool-covers, she has some great songs on her own.

Especially I dig her cover of “H.”:

12 years ago

BTW: When it comes to drums, I dig the drum-covers of MachineGunSmith:  (Pushit)

12 years ago

hahaha…posted above.

collectivejudas29 – 1 day ago  » 
I’ve always enjoyed the covers by Machine Gun Smith. Apparently, he is/was a pool cleaner in Arizona. I don’t know why. It looks like he has his own band now. The editing of this video leaves a little to be desired, but he adds some of his own fills, and he kills it.

12 years ago

Great and quite unknown Grudge acoustic cover:

12 years ago

pd26 – 19 minutes ago  »  Great and quite unknown Grudge acoustic cover: Fuck yeah. Never saw that before (and it’s a couple years old now) but it was powerful and really well done. Despite some obvious pitch issues on the vocals, that dude is talented and has a great sense of rhythm. To be able to sing that while laying down all those combined parts… wow. Good find. BTW, A thought occurred to me: How cool would it be to have some of these folks as an opener for Tool instead of a traditional opening band? I think… Read more »

12 years ago

kittaan – 2 hours ago
BTW, A thought occurred to me: How cool would it be to have some of these folks as an opener for Tool instead of a traditional opening band? I think it would work really fucking well, and they could all play tunes that the band would never whip out live again… I’d dig it.

This was talked about here on 4theye before, no? I’m too tired to dig for it though…

12 years ago

admin – 8 minutes ago  » 
No way. I’d rather see a shitty support act then someone doing Tool covers every time.

Agreed, seems stupid. I also dont think Tool would ever go for it.

12 years ago

Plus, it seems a bit…silly to me to hold covers of the band that’s about to sing.
And these bands opening for them aren’t shitty at all so, I don’t think you’re gonna get bored.

12 years ago

^ I never said the bands were shitty, that was Hellboy… And it was just an idea…. a stupid, silly idea apparently…


You guys are mean, and I’m going to leave now.

…. but like Mog, I’ll be right back, doncha fret.

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