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Tool Revisited part 3: Big Day Out 2011 Tour

Just over a year ago, Tool took to the stage for a series of shows in Australia and New Zealand as part of the Big Day Out Festival as well as a brief stopover in Hawaii.   At the time I started writing an article covering the events of the tour, but never got around to publishing it.  Since Tool have just completed a Winter tour of North America, I thought now would be a great time to complete and revisit this article.  Enjoy!

About a week ago, Tool played the final date of the 2011 Big Day Out tour, which included shows in Hawaii, Auckland, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.  I was lucky enough to see them play at the Music Bowl in Melbourne, and then at the Big Day Out show in Adelaide, and I know many more of you lucky readers were also able to see them.

The tour itself started off in Hawaii, where a large group of Toolarmy & Fourtheye readers from the US congregated for get together, some of whom haven’t been heard from since.  The Tool show there featured the usual range of hits, unusually however starting with Aenima and ending with Stinkfist.  Stinkfist went on to become the regular closer for most of the tour.  The other highlight for fans was Kirk Hammett once again joining Tool on stage, this time for a jam during Lateralus featuring a couple of verses from Orion.  Lasers seemed to be missing from the gig, however that appeared to be only a Hawaiian thing, and they appeared as expected at the first Big Day Out show.

A week later the first BDO show in Auckland, New Zealand.  Following on from a blistering set from Rammstein, Tool played a very similar set to the Hawaii show, swapping Flood for Intolerance.  Reports suggest that it was quite wet on the day, especially during The Patient.

Flood ravaged Queensland was next on Tool’s hitlist where they played two shows, one at the Big Day Out in the Gold Coast, and then the other 100km north in Brisbane.  To some readers surprise (not mine) they played Aenima at both shows, and Flood at the Gold Coast show.  Though they didn’t get Flood, Brisbane fans were treated to You Lied, which featured Justin providing some backing vocals during the tune.  The Brisbane show was pretty highly received both on Fourtheye and in the Tool camp, with Danny’s girlfriend Rynne suggesting it was in her top 5 Tool shows.

Later that week, Tool played back to back shows in Sydney, headlining the two Big Day Outs that took place at the Homebush Showgrounds.  Due to underwhelming ticket sales Day 2 of the Big Day Out was half price, so Tool fans had the opportunity to check them out for a little cheaper than normal if they wanted.  Both shows were a little on the short side (unsurprising being festival sets) but they were treated to several changes in the setlist.  Night one featured The Patient, Intolerance and The Pot, while night two saw You Lied and Flood get a run, as well as the return of Stinkfist to the set.  Someone was thoughtful enough to record one of the sets:

Like Sydney, Tool played two shows in Melbourne, the first being at the Big Day Out, and then the second being a side show at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.  The relatively short Big Day Out set saw them playing The Patient and Flood, while those lucky enough to go to the side show saw Intension, Right In Two, You Lied, as well as Third Eye which was omitted the night before.

Prior to the Melbourne side show, a bunch of Fourtheye readers, as well as a few passers by and one Toolnavy member had a BBQ on the backs of the Yarra.  A good time was had by all!  The Music Bowl is a nice venue, located right in the middle of the Melbourne Parklands.  Most of us who attended the meetup thankfully had seated tickets near the front.  I was lucky enough to get a special ticket which allowed me to go backstage and mingle with other backstage types.  Sadly my phone/camera was flat by this stage, so photo opportunities were limited, but I did get to meet Justin, Rynne and the guys from Jakob (who were the support act for the side shows).  I also saw Danny and Adam around the place, but never got the chance to say hello.  Maynard was nowhere to be seen, having left the venue not long after the show ended so I was told.  I also got to have a short chat with Junior before the show, who was a little grumpy due to the lighting booth being located in a spot with no line of sight to the stage.  Despite that, the lighting seemed to work almost without hitch!

The next show was to be the Adelaide Big Day Out, the second show I planned to catch on this tour.  Being a festival show, I expected it to be a little short an uninteresting.  How wrong I was, as it turned out to be a highlight of the tour!  Playing with Tool on the Big Day Out were German metal act Rammstein, who are well known for their pyrotechnic stage shows.  A drum kit was on stage for the entire Tool show, so I knew something was going to happen, and sure enough during Lateralus Christoph from Rammstein comes out on stage to do his drum solo thing.  With Christoph came Till and Paul also from the band, Till with a flamethrower in hand!  The end result was a smouldering drumkit, and what appeared to be a terrified Adam & Justin and flames lept their way.  Thankfully, it was recorded by the Tool stage crew for our enjoyment!

Not only that, but Tool seemed to perform well past the advertised finishing time, playing what was essentially a full set (though without the usual segues between songs).  Combined with a great Rammstein show before hand, as well as a few other choice acts it was a great Big Day Out.  I also got to chat with Rynne again, and also met Justin’s wife Shelee.  They’d both been to check out Grinderman play on one of the side stages, and were very inpressed by the show Nick Cave & co. put on!

Perth got a similar treatment to Adelaide, with a set longer than the usual festival length, however they weren’t privy to any flaming escapades like my Adelaide brethren.  They were however treated to on of the few playings of 46&2 that tour.

In total, Tool played 14 different songs on the tour:

  • Aenema, Schism, Jambi, Lateralus and Vicarious were played at each show
  • Third Eye was the opener for most shows except a few of the festival dates
  • Stinkfist, EBA/The Patient and Flood were regularly played
  • You Lied, Intension + Right In Two, The Pot and 46&2 were occasionally played

In summary, the whole tour seemed to be a great success.  The band seemed really into it, Maynard’s vocals were of an excellent quality, some older songs were added to the setlist.  On a personal note I think it’s great to see Tool doing more smaller tours here and there.  I think this is probably a sign of things to come, and we will no longer be seeing Tool on the road for months at a stretch.  The only downside now is the inevitable long wait for the next tour…

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13 years ago

Great post Hellboy!

And I have a shirt that looks eerily familiar to that last picture, by the way… (Thanks!)

13 years ago

Was this on the To Do List?

13 years ago

kittaan – 1 hour ago  » 
Great post Hellboy!
And I have a shirt that looks eerily familiar to that last picture, by the way… (Thanks!)

Wasnt it you Kittaan that won the rigged 4thEye t-shirt giveaway? 😉


Busty McCracken
12 years ago

Procastinators unite!!! starting tomorrow..

Does anyone here know if a torrent link has been put up of the reamstered BDO sydney night 2 show?

12 years ago

february 2nd was one of the best nights of my life  \m/

12 years ago

yep it was a great tour thats for sure. As i’ve mentioned before the last 2 1/2 hours of the Auckland BDO were very special. Very lucky to see them in Brisbane too. Seats were not great and we couldnt see all the screens which somewhat took away from the whole experience.

12 years ago

I enjoyed TOOL at the 2011 Auckland BDO but felt something was was lacking a little compared to the other times I had seen them. Keeping audience attention and energy levels following Ramstein’s fire filled spectacle was never going to be easy and it did appeared that many people left the main stage area during TOOLs set. The weather certainly didn’t help, and I found after spending 8 hours in large crowds at the venue I was struggling a little with my own energy levels. Afterwards I found myself defending the set to people who found it boring but that’s… Read more »

12 years ago

Keeping audience attention and energy levels following Ramstein’s fire filled spectacle was never going to be easy and it did appeared that many people left the main stage area during TOOLs set. The weather certainly didn’t help, and I found after spending 8 hours in large crowds at the venue I was struggling a little with my own energy levels. Afterwards I found myself defending the set to people who found it boring but that’s a fans job isn’t it? Haha. Once again, them following Ramstein was never going to make it easy to hold everyone attention.[i] yea i hear… Read more »

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

Tool is not a festival band at all in my opinion. And like ya say, following a high energy performance like Rammstein is gonna be hard for any band, let alone Tool, who’s live show is pretty much in complete opposites with Rammstein.

Tool’s Gold Coast BDO show, left me saddended wndering what had happened to my favourite band, but then the following night at their sideshow, they completely redeemed themselves. So they were on their game 12 months ago, just struggle at a festival that had sound issues etc me thinks.

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

Yeah I am somewhat contradictive coz I did love their Sydney night 2 BDO show last yea. But as mentioned before, that was an unplanned random plane trip from Cairns on the morning of the show, so I’ve always assumed that the randomness of it is what made it so good.

Agree that Sydney 07 Ent Centre blew following nights BDO out of the water though. Especially seeing as they played Swamp Song. :p

12 years ago

I agree Hellboy that Adelaide BDO show was kick ass but also better IMO than the Brisbane side show.

The 2007 BDO Adelaiade show was probably one of my favourite concert experiences ever.
I’m not really sure that I agree with them not being a festival band. Sure there is something nice about seeing a band you love with all like minded people (I’m sure that can add something to the experience)but I don’t see that they are diminished in a festival setting. They are one of the great headline acts.

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

Maybe the smaller scaled down effect helps also?

Gold Caost BDO isn’t exactly tiny, but they were plagued with sound issues last year & they’re performance suffered as a result. Where as the 2nd BDO show in Sydney wasn’t sold out so was a more chilled out vibe than the enormity of a sold out Sydney Show like i saw in 7.

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

I’ll have a go at that.

1: Sydney Ent Centre 2001
2: Sydney Ent Centre 2002
3: Brisbane Ent Centre 2011
4: SYdney Ent Centre 2007
5: Sydnney bDO 2011
6: Sydney BDO 2007
7: Gold coast bDO 2011

Sadly there is a distinct lack of 95 era shows for me 🙁

12 years ago

Just a distinct lack of shows for me. 🙁

1. Adealaide BDO 2007
2. Adelaide BDO 2011
3. Brisbane Ent Center 2011

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

To me both Sydney shows in 01 & 02 I couldn’t really separate. 01 was my first tool show & they played salival version Pushit but 02 was probably just a better show & they opened with Flood. Both were mind numbingly fucking amazing in my mind!

12 years ago

alrighty then, my turn….

1. Wellington TSB Arena 2002
2. Auckland BDO 2011
3. Brixton Academy London 2011
4. Brisbane Sideshow 2011
5. Auckland BDO 2007
6. Wellington Town Hall 1997 (too drunk to fully remember and appreciate what i had just witnessed)

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

Night 1 I missed & they played standard version of Pushit & off memory a mate said Eulogy as well?? I sadly missed that show and got floor tix to night 2 where they played Salival version. Remember it vividly as I was by myself, sober as a judge & a bloke next to me pulled out a pipe during Pushit, so I asked to borrow it & ripped off a bud from my own stash & had a pipe around the 7 minute mark. I’ve never sat down for a Tool show, I really should just to take the… Read more »

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

I’ll probably get floor tickets when they return again & continue bitching that I really should get seat tickets some time. haha.

Luckily, I have a great record of getting floor tix to every show I’ve ever attended except for RATM at Sydney Ent Centre which sucked. Man I wanted to be down there, the atmosphere looked fucking amazing! Mind you, the atmosphere wasn’t exactly shit where I was sitting..

12 years ago

i’m average height and have had seats at 5 of my 6 gigs. i’ve only ever had to sit down twice. First at my solo mission to Brixton Academy but sat with a cool couple and had really great time. Second at Brisbane sideshow which kinda sucked cos we had shitty seats as well, which is why that show is rated second to last. The only time i’ve been standing was BDO 07 and i couldnt see jackshit.

i really am in two minds whether i’ll get seats or standing tickets next time…..

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

dickleiper – 8 minutes ago  » 
. The only time i’ve been standing was BDO 07 and i couldnt see jackshit.

Don’t worry, ya didn’t miss much..

Do you try get up as close as possible to the stage or stand back a bit on the floor??

12 years ago

Don’t worry, ya didn’t miss much..
Do you try get up as close as possible to the stage or stand back a bit on the floor??

i was about midway from the back of the field at Mt Smart to the stage. if i stood on tip toes i could just see maynard. my mates who were all down the back by the drinking enclosure said they had good views from there. It was sold out that year and just too many people for me i think.

12 years ago

Busty McCracken – 43 minutes ago  »  I’ve never sat down for a Tool show, I really should just to take the whole show in a bit better. Said I was going to do it when I bought Brisbane tix last year, but couldnt help myself & got floor in the end. DON’T DO IT! We had great seats for Brisbane and could see everything, Worst fucking ticket decision I ever made. I’m only 5 ft so I thought I might enjoy being able to take in more of the visuals. Fuck that, it’s just decoration in the end I’ll… Read more »

Busty McCracken
12 years ago

2lizbet – 45 minutes ago  »  DON’T DO IT! We had great seats for Brisbane and could see everything, Worst fucking ticket decision I ever made. I’m only 5 ft so I thought I might enjoy being able to take in more of the visuals. Fuck that, it’s just decoration in the end I’ll stand in front up close to feel and hear the music better anyday. Well that just about settles that then.. Haha. A@dickleiper, I was gonna say if you’re on the floor, just keep walking back & eventually you should find a good view. I’m just shy… Read more »

12 years ago

Hotdog – 2 days ago  » 

kittaan – 1 hour ago  » 
Great post Hellboy!
And I have a shirt that looks eerily familiar to that last picture, by the way… (Thanks!)

Wasnt it you Kittaan that won the rigged 4thEye t-shirt giveaway? 😉

How dare you call Hellboy’s integrity into question like that?!?

Yep. 8`)

12 years ago

^ Everyone but me, that is. I was anything but horrified. I never win diddly.

Come to think of it, I’m an ungrateful fuckwad… I just realized I never even posted a pic as you requested. I’ll have to make that happen.

12 years ago

admin – 1 day ago  » 
I agree with you guys about Tool not being a festival band.  For me their show in 2007 at the Sydney Big Day Out was disappointed, especially in comparison to the sideshow they did the night before.
That said the Adelaide Big Day Out show was fantastic, and it was just as good as the Melbourne sideshow a couple of days prior. 

maybe not a festival band anymore, but my earlier experiences, pre-silent maynard, post-aenima, seeing them at lolla and ozzfest were nothing short of fantastic

12 years ago

I went to the second day of the Big Day Out in Sydney.

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