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Omaha GO Interview with Maynard

I stumbled across this interview today, by Kevin Coffey from Omaha GO, where he talks to Maynard about a range of mainly Puscifer related topics:

Q. I really liked the harmonies with Carina Round. Your voices fit together really well. How did that come together.

A. Most of it, I would just riff with myself. Just kind of come up with harmonies. Wherever I was super stuck I’d just have to walk away and get some perspective and hand it over to her. I’d hand it over to her, which was probably preferable in the beginning anyway. (laughs)

Before you ask, there isn’t any Tool or A Perfect Circle updates in the interview except for the standard “I’m only working on one thing at a time” line.


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12 years ago

“Before you ask, there isn’t any Tool or A Perfect Circle updates in the interview except for the standard “I’m only working on one thing at a time” line.”

So then post about this nonsense somewhere else.

12 years ago

The “I’m only working on one thing at a time” line contrasts with the “I am multitasking line” quoted from his facebook account.

12 years ago

I hope you’re right about Tool going in the studio this summer.

12 years ago

hey lurked the board for a few years, thought Id chime in.
saw the Pus. in K.C. last night, seeing them in Omahole tonight.
Its amazing how some of you cream all over Tool (sure they are greatta)
but Pus. is also amazing. Give the “tool is the only band” crap a rest.
It gets old, or maybe im just not 15 anymore. Thx. from Lincoln.

12 years ago

heres your full article, if anyone wants to buy the original newspaper article from me
ill be gladly to see it for $2,500 and three signed oranges.

12 years ago

Q. Lastly, when will we hear anything from Tool or A Perfect Circle?

A. Currently, I’m really focusing on this. This is the thing that’s actually happening and it’s delivering.
I’m sure those other things will catch up with themselves.

Mass Deception
Mass Deception
12 years ago

Tell em Hell Boy!! 🙂
I am tired of the negative a$$ holes that claim to be fans but are clueless.

12 years ago

I’m not crapping on anything. I’m seeing PUSCIFER in SF next week. I think Maynard performs great in that band, because he’s interested. Although, he also was great on the last Tool tour too.

I just happened to be eager to hear what the new Tool will sound like. It’s one of the only bands left that is surprising anymore.

12 years ago

Whoa first off I was kidding. And fuck you Mass Dep. I’m a clueless asshole because I’m not all over may may’s nuts for whatever SIDE project he’s doing?

And Thanks Hellboy but I think I’ll delete my own account when I’m ready.

12 years ago

Also pus. is simply not good. Sometimes art is hit or miss. and this is a miss for me.

12 years ago

Opinions are fine, telling me what I should or shouldn’t be posting isn’t.This ain’t a democracy!

Fair. It’s not very clear that my post is just messing around. But clearly I don’t think I can tell you want to do on your own site.
And sorry about my snippy 1st response. Mass. dep calling me an asshole really pushed my buttons.

12 years ago

Seems I find myself on this site more often to laugh at butt-hurt users than to get valid information. Either way, it’s a fun community to be a part of 🙂 I’m excited to hear what material tool comes out with as well. I think it’s a bit drastic to say that they’re “one of the only bands left that is surprising anymore” though. Stinkfist, 46&2, Schism, Lateralus, Jambi…every show for 6 years…not surprised. Not complaining either. The whole “side project” horse has little life left to have beaten out of it. Seems tool has been the “side project” for… Read more »

12 years ago


I just meant that a new Tool album is always surprising (not live shows) because each one is very different. MOST bands are nothing like that at all. I can pretty much predict what a new album from most bands will sound like.

Mass Deception
Mass Deception
12 years ago

It’s all good skute, I was not just calling you an A$$ hole rather all the negative drones on here that would rather post insults and ridiculous rants without ever adding anything of value or intelligence to the site. I could care less if people like Maynard or not, I just can’t stand the ignorant dribble that some people like to post.. If I wanted to read trolls ranting like morons I would go to any of the other ridiculous media outlets out there. Sorry but I did and do expect a little more thought and insight from supposed tool… Read more »

12 years ago

Couldn’t agree more. 10kDays was a pleasant surprise for me. Even if not everyone enjoyed the direction they took it, at least it was a new direction. Huzzah for forward motion!

12 years ago

Every album has its own direction I’m sure the next one will do the same.

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